Local Fulham Residents Meeting

Discussion in 'Fulham FC News and Notes' started by americanmike, Oct 25, 2007.

  1. americanmike

    americanmike Administrator

    Dec 30, 2004
    Even though most of you are in America, I always think it's imperative to share the 'local' things that affect the club which you don't read online or in newspapers.

    Fulham meet with local residents every quarter to discuss the stadium, policies on match day, etc. Here is a synopsis of last nights meeting. I'd love to hear your comments.

    From TFI (thanks Spigs):

    I attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by David McNally with Harley Evans, Sarah Brookes and one other representing the club. It was cordial as you would hope and expect and some of the residents points will be investigated.

    The drawings were available for inspection and the club outlined their thinking and direction. These are just some very quick points from last night in muddled order at present:

    - The club feel that they need a minimum of 30K fans for it to become self financing which is the Chairman's aim. Current capacity is actually 25,500 and not 24K odd as often quoted.

    - Ambitions are to become a top 10 club.

    - Riverside walk to be open except on match days. Times etc to be decided

    - Bishops Park gates near Riverside Stand will be erected for egress to avoid post match congestion in Stevenage Road.

    - The club are giving the council £1M over 3 years for specific use on Bishops Park (BP). The council will solely decide on its use and FFC are not involved beyond offering the money. Residents can discuss with councillors what they would like to see.

    - A local resident felt that the sum was insufficient. A local councillor pointed out that it equated to what Abramovich had paid the council when the filth erected the West Stand (NB. Aside. Hmm! If they accept £1m from a billionaire, a millionaire has overpaid if it is the same amount Smile

    - Once they knew that the current stands would not be taller or changed to restrict light, etc, I found the main concern of residents a little surprising as it centred around the egress into BP and wear and tear damage. My own view is that it is largely born from suspicions that the club still has designs on part of the BP area, which I believe to be unfounded. It is, however, understandable given the botched lack of consultation and PR from a person no longer at Fulham FC when looking to intall astroturf pitches there.

    - DM went to great pains to point out to residents that FFC were at home on 23 days on average out of 365 and that there needed to be give and take on both sides and that FFC would listen to their concerns but has the usual needs and demands of any business.

    - Average No Shows per FFC games, in common with other Premiership clubs (Pro Rata) is 2000.

    I should add that most residents aired a few genuine concerns which can be addressed to their satisfaction. The only two riduculous comments of note were an elderly french accented lady saying that You spoil her life adding that she could not receive guests between 11 and 7 on match days. She had lived in Stevenage Road for 35 years. The other stupid comment was I don't see why we should indulge a rich man's play thing which was not worthy of comment.

    However it should be said that the majority of residents were genuinely interested in how it would impact their lives. It is a fair concern but I think that the club handled the night well. To provide some balance, the new cafe, Riverside walk and improved look from across the river at the re-profiled Riverside stand were welcomed, as are the club's openess in dialogue with the residents.

    This is very brief but I will try to answer any other points if I can.
  2. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    as someone who regulary attends city council meetings, I was interested to see how this works. Often these meetings are taken over by malcontents who have had the same axe to grind for 50 years. What you're describing seems like a productive get-together. The club apparently wants to be a contributing member of the community.

    thanks for posting, Mikey.
  3. ChicagoTom

    ChicagoTom Administrator

    Dec 30, 2004
    Some interesting points. Nice to hear the club say publically that the Top 10 is the goal and that they want to be self sufficient. These are much easier said than done, but having goals and ambition is a start.
  4. BC

    BC New Member

    Jul 30, 2006
    Decatur, IL
    Thanks, Mike, for the post. It's great to hear these sort of things that we wouldn't find elsewhere. I find it admirable that FFC meets with the residents like that. Good on them.
  5. Martin-in-Nashville

    Martin-in-Nashville New Member

    Feb 2, 2005
    Smyrna TN
    You know what really pi33es me off when I read this crap and what residents what and what they dont want from Fulham FC is the Club has been around for well over 100 years NONE Of those residents where living in those houses when that happened, why did any of them BUY a house in the surrounding areas and then have a moan like "she cant recieve guests between 11 and 7 on match days" you know what French B$#h F%$k off back to France and do your moaning there.

    I get so irate (can you tell) when I read this crap, DONT Buy a house next to a Football club next time, get your eyes tested and a better solicitor to do the search.

    I can remember as a kid walking to Craven Cottage and some local residents (right next to the gorund I might add) would let you park your bike in the back yard charge you sixpence (About 3 cents to you lot) and look after your bike while you went to the match, now all they do is moan and bitch about the noise.
  6. americanmike

    americanmike Administrator

    Dec 30, 2004
    More about the meeting with the local residents:

    Thanks Spigs (TFI):

    Sorry guys - work got in the way of replying earlier today

    Taking the points raised in no particular order:

    1. The extra capacity will come from the removal of boxes in the Riverside and the relocation of the kitchen and serving areas under the stand. FFC will dig down under the front part of the stand to provide more space. I did not have time to look at the plans in any minute detail.

    2. My apologies for lack of clarity re No Shows The average amount to FFC is 2000 per game over the season. I understand this to include corporate guests and, presumably, some complementaries. The reference to Pro Rata means that it is in step with the Premiership i.e an average of 2000 is when you compare tickets sold/ complimentary tickets for each game the Fulham figure is 2000. If we say that our average gate per game is about 22,500, it represents about 8% - 9%. All the other premiership clubs will have approximately a similar 8% to 9% i]No Show.[/i]As it includes corporate it aprt answers who pays that sort of money and doesn't attend.

    3.BB asked, "Did you or any other Fulham fan that was there make a note of the Planning Application details or ref. no.??? I would be 'very' interested in the details "- I am sorry I did not note the planning application reference no.

    4. To The Doctor asked about the two irrational residents - "one of the two people to whom I refered would have difficulty in understanding anything or anyone beyond her own self important ego."

    5. Jay Block asked about the chance if we got relegated and if the plasn would go through - That very question was raised and David McNally answered that the plans would go ahead even if we were relegated, not that we even seriously contemplated relegation. He added that if that happened, and he added that he didn't for 1 minute believe it would, Fulham would look to bounce straight back up in 1 season. I read the relegation comment not as false bravado and the fighting talk that you expect from your CEO but more a contingency plan type of thinking, even if not fully formulated. It was clear from other comments made that Mo and the board were unhappy at the way this season is unfolding on the pitch but that is no surprise.

    5. HBB asked about the concern from residents that the park and the increased wear and tear due to increased capacity - I think that you are right although the current arguments revolved around wear and tear of the park with visions of thousands of people trampling over everywhere. The reality is that there will not be thousands of extra people trampling over the park. I love that park and spent most of my early years palying in that park often morning noon and night when permitted. As an old friend and still a staunch Fulham supporting resident confirmed, the only known unsavoury incident was back in the late 60s or early 70s when West Ham fans destroyed a number of flower beds. Unfortunately, he said it as an aside as it was not raised at the open meeting for the newer Fulham residents.

    6. White Noise asked about when the work would take place - the work is intended to be carried out over the closed season of 2 consecutive seasons from May to August in 2008 and 2009.

    Other snippets:

    1. There will be no increase in capacity in the Johnny Haynes stand. The fascade of this Grade 2 listed building will not be altered

    2. A statue to the Maestro will be commissioned - no specific details on that. Would suggest that folk ask the FST who are involved but I don't have a clue as to what the chairman is doing.

    3. The Riverside stand will not change in height or length although there will be minimal profile changes and 2 extra lounges underneath the stand. The first floor lounges will be glazed from floor to ceiling and there will be new toilet and catering facilities. Some hospitality boxes will be moved to the Johnny Haynes stand.

    4. An average of 700 people are employed on matchdays.

    5. The Community Trust will be involved in the area on an anti obesity programme aimed at children, be involved with various authorities in tackling anti social behaviour and criime and involved with the council in a tennis community programme. Over 200,000 people have benefited from their work over the last year. DMc was quite rightly proud to report that our players had put in more community work based appearances than any other Premiership club/
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