Liberals schedule tax cuts 'to spur the economy'

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Nov 15, 2005.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    This just in:
    ...income-tax rate reductions, a restoration of $2.3-billion in corporate tax cuts that were stripped from the February, 2005, budget
    - This because of a 12 Billion dollar surplus on Canada's books... could it be because of its neighbors economy bleeding over? Surely not.. we are all on an island, of course.

    But there's some bad news, as well.... Canuck Libs have found that position papers and well placed plans arent really 'all-that'.

    While publicly crowing and carping about the US shunning of Kyoto, the embarrassing facts come out that Canadians havent really done anythiing lately on Pollution Reduction
    Well, the sister of "it's not the facts in evidence, it's the seriousness of the charge" is "it's not the result that counts, so much as the paper trail of the effort"

    Watchword: The Canadian dollar is currently floundering; this is the connector between the federal budget surplus and the high corporate tax rate. Canadian companies get the benefit of the US economy whatever the tax rate on them.... but something has to give.

    And that would, in this case, be the Canadian Dollar... paltry as the corporate tax cut is, look for the C$ to strengthen when that happens.

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