Lame Duck; Lame Reporting

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HatterDon, Jan 4, 2009.

  1. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    So, HatterMom taped CBS Sunday Morning for me this morning and I just got finished watching it. They did a segment on George W. Bush as being the "lame duck" and how "confused people are over who the president is."

    Well, I'm amused [but not amazed] to discover that CBS News doesn't understand how our system of government works, but here's what I'd tell them if they'd shut up long enough to ask me:

    1. We don't have an immediate change of government like Britain or Israel or France or Canada do because we don't have a parliamentary system with a "shadow government" like they do. We don't have a full-time leader of the opposition who takes power WITH HIS CABINET ALREADY INTACT once election results are known. How can they do this? Because every voter in a parliamentary election knows who all the cabinet ministers will be the day after the election long before election day. We don't do it that way. It should be easier to understand our system than, say, England's system -- ESPECIALLY FOR PEOPLE WHOSE JOB IT IS TO REPORT ON OUR SYSTEM EVERY FRIGGIN' DAY, but I suppose I'm asking too much.

    2. We DO have one president at a time. It's George W. Bush at the moment. Once Barack Obama is sworn in, HE'LL be the president. Until then, George W. Bush is. Assuming that everyone who reads this can understand that, could you guys deputize someone to inform CBS, NBC, FOX, ABC, CNN, The Washington Post, The New York Times, and The Wall Street Journal? Because all of them are killing trees and torturing electrons pretending that we ignant peeples DON'T know.

    3. How do I know that George W. Bush is the president? Well, first because I have a passing knowledge of the US Constitution and how our government works -- something the news media at least PRETENDS that they don't know. Second of all, because -- although CBS and their electronic and print brothers pretend it isn't true -- this isn't a unique situation. All of this happened 8 years ago, and 4 years before that, and 8 years before that, and 4 years before that, etc. etc. This has happened every time a sitting president has either been term limited, defeated in a quest for re-election, or decided not to run again. How long has that been happening? SINCE FRIGGIN 1800! Why are we pretending this is new?

    4. Oh, I also know who is president because of who is busily seeing about the people's business in Israel, Iraq, Afghanistan, Wall Street, Detroit, and because I know who is carrying the launch codes. Is there anyone reading this who DOESN'T KNOW that the person in all these situations is George W. Bush? If anyone is about to answer yes, STOP WATCHING CBS and read The Constitution.

    In a week or so, the continuing miracle that is The United States of America will have its crysalis moment. Ideological opposites will salute each other on the dias where the person who has sworn to almighty god to support and defend the Constitution of the United States for the past eight years will willingly surrender the most devastating power the planet has ever known to another person who will then make the same solemn pledge before god. AND EACH OF THEM WILL ACTUALLY MEAN IT.

    And if 200+ years of this putting country over self isn't enough evidence that he already has many, many, many times over, god bless America.

    Oh, and CBS News, read a damn 8th grade civics book!
  2. IanHux

    IanHux New Member

    Jan 27, 2008
    Seattle, WA
    Now only if there was some way we could get those same reporters to come look at Don's post. We might actually get a raised eyebrow out of them.
  3. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Not only do I agree with Don, I was going to post much the same view... but I'm SO FUCKING PISSED OFF at both the media and the idiot Obamessiah supporters I probably dare not...

  4. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    hmmmmm; deja vu
  5. SoCalJoe

    SoCalJoe Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2006
    Walnut, CA
    Fog, now that is the definition of killing two birds with one stone. 8)
  6. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Everything's connected. Witness all the brouhaha over seating Burris!

    Let's cut to the chase. Focussing on drama in the Senate with all sorts of can he cant he... goes beyond

    1. Blago was well within his constitutional rights to appoint Burris. He has not been indicted.. INNOCENT UNTIL AT LEAST IMPEACHED or indicted!!!!!!
    - dont get me started on what a circle jerk THAT is!

    2. Reid is ABSOLUTELY right to refuse Burris the seat. The IL secy of State has not certified him.
    If Reid accepts him without IL cert .. THAT is unconstitutional.

    3. Now we come down to whether IL has right to refuse certification. It's an appointment NOT election!!!! He has no right to refuse it, IMO.

    But we're seeing Dems and the media working to do what some funders want... making a mockery of the US political process.

    We could address whether a KLOWN elected as a joke in MN should be seated but that's another thread.[​IMG]
  7. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Interestingly, John Cornyn (R-RNC) has made the same statements about Bozo that Reid has made about Burris: "Until the MN Secretary of State and Governor certify the election, we're going to stop him from being seated."

    It's fun to watch old rich white guys stamp their proverbial feet.
  8. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    I take it, then... reading between the lines... Don approves of Franken over Coleman.

    I gotta be clear... Franken won. The election should NOT even have been close. Screwing around with mystery votes, like more votes counted in some precincts than voters signed in, doesnt overcome that fact.

    MN voters might deserve what they get. The rest of us DONT.
  9. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    just read the lines, 'fog. I live in Texas. I don't give a good crap who they vote into the senate. Judging from their gubenatorial selection a few years back, I don't think they give a good crap either. Coleman seems a decent sort; most MN Republicans impressed me as decent sorts when I used to spend several weeks a year up there on business.

    My only bitch in my last post was that Cornyn has replaced Phil Gramm as a Texas senator whose main job is to be a senate Republican, rather than a Texas senator. Kay Bailey Hutchinson is now our only senator; the other represents the RNC.
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