Kwame resigns

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Sep 4, 2008.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    While the MSM goes after anything they dig up on Palin, THIS is the germ pointing out what McCain/Palin can give us real change on.
    There wont be THREE separate articles on NYT page 1 about this.

    Dissing Kwame for this 'entitled' mentality, btw, is by no means 'racist' though that is what will be leveled for anyone pointing this out.

    He was installed and supported by the old boys. He thought he could get away with anything, the rules didnt apply. And sooner or later those using that largesse step out of bounds and dont even realize it.
  2. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    The Detroit Free Press isn't part of the MSM?

    Oh, and if Kilpatrick was on the ticket, I think there'd be THREE separate articles in the NYT page 1 about it.

    And you probably think so too.

    So, just so I understand you correctly. A McCain/Palin administration will somehow guarantee that a corrupt politician won't become mayor of Detroit? Really? Is this an indictment of the Bush Administration's failure to control the Detroit mayoral election?

    Sometimes, you make even less sense than usual. This is one of those times.
  3. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    You know damn well what I meant. And I shouldnt have to explain it.

    This has been a Detroit scandal now for months, you have to listen to WJR or read freep online to know what's happening, and scant coverage nationwide... what if he'd been Republican? A BLACK republican?
  4. FulhamAg

    FulhamAg New Member

    Apr 5, 2008
    San Antonio, Texas
    No offense, Fog, but do you realize how often you say that? Might have to start a drinking game on that one.
  5. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    By the way, I have four news sites on my home page, CNN, MSNBC, Reuters, and Yahoo. All four of them have this story in their top five. I understand that "main stream media" means "left-wing bias" in the NEOCON codeword converter, but you really have to stretch yourself to consider this STORY "ignored by the MSM."

    Finally, print media have a confined space within which to report news and commentary. 24 hour news channels have the opposite problem. This results in the latter's over-emphasis on minutiae and, frankly, idiocy -- for example "Palin knows a lot about foreign policy; look how close to Russia Alaska is."

    The fact that FoxNews spent a 36-hour news cycle focusing on Barak and Michelle's "terrorist bump" and the New York Times and Washington Post didn't devote more than a paragraph to the gesture is NOT indicitive of bias. It just means that the MSM has real news to report, and real news is NOT what a bunch of paid partisan talking heads conjure up in front of a TV camera.
  6. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    This is a major scandal, has been for months... that is my point. Don Counters by saying it's all over his pc and tv right now...but it hasnt been anywhere but michigan until now.

    This is yet another of those 'I categorically deny having sex with that woman' which led to more and more digging of his own holes until he was put on a 'house arrest' type deal and then broke the deal, thinking it was just a little thing.

    All human natural quirks, where a little honesty in the first place would have kept the lid on, boiling over just a little.
    My REAL point was the 'entitlement sense of the elected elite' because that's what caused all the 'denial'.

    And of course Palin isnt going to go around looking for this stuff. The idea is that it's better to have the idea that 'business as usual' crap wont fly. Which she certainly knows from her own experience... better just do your job right and not cut corners, and fess up when you're in a sticky place.
    Ah, hope springs eternal.

    But.. on look back, I should have just posted without comment. That's the safe thing to do.
  7. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Fog, this IS a major scandal ... to the taxpayers of Detroit, and big news to other people in the north. Kilpatrick's doings would only have been worthy of national overcovering if it had been a sex scandal. The fact that Palin's behavior is more closely scrutinized by a non-Detroit newspaper than Kilpatrick's is simply down to this: Kilpatrick was responsible to the citizens of Detroit. Palin may very well be responsible to the citizens of the whole damned country. Nobody knew who she was until a week ago. There's going to be stories covering her middle school gym grades, for god's sake. It's not because she's a woman; it's not because she's a Republican. It's because she's (a) candidate for the 2nd most powerful position in the world and because she's (b) an unknown quantity. People need to find out who she is.

    Calmate, primo!
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