
Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Nov 11, 2009.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    I aint never gonna forget this or fail to point out how stupid people are for trusting libs and democrats on anything to do with personal freedoms.

    Or fail to point out that a lefty blamed the USSC conservative justices when I first commented on it.

    Kelo's Ghost Town

    * Get that?!!! The decision was NOT based on legal precedent, or even usual and customary grounds, it was judicial activism 'on the precept of for the common good'!!

    Now.. How much tax revenue do you think New London is getting on the properties?
    It's now undeveloped commercial land.
  2. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    this still makes me chuckle. Liberals and Democrats are at the forefront in manipulating legislatures and courts to enrich large commercial enterprises? Really?

    This is the same group of people that you've told us over and over
    a. hates private enterprise
    b. wants to nationalize everything AND
    c. is a stalking horse for socialism

    If you squint just a little, don't you see some contradiction there?

    Fess up, your mailing address may be in Ohio, but you really live in Bizarro Universe, right?
  3. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Do you REALLY want me to explain it?

    I already have, several times!!!!

    Do you REALLY think we think you're that freakin stupid? Or do you think I'm that stupid?

    You've shown time and again that you have an uncanny ability for analysis of underlying elements, including human-natural response to situational issues, EXCEPT on anything having to do with politics where you repeatedly come up with this lame-brained, union-hall bullshit meme!

    There is no 'contradiction' - You control it, you own it! Follow the money.. PERIOD!
    Not limited to Democrats, of course... just shows the hypocrisy, extent.
    This being not directly relevent, but related.
  4. FFC24

    FFC24 New Member

    Jan 6, 2005
    I agree with Hatter. How you can claim SOCIALISM! And then post something like this is beyond me. Maybe you should send some of your peyote my way.

    I disagree with the ruling. The only people I see this affecting is people that aren't really even petty bourgeoisie. Why should some hardworking person lose everything for "the common good"? They shouldn't.
  5. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    I also disagree with the ruling, 24. I live in a community where everything bows down to a single sector of the economy that has held too much political power since the end of WWII. I think it is horrible when legislatures and courts rubber-stamp corporate sweetheart deals for tax abatements and private property takings.

    I also know that socialists aren't in the business of enriching these land developers here nor are they in the business of enriching Pfizer in CT.

    And, yes, 'fog; there are many times that I think you MUST be that stupid. Failing that, you are the most predictably deluded person I've met recetly. Somewhere along the line you've learned the entire syllogism tango.

    Step 1 -- Everything about socialism is bad
    Step 2 -- Democrats and liberals are in favor of socialism
    Step 3 -- Somce everything about socialism is bad, then everything bad MUST be as the result of socialism.
    Step 4 -- Ergo: everything bad that happens is the fault of Democrats and liberals.
  6. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    WTF? You want to point out where I said 'socialism'? I merely point out that it was Dems and Libs and the 'Liberal Court'. Sure's hell wasnt Conservatives that did it. Could easily have been 'Republican Moderates' though.
    *That brings up an interesting point: what's your definition?

    - lives on inherited money/stocks and bonds income?
    - Owns a shop or small business?
    - Owns several low-rent properties?
    - Owns own house?
    - Owns a car?
    - Owns a cow?

    I mean it seems to vary depending on who considers their ox being gored.
  7. FFC24

    FFC24 New Member

    Jan 6, 2005
    Petty bourgeoisie is somebody who is almost certainly part of the professional class or is a small business owner. Owning a home doesn't mean you're upper middle class as I know many working class home owners. Really that term is something that I use often and can he interchangeable with upper middle class of you'd like.

    Where have you mentioned socialism? Just about every thread about democrats. I'm just pointing out that you contradict yourself here. Again, a simple reading of Bakunin'Marx or Proudhon would do wonders.
  8. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    No... evidently it fucks up your head.

    Theory is what did your sense of logic in. I deal with reality, the real results of the theory of 'Greater Good'.. and the reality is that the government took away for the benefit of themselves and their friends.
    We are talking about THIS issue, and the obvious slippery slope of property confiscation.
    - important to understand they WERE compensated, but with the government determined value. They had no choice, and it was for the benefit of a private concern on the premise of increased taxes.
    so, if some of those people actually HAD a small business, it might have been warranted because they were 'rich enough'?
    Ever hear the term 'Equal Protection under the law'?
    I stand exactly on what I said.. and I am the moderate here... not someone who makes excuses for bad actors.

    i'm gonna repeat ONE MORE TIME... if you have absolute control over something, what difference does it make whether you own it or not?

    You keep conflating state ownership and socialism, I dont give a fuck WHAT books you've read, it's control that counts.. the added political advantage is that you have convenient scapegoats for bad results.

    Let's look at what America's Greatest contemporary philosopher has to say about political {or any other} theory:

    - Yogi Berra

    Neither of you have addressed my point that control of an enterprise is what counts, not the titular owner. Thus, in this case, you can lay the blame on 'Corporatism' for the 'unintended consequence'.
    Yet, the results in New London might have been even worse if the city owned the development itself. Or it might already be mostly complete.

    One faction would point to that, the other might point out that a small seed investment in the private owners might have upgraded the residential neighborhoods.
  9. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Same meme as an 8th grade social advocate! An attempt to isolate and ridicule despite evidence past stating otherwise.
    Essential National and Community ownership/operation:
    * water and sewer utilities, power and energy management
    * Police and Fire
    * Streets and Roads
    * Schools - not to exclude private schools
    * Property Zoning
    * Interstate Highway systems {Should have included Railbeds, in fact}
    * Airspace control (FAA)
    * State and national military
    * Monetary systems/ Treasury/ Financial Oversight
    * income and health services safety net
    * Legal Review Authority

    Did I miss any?

    Now let's debate whether or not any of those services should be subject to influence for political gain? That is... should they reach down to the private citizen in order to create a dependent class?

    We could go back to creation of the Social Security System, couldnt we. could we use the wayback machine to listen to the solemn vows of our elected that those taxes collected would be available when needed.

    If this is about me and I am stupid.. perhaps you can explain away my attitude on China, and US trade with. Perhaps you can explain away my stupid attitude and views on dealing with Cuba.
    Oh, I know you understand my views on those topics... but you wont comment on them. Neither will you explain your previous written encouragement to Ron Paul supporters, or your attacks on Dubya on everything except illegals amnesty.

    I know you know that my position is centered on creation of dependency classes. I know you know I castigated PaleoCons/ Taft {now, Buchanan and Paul} Republicans for the 'income head of household' clauses in the Great Society Programs... but you wont bring that up. Will you.

    Because it's the direction of the nation that counts...not the snapshot state of the nation. While you're at it... please explain away your lack of input on issues when I post such as this?

    This was an affront on the customary concept of 'Eminent Domain', that we learned in middle school - that it would only be used for tangible projects such as road, rail and utilities that served the entire community.

    Never for Walmarts and never for Tax revenue increases.
  10. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Kelo > Town without vote

    Back to the topic:
    .. or they could'a just sold New London to Pfizer for a buck!

    Think that's a weird idea? Consider Ave Maria, Fl. Purpose built town chartered by specific act of Florida Legislation, and run like a company or sorta a Condo or Neighborhood assoc.. in perpetuity. Or would that be a fiefdom?
    Town without a vote. Forever

    I'm torn. It's new, it's purpose built. You SHOULD know what you're getting when you move in. Dont like it - leave. Not like you had your prior lease dissolved and confiscated.
    OTOH.. no voice 'Forever'?

    Whatever.. it seems to be a common sense idea that this sort of municipal incorporation is gonna end up in the USSC.

    Sorta hate to see who set this up.. his pizzas are the best of any national chain's

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