Jack Abramoff - Yesterday's news.

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Sep 20, 2006.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    They Don’t Know Jack
    The Abramoff scandal thrills Washington but bores voters

    Wherein it appears that the voter knows more about Washington politicians than DC 'insiders' do.


    Why was that? Because it wasnt the voters' tax money that was lining the pol's pockets and that of their friends... it was GAMBLING MONEY.

    Sometimes things really ARE simple.... all the average guy had to hear was Abramoff linked to Indian Tribes linked to Casinos linked to Politicians and it's the same old story we've heard forever... at least since we've heard the term 'Lobby'.

    Ohio Republican voters were a little surprised how deep Bob Ney was into the graft thing (the biggest rumor of impropriety centered early around awarding of Capitol Hill Wireless contracts) and most want him to resign now that he's indicated he's going ahead with a plea deal that will send him upriver for a couple years. But, if he doesnt, it's no biggy.

    Which illustrates the problem... in the heartland, those paying attention know that if anyone ever bothered overturning Reid's Rock, the family cockroaches getting fat from sweetheart contracts, awards and grants.. most concerning taxpayer funded programs.. will make a golf trip or two, and some high-rolling arab's gambling chip transfers seem small potatos.

    And no one is fooled by Dems getting campaign contributions from the tribes, while the GOP got then from Jack, the grease all came from the same place... and it wasnt from tax revenues.

    But all you have to do to see what voters REALLY care about, is look at what happened to Ohio Gov Bob Taft, all he did was take a free round of golf or two.. and push some state investment funds into the care of a crony. Who seemed to have 'lost track' of about 30 million of it.
    13 % job approval rating.. just about covers the recognition of the family name.
    And it bled over into the Gubernatorial campaign of Ken Blackwell who, as a conservative, always kept his distance from Taft but is getting well and soundly beaten by a schmuck who cared so little about his US Congress seat he seldom showed up to vote... and when he did it was usually to raise one tax or another.

    Nope.. the Dems, not to mention Republicans like Lott and Stevens, are finding out we dont care much about their silly games, as long as they arent using our money for the ante.

    But the REAL stumper is why those career political whizzes and wonks inside the beltway dont understand the difference... are they stupid, or do they think we are.
  2. dcheather

    dcheather Administrator

    Jul 29, 2005
    RE: Jack Abramoff - Yesterday

    It's nice to hear voters no longer care if politicians take bribes for official acts. :roll:
  3. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    RE: Jack Abramoff - Yesterday

    well, compared to shredding the Bill of Rights, sanctioning torture, and lying your way into a war just to get re-elected, corruption -- even on a huge scale -- is pretty small potatoes.
  4. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Re: RE: Jack Abramoff - Yesterday

    F@#$#@$g SICK OF THAT!!!! name it.. put up or shut up
    Whatever torture is..... chomsky would likely say sitting a terrorist in a corner is torturing the victim's self-esteem
    Drive-by Kool-aid splash AGAIN. Name the lie! And back it up... not with another drive-by-er, either
    Joe wilson..err nope, guess not after all!

    I'll save you the effort... it'll come down to "Then why did 50% think that's what he said!"
    And you didnt get or refused to get... the entire point of my post. All to make yourself feel more comfortable and safe; because I am right and you are wrong!.

    When YOU admit to Ronnie Earle's motives without resorting to "Well, Delay deserved it".. maybe he did, but isnt corrupt, corrupt?..THEN and ONLY then will I take your political views serious, pard!

    i edited that last..of course, I take YOU serious... just not your politics.
  5. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Re: RE: Jack Abramoff - Yesterday

    I dont think you got it, did you? What... did I include too much information?

    I have a suggestion, Heather... EVERYTHING is connected to everything else in the big picture. And everything's relative.... or in the words of some Democrat: "Full of nuance".

    It's the practical definition of "Politics". And it's ALWAYS BEEN THAT WAY!

    The bottom line, voters care more about their tax dollars than they do about pols accepting influence money AND THEY ALWAYS HAVE!!!!, UNTIL something like the 'Big Dig' scandal comes along. Then the stuff will fly... but that's just starting to unfold.

    Would i change it.. sure would. And it IS changing.. but the DOWNSIDE is that it's gonna get REALLY hard to find GOOD guys to run for office, and for the same reason: Bloggers rule, and wont turn a blind eye.
  6. dcheather

    dcheather Administrator

    Jul 29, 2005
    RE: Re: RE: Jack Abramoff - Yesterday

    I understand what you wrote just fine. I just don't agree with the casual dismissal of graft, nor moral relativism.
  7. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    RE: Re: RE: Jack Abramoff - Yesterday

    It's not casual... how many times do i have to say that!

    But I'm calling you on that:
    Just What DID you mean by 'No Longer Care..'?!!!! And where did i SAY they no longer care? You are inserting YOUR spin into what I wrote. To make it PERFECTLY CLEAR... i said 'they dont care as much..'

    I once was a young idealist, but i was a PRACTICAL idealist. Imagine a bunch of early 20 yo small town midwestern whitebreads debating race relations in 1962, and concluding that the only way race-strife would become moot was through pure and total miscegenation. AND that it wouldnt be a bad thing.

    For your ideals, i'm not asking you to change them, just make priorities.
  8. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Re: RE: Re: RE: Jack Abramoff - Yesterday

    Oh, REALLY!!!!! Why is it okay in dealing with the poor unfortunate middle-easterners who want to kill us and/or make you wear a burkha and walk three steps behind?

    that's a side-note on here... but interesting way of dissembling.
  9. dcheather

    dcheather Administrator

    Jul 29, 2005
    RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Jack Abramoff - Yesterday

    I have made priorities for my ideals. I don't think it's okay for lobbyists to buy off congressman and bureaucrats with other people's money (and the tribes didn't okay the use of their lobbying money for these purposes nor for jeeps and weaponry for the Israeli army), but you seem to "not care as much" as long as it isn't taxpayer's money being wasted.

    And I haven't advocated moral relativism in any way. I said we should live up to our ideals (treating prisoners humanely being one of them) and not sell them out while dealing with terrorists. BECAUSE THE TERRORISTS DO SEE THIS AS A CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS: OURS VS. THEIRS. I would like to keep ours intact by living up to our mores. We should fight the enemy as hard as we should, but we don't have to degrade ourselves in the process. There is no honor or long-term value in treating prisoners in harsh, physical conditions.
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