House passes Domestic Oil Bill

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Feb 28, 2008.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Finally addressing the root cause of oil prices which greatly exceed the cost of production, Pelosi and Steny Hoyer announce that Domestic oil companies will be allowed limited exploration and drilling in Anwar and Offshore in the gulf of mexico/ SoCal, within the 12 mile but 'out of sight' limits.

    In addition, tax breaks will be extended to company efforts in recovery of the Colorado Oil sands.



    Ooops... heh.. Just funning!

    Here's what REALLY happened... they just raised your energy costs FOR YOUR OWN GOOD!

    Naturally Democrats think the answer to anything is to increase 'net taxes'.

    Here's an answer from a guy who is evidently much smarter than Hoyer: ME! {No, not politically or I'd be out there shining on the gulli-bulls}


    2. Notice he says 'cellulosic ethanol? That's a hint for any of you think there's 'free fuel' out there in those cornfields. Harkin, Corn Farmers associations and anyone else who push Ethanol from grain ARE LYING!
    -Here's another shocker, though.. THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS AGRICULTURAL WASTE!!!!! Anything you grow and process takes from something else!

    and finally..

    3. Solar doesnt need tax breaks.. academic and private research in increasing efficiency, while lowering production costs with new processes, is going gangbusters.
    - notwithstanding it doesnt make a lot of sense in great portions of the US.

    Nuclear plants.. might.
  2. dtwondough

    dtwondough New Member

    Jul 27, 2006
    Fog, I didn't see anything in your link regarding the Colorado Oil sands. This is of particular interest since I'm in the oil & gas exploration business and living in colorado.
  3. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Come ON! You only saw them increasing taxes on oil companies in there.. No Anwar, No gulf drilling, no oil sands...ONLY TAXES!

    You missed the point...' we are increasing your gas prices for your OWN GOOD!'
  4. dtwondough

    dtwondough New Member

    Jul 27, 2006
    I was just wanting tread what it said about the oil sands. it's probably my former company that has the biggest play out there and wanted to read about it.

    Like the article said, it will be vetoed IF it actually gets that far. You mean raising taxes to spend more money isn't what we're suppposed to do? (that was sarcasm)
  5. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Don't worry, 'fog. In the face of crippling deficits and profligate spending, President Bush is bound to veto this bill. After all, the worst possible thing you can do when you're deficit spending is to get more revenue -- especially if it means taking away extra tax breaks for the people who need it least.

    You belong to the most exclusive club in the world. You and President Bush and Fox News are right about almost everything, and everyone else is wrong. Bask away, my brother.
  6. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Glad you finally see that..
    Bet YOU dont want to add to the discussion on the POINT OF THE ISSUE, though.. right?


    Because if it involves current DEM legislation, it's few and far between that you will critique.. perhaps you think THEY are smarter than you are.

    Here's a PUOSU question, for you Don:
    Who is it pays those corporate taxes, that they want to restore?

    And WTF 'defense' is it that it will be VETOED??!!! What does that mean?

    That is no response to the issue. If Hoyer and Pelosi know it will be vetoed why are they doing it?

    Does that mean they think it's a really good idea, and electing a Dem President will fix the veto problem?
  7. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas

    And as for specific answers, it's long been determined that ANWAR oil would not yield enough to make even a blip in our import levels. All it will do is give even more profits to the oil billionaires. Also, ANWAR oil and the Colorado sands oil would cost so much to develop and make ready for consumption, that gasoline prices would have to be around 5 or 6 dollars a gallon for us to break even on the development. The knock-on effect of this would be to increase the cost of every consumer product that uses road or rail transportation to get to the market. Can you spell I-N-F-L-A-T-I-O-N?

    The reason why we import oil when we already have so much is that it's cheaper to do so, and it's better for our economy. You don't get a lot of applause saying that at party rallies, but it's true. Switching 20% of our oil usage to domestically produced resources would either deplete our strategic oil reserves or increase the price at the pump to the point that we'd probably slide into economic depression.

    As for wind power, promoting large-scale replacement of fossil fuel generators with wind-driven generators is nonsensical and impractical. It's cloud-cuckooland thinking almost on a par with putting money into hydrogen-hybrid vehicle technology -- WHAT IDIOT CAME UP WITH THAT ONE? -- when we already have proven fuel-cell/electric hybrids on the road. And as for the power plants, it's time to reinstate the strict safety and efficiency guidelines that were eliminated when nuclear generators stopped being developed by the US Navy and instead "went to the more efficient public sector." Build safe nuclear plants and get your energy from them. There's other uses for oil, but the only other use for nukes is something only Rumsfeld can get hard thinking about.

    Specific enough?
  8. dtwondough

    dtwondough New Member

    Jul 27, 2006
    HD, what resource do you have stating that gasoline would have to be in the $5-$6 range to make the Colorado Sands economical. The Oil Sands in Canada, last study I saw, were economical in the $37-$45 oil price. of course, that was an internal study.
  9. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    My readings on this -- and it was a time ago -- contrasted the Colorado unfavorably with the Canada sands in terms of extraction. Some problem with geology. A few years ago I owned some property that was on the fringes of the legendary Austin Chalk deposits. That's when it was explained to me that the Austin Chalk oil -- so pure it floats -- was probably the best [sweetest] in the CONUS, but the costs of extraction meant that the amount of money to retrieve it would never be repaid at the pump.
  10. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    First stop counting cost of production in $ per Gasoline Gallon.

    The fact that Alberta oil is in production says that real costs ARE in the $45 dollar range. I recall reading that Colorado sands was about 10 to 15 $ more.

    Adn sorry, Don... that's exactly what they said about Prudhoe. In fact EVERYTHING they said about the BP project is now recycled and they are JUST as fulla shit!

    The idea is to influence the market and NOT be subject to extortion, Don! You cant have it both ways!

    We WOULD in fact be 'energy independent, for all intents, IF we could cut our imports by 30-45%. You are independent when others beg you to buy their stuff, get it?!
  11. jmh

    jmh New Member

    Jul 2, 2006
    Brooklyn, NY
    Here's my plan. Call me crazy.

  12. dtwondough

    dtwondough New Member

    Jul 27, 2006
    Drilling rigs are at an all time in Colorado. There is a lot of discussion going back and forth about opening up other areas of drilling. Right now though, natural gas exploration is the driving force in Colorado. Some have compared the natural gas reserves to that of Wyoming. It's actually amazing how quickly they can drill these wells and when they're done how little impact is actually done to the environment.
  13. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005

    You flunk!
  14. dtwondough

    dtwondough New Member

    Jul 27, 2006
    because i didn't humor you or engage in your arguement?
  15. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    context, dtw.. context.
    leessee.. which just-previous post would I take a jab at?
  16. dtwondough

    dtwondough New Member

    Jul 27, 2006
    ah, just saw it. However, you can't say it wouldn't be nice if we weren't so dependent on oil. Right? However, I do realize that gets away from the basis of the post and become an entirely different arguement.
  17. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    In no way does it change the issue. Instead of addressing the issue of foreign dependence, the Cynical dems contrive to say the answer is to scarcify by means of price... which price would be artificially inflated by taxing oil investments.

    Certainly more advanced than the genius Kerry whose plan was to tack on 90 cents to the price of gas.

    Also.. I wonder if Don cares to name those 'Oil Billionaires'. If they are Billionaires, it's because the taxes they pay are voluntary.

    If he wants to pick ONE high profile one.. perhaps he'd maybe quote the guy on taxes... which was "I would/should pay more".

    Unsaid cause he has found ways to pay none, thus it's fine with him if the Dems raise taxes. That only hurts those 'little people'.
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