Hammers & Computers

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Grave.Little.Maurice, Dec 21, 2006.

  1. Grave.Little.Maurice

    Grave.Little.Maurice New Member

    Aug 22, 2006
    North End Road Market
    It’s cold in Fulham, American-flavoured colleagues of mine. It’s foggy and frosty too. But that’s how we like it at this time of year. It’s all part of the parcel. When you’re on the market in this weather, a piece of hot coal wrapped in foil in the pocket of your crombie and your good to go, oh yes.

    Anyway, I have news.

    Mr Tjinder, owner of the corner shop on the right royal North End Road, is a resourceful retailer and that’s the God’s honest, Fulhamer friends.

    In addition to his usual fare (stale confectionary, damp rizlas, needlepoint magazines, Fishermen’s Friends), he’s now gone an installed an electronic interweb terminal connection. It works too! What is more, whilst your tapping away on the crumb-filled keyboard, and squinting at the flickering monitor, Mr Tjinder will bring you a stubby bottle of warm Super Malt. Now, that’s genuine nice of him of course, but I don’t really think that it warrants the placing of a huge ‘Internet Cafe’ sign in the window! Rich, or what?

    Anyways, what it does mean is that I can now talk to everyone in the world, all at once, without ever leaving Fulham, by virtue of my own little pixellated empire. What I’m relating is this: I have a stall of my own on the Bill Gates Wonder Web. And this is how you get there:


    Don’t take no left turns, or cul-de-sacs though, or we might never meet!

    So, anytime you fancy a chinwag about the mighty Cottagers, a gingerbread and currant pasty, or just a few tips about how to dress properly for a football game, just browse over to my manor. You’re always welcome, and you know that.

    Well, I must flee. I’ve got some delicious plans to work on to ensure our victory over those horrible, uncouth Hammers this coming Saturday.

    Flamin’ scallions and Up The Fulham!
  2. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    God bless us.. ev'ry one!
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