Fulham's Marketing While In America

Discussion in 'Fulham FC News and Notes' started by ChicagoTom, Aug 2, 2005.

  1. ChicagoTom

    ChicagoTom Administrator

    Dec 30, 2004
    To make a long story short, I really think Fulham dropped the ball on and off the pitch in potentially gaining a new bunch of supporters while in America.

    Not only was the team bad on the pitch, but the club was invisible off the pitch. No Fulham merchandise was sold, no flags were flying, no representatives from the club were out and about meadering with the fans and there was really nothing the club did to improve the way they are seen in the public light.

    What I do not understand is that with Brian McBride and Carlos Bocanegra on the team, Fulham has an opportunity unlike any other team to gain a wide range of American fans. There are so many MLS fans just looking for a Premiership team to support and for many of them, Fulham would be the obvious choice to follow the Americans.

    However, Fulham seems to just sit on their hands and hope people come their way. I think the club needs to take a hard look at their marketing both in England and abroad. Much, much more could have been done to promote Fulham Football Club here in the States last week.

    What are your thoughts on what I have said?
  2. Jux

    Jux New Member

    Mar 9, 2005
    RE: Fulham

    I agree with you 100%. I would say that you and other members of FulhamUSA and FulhamExiles did more to promote the team in Columbus than the organization did. I think they may have viewed the trip as only a training excursion and not a chance to develop interest. Maybe they didn't feel that gaining additional fans in the US was a realistic goal (with the ManU's and Chelski's of the world). I can't explain it myself why they didn't do anything. To be honest, my love of Fulham was strengthened more by the amazing community of fans than by the actions of the club this past weekend (and no, the performance on the pitch has nothing to do with this feeling).

    In addition, it was really disappointing that they didn't have gear there for purchase. I understand that they have a new kit and all, but they could have at least brought something.
  3. JohnnyCash

    JohnnyCash New Member

    Jan 5, 2005
    RE: Fulham

    I'm still pissed the team didn't acknowledge us before walking off the field
  4. BostonDan

    BostonDan New Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    RE: Fulham

    I couldn't find any Fulham gear in London either except at the club shop (which was about 20 square feet at Loftus Road) and in an obscure corner on the 5th floor of Harrods.
  5. mnlandshark

    mnlandshark New Member

    Jan 16, 2005
    Minneapolis, MN
    Re: RE: Fulham

    Agreed... I thought that would have been a pretty classy move on their part... although if I were them I was probably in a pissy mood... who knows if I would have cared either...
  6. McBride'sHeader

    McBride'sHeader New Member

    Jan 6, 2005
    RE: Re: RE: Fulham

    I thought Fulham did an OK job of acknowledging us... When they were coming onto the field at the beginning of the game, many of them looked over and waved as the game started. What did you expect...each player to take the jersey off their back and throw it to each of us??? They all took the time to talk with us after the game on Wed. night and McBride was such a gentleman at the TH luncheon, taking photos with any who wanted...as well as talking to all of us. With the excpetion of Collins John, anyone on the team looked over and waved when their name was called...(Trust me, I yelled everyone's name many times - especially Papa Bouba Diop... I yelled "Papa" at least 100 times).
    They simply got their arses kicked and may have felt a little embarassed by their (lack of) performance. I was more excited that they went directly into "training mode" after the game adn did some running drills. They need all the help they can get before the EPL starts.
  7. nowayjeff

    nowayjeff New Member

    Jul 10, 2005
    Dallas, TX
    Re: RE: Fulham

    You didn't see the main club shop. The club shop in Fulham is two floors of stuff. I spent about 250 pounds in there without even breaking a sweat..
  8. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    RE: Re: RE: Fulham

    I guess you'd have to attribute the lack of Fulham colors in the Crew shop to what seemed to me a prolonged delay in signing Pipex.

    Lee Hoos might be a Yank but he's no Jamey Rootes, who got both the Crew and the NFL Texans out of the gate in fine style.
    Added: Sorry, I should have looked up Hoos' job description, he really has nothing to do with it. That role was given to some bloke who used to sell cosmetics and shampoo, apparently

    There are STILL yanks who would follow Fulahm if it were a bit easier.. and one thing to do would be to find a way to license the FA cup games so we "furriners" could get them easier... and maybe even take advantage of Gent Jim's personality and have him webcast ALL the games, supported by advertising.
    Look at the Advert candidates: Western Union, The Fulham shop, Puma, Carlsberg or Guiness {what IS the Fulham official beer, anyway?}

    Jim's a treasure and we sure dont need those snotty 5-Live commenters.
  9. ChicagoTom

    ChicagoTom Administrator

    Dec 30, 2004
    Re: RE: Re: RE: Fulham

    Amen to that Petty!

    I just do not get Fulham's marketing plan at all. I do not even know if there is one to be honest with you. While they do have a good size club shop and a lot of nice merchandise, they do little to nothing else to get the Fulham name out in the community and out here in the States.

    So many things could have been done while the club was here. A meet and greet for the fans, an autograph siging set up in conjucntion with the MLS rendezvous at the mall in Easton, Fulham signage all over the stadium, Fulham merchandise for sale, Fulham spokespeople with Fulham gear on with little pamphlets with the history of the club and such. None of this was done.

    Unfortunately, the marketing team and the boys on the pitch did nothing to boost awareness of a great club! Looks like word of mouth marketing is going to be the way we have to continue to build this small club! We will have to take matters into our own hands!! LOL!
  10. RDG

    RDG Member

    Jan 13, 2005
    RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Fulham

    Actually, FFC's marketing is what I call "ruthless British inefficiency". Whereas Americans will plug themselves to death, the Brits will assume that merely showing up will be enough.

    The NY Times ran a bigger article on the AC Milan-Chelsea match (pre-match!) than on the result of the MLS All-Star game. I realize that the MLS obviously didn't do well in promotion, either, but FFC should have made a better attempt.
  11. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Fulham

    I'm thinking that Fulham's problem was they assumed that the ASG was a big deal... and they would ride coat-tails.
    Problem being that MLs is mindful of the reactionary view that any ALLStar game is too "UnEuropean" and attmpted to remedy that by going for the win, thus building cred slowly rather than trying to do it by promotion.

    However MLs overestimated mid-table Prem quality and underestimated its own self somewhat.
    I know that sounds like heresy, but I watch the Prem because it's 'finer' not because it's 'better'. there's a difference.

    Big Shock: no matter Fulham lost 4-1 and didnt look good, they picked up some new fans... go figger! I know why, but some will never figure it out.
  12. dcheather

    dcheather Administrator

    Jul 29, 2005
    Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Fulham

    Because of our good looks? :wink:
  13. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Fulham

    Because of:

    1. the "root for the underdog" factor, Cubs.. former RedSox etc

    2. Want Fulham to do well in prem, makes MLS look better by association

    3. Just plain "folksy". small club etc... which is my excuse.

    hmmm well all three are my excuses.. that's fulhamish!
    - -- - - - - - -- -

    Back to the Club Competency...
    This is nothing new.. remember same thing happening last year.

    Without even being there, I can surmise what has happened.

    FO staff is picked by salary demand and by relationships. Interns knowing nothing and what they do know they know from government schools... which is worse!

    Shoeboxes and file folders in lieu of computer logging and databasing.

    Thank you CREW Front office! They screw up sometimes but it's remedied nicely.
  14. Martin-in-Nashville

    Martin-in-Nashville New Member

    Feb 2, 2005
    Smyrna TN
    I don't think Fulham came to the US to make any friends as in new fans,I guess the trip was what the brits call a "Jolly boys outing" a Free trip and I would guess connected with McBrides transfer.sometimes that can be part of a transfer that the team agrees to a home tie at some stage.

    As for selling merchandise, I aksed the shop said NO?.It would have been nice since the postal charges are way too high.

    I too was upset that the team just walked off at the end of the MLS game and this tells me how much that game ment to the team.
  15. Jelly

    Jelly New Member

    Jul 28, 2005
    Fort Wright, Kentucky
    When I was in London, it only took one match, and I was a Fulham fan forever. Granted, it was a win on Opening Day when the excitement level was high. But more importantly, I think, it was my first real exposure to an EPL team. Fulham was the team whose player names I learned, whose songs I heard sung in the stands...it's all about Primacy...you remember the first thing you're exposed to. There was such an opportunity to take advantage of that primacy factor with so many American fans who, as someone stated above, are searching for an English team to really get behind.

    That makes it hugely disappointing that they didn't do any marketing or sell any merchandise. And I've crabbed about it before on this site, but that merchandise shipping charge is not doing FFC any favors in attracting overseas support.

    As far as the players' attitudes go, some of you say you liked them, some of you were unhappy, but no matter how you felt, the Fulham players were so much better and so much more interactive with the fans than you ever see in American sports. I got almost all to wave at me and say thanks or some such comment when I'd yell to them (including CJ). Got Boa to sign my shirt and Papa posed with me for a pic before the game on Saturday. And all this was while they were still on the pitch! You NEVER see US stars doing anything like that for the fans. So maybe their treatment of the Fulham faithful could have been better, but it sure wasn't bad.
  16. Martin-in-Nashville

    Martin-in-Nashville New Member

    Feb 2, 2005
    Smyrna TN
    I think what you have to remember KeyFulhamFan is that FulhamFC was on"Tour" and that you would Never get that Photo oppotunity at the Cottage on Matchday, youmigt be lucky to get a wave.
    As for the marketing aspects mentioned I guess you really would have to ask FFC why they didn't bring any and why they didn't try to Market Fulham FC in the States.
  17. Jelly

    Jelly New Member

    Jul 28, 2005
    Fort Wright, Kentucky

    I'll take a wave over a snub any day. And I saw FFC when they were at Loftus Road, and their interaction with fans there is one of the things that really drew me to the club, and to English football in general. Imagine...players actually acknowledging the support they're getting from the fans?! Unheard of in the US (with the possibility of MLS...haven't seen any purely MLS matches).
  18. Jux

    Jux New Member

    Mar 9, 2005
    I can't speak for other teams, but members of the Crew sign autographs after every home match. It may not always be the entire team, but someone will be out there. I would imagine that other MLS franchises are friendly too since they are trying to build their fan base.

    You're right; the members of FFC were very friendly and personable during their time in Columbus. I got autographs from everyone on the team after the Crew scrimmage and mrsjux and I met a few in the downtown mall that week. My main complaint was disappointment over the marketing side of the visit. Mrsjux is in PR/Marketing here in town, so I tend to notice that more. I had hoped that ChicagoTom and AmericanMike could piggyback with the FFC marketing and boost membership that way. However, they still found several clever ways to get the word out!

    FULHAM_LEGEND New Member

    Mar 11, 2005
    Fulham in USA

    I for one was not happy that the team walked straight off after the game and a crew fan came up to me after the MLS game and said to me that he noticed it too and suggested it was harsh as we had travelled from england to be there. The marketing was bad to say the least. I think if we had taken 200 shirts we would have sold them all !! but this is a usual every season problem as many may know we are always the last team to sell the new shirts and our away shirt comes out about 2 weeks before season ends. I was a little bit supprised in a way because we got Mcnally from celtic and he said it would all change and he would market fulham. HE FAILED DOING THIS IN USA !!!! as we all agree and C Tom did with me in usa and Jux fulham should have taken some gear as it would have been flogged. I mean we where flogging last seasons shirts at a tenner @ last home game of the season why not take them, they are useless now last season has gone and new sponsors are here. This is defo FULHAMISH
  20. Jux

    Jux New Member

    Mar 9, 2005
    Re: Fulham in USA

    I agree. That's why I said that earlier. MrsJux and I would have purchased quite a bit of gear. However, I just wanted to make the distinction that my disappointment was with the Front Office itself, not the players or coaching staff.
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