Fulham v Man U (again)

Discussion in 'Fulham FC News and Notes' started by TheOldBugger, Mar 17, 2009.

  1. jimsig

    jimsig Active Member

    Jun 27, 2008
    The Daily Mail has 4 great shots from the game. The first is Gera right after he kicked the balland the second is a great shot of Scholes with his hands on the ball taken from behind. The last 2 are Rooney about to get the Red and Ronaldo with his hands by his head giving that "I can't beileve it" look
  2. morry32

    morry32 New Member

    Aug 15, 2008
    As others have stated-

    I stayed clear of the chatroom all day, this was a decision I made last week in the hopes that I was the bad luck.

    You guys won't see me in the chatroom again until we lose, hopefully not until August.
  3. SteveM19

    SteveM19 New Member

    Sep 30, 2007
    Cleveland OH
  4. timmyg

    timmyg Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2006
    holy crap.

    i still dont know what to say. i think my blog post covered some of my thoughts?

    oddly, like the loss to hull a few weeks ago, everything about today's match is just too surreal.

  5. Martin-in-Nashville

    Martin-in-Nashville New Member

    Feb 2, 2005
    Smyrna TN
    Great result and fully justified, what makes me sick is that scottish ponce Ferguson couldnt even do the BBC Interview afterwards sent Phelen to make the excuses.

    I hate Utd and Ferguson even more now

  6. DawgTheDon

    DawgTheDon New Member

    Mar 26, 2007
    Saint Joseph, Mi
    Today is turning out to be a great day.

    1. Fulham (of course)

    2. Our local girl's HS basketball team won the state title

    3. I'm still doing well in my NCAA office pool

    Now if the Fire can beat FC Dallas tonight, it will mark a perfect Saturday!
  7. AtlantaJohn

    AtlantaJohn New Member

    Jan 6, 2005

    I heard a report that this was the first time we had beaten them in 45 years at the Cottage, two things it as been a long time coming, and I have to admit to being there all those years ago.

    It is days like this that we all know why we are Fulham fans, I am playing the lottery tonight, but i fear the Earth is about to get hit by an unseen Asteroid, for this moment though my year as been made, and whatever else he does RH as my sincere thanks,as do the whole team, if we dont see , this is one of those rare Fulham days.

    Thanks you Fulham, it is a great day.
  8. FrankTheYank

    FrankTheYank New Member

    Aug 26, 2008
    New York, NY
    ManU: heaven @ Nevada Smith

    I know this probably belongs under news & gatherings but i couldn't resist.

    Got to Nevadas just before kickoff & was surprised to find only John & Rudy there, we usually have a bigger group. But we didn't do at all bad for being outnumbered about 250-3. ManU support really quiet for most of the game, no comparison to Arsenal a few weeks back....they definitely knew we were there.

    Not that I knew where we were after a few pints, but anyway.

    As the game went on we were joined by

    - Chris (up from Atlanta, rousted out of bed for 2nd half by Terri) ;
    - Cindy K (recent FFC convert; her first-ever Nevada match was our dreadful 0-4 last time to MU, but she came back anyway, good on ya);
    - and a bloke name of (i think, sorry if i got it wrong in the din) ...Graham???

    As for the match - for those who didn't have a video feed - i think that you only beat ManU if 4 things happen:

    - your whole side has to play hard and execute all 90 minutes: check

    - you have to take your chances: check (BTW the handball woulda been a definite BZ goal from where i stood)

    - your goalkeeper will have to make more than one spectacular save: check

    - and don't take this wrong, but they still need to have an off day. Checkmate. It looked like the Liverpool match spooked them a bit; they all got frustrated early, and even when they were pounding on us for most of the second half they never looked really confident. Make no mistake they were still in it until the bitter end....but it was their veterans that let them down the most today (Giggs as well as Scholes). Stay tuned on that one.

    The Roonaldo facial expressions were priceless thrughout; when WR threw the ball, we all had a dreamlike "wait a minute, isn't he on a yellow?" pause before the hammer came down. And we all groaned, admit it so did you, when Gera came on but that quickly turned into a loud "We Are Staying UP" chant.

    40 points, up 4 on season goal difference, and let's not forget that our results have probably had a bigger effect on the top 5 than anyone else. Like I said, they know we're here.

    How sweet it is.
  9. SteveM19

    SteveM19 New Member

    Sep 30, 2007
    Cleveland OH
    If I may ride on Frank's coattails...

    Big four points --
    Arse -- 4 out of 6
    CCCFC -- 1 out of 3
    Pool -- 1 out of 3
    ManYoo -- 3 out of 6

    9 out of 18 so far. I wonder how this compares to the rest of the Prem.
  10. RidgeRider

    RidgeRider Member

    Jan 5, 2008
    RE: ManU: heaven @ Nevada Smith

    Today's match was another in a series of big steps from last year. We saw quality and poise today. What a satisfyingly pleasant win.

    Roy is a genius. :banana: :banana: :banana:
  11. nmancini04

    nmancini04 New Member

    May 21, 2007
    Re: ManU: heaven @ Nevada Smith

    So, so bummed that I didn't go to Nevadas today.
  12. LaxAttack

    LaxAttack Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2007
    RE: Re: ManU: heaven @ Nevada Smith

    Some awesome photos (sorry they are large and will stretch the screen, but they are tooooo good to not post):



  13. terrinh73

    terrinh73 Member

    Feb 10, 2007
    My day...by Terri in ATL:

    Last night...texted Jacob and Bryan- "Let's go somewhere besides the Brewhouse...I don't think I can deal with the ManU fans tomorrow." No response

    This AM- sleeping in...get a text from Jacob- "Come to the Brewy...in case we get a draw." Not feeling it...have a bad feeling about how things will go.

    I take my sweet-assed time getting to Brewhouse...

    Jacob texts me..."One-nil and Scholes off...get up here now!" I rush to get ready and avoid several traffic tickets.

    I receive a text from Chris, who is in New York..."Running late to Nevada's...text me with the updates." I text with "One-Nil." A minute later "Fulham is up." I get a "woowooo!" as a response.

    I get to Brewy...Jacob is on his second PBR. There is a table of two other Fulham supporters whom I recognize; however, I do not know their names. Everyone is tense...we accrue supporters who cheer for us just because ManU is playing like crap and Ronaldo needs to call a WAAAH-mbulance.

    Dempsey off...Gera on. I look at Jacob and say "I know Dempsey was sick...but was he Zoltan Gera sick?" Cue nervous laughter.

    I determine I have to shave my legs again because of goosebumps...

    Gera scores a SECOND goal...big-Fulham-dude-who-I-do-not-know throws me around like a rag doll and knocks over chairs. I think I begin to cry. The Brewhouse blows up like a blimp disaster. I hug strangers...Jacob on fifth PBR.

    Chris sends me a text with an expletive. Seriously...I've never heard this guy swear.

    My cell phone blows up like I've won the lottery.

    Game over...go to meet my friend Betsy...we do a celebratory dance in her living room for about five minutes...and drink a beer

    I go to the hash...I ran a 5 mile trail with my Fulham scarf. I do not want to take it off even though it is over 70 degrees and I am sweating like a whore in church.

    I go to a birthday party...and again I cry as I get mega-hugs from people who could care less about Fulham...but know what today means to me and others who do :).

    All in all...pretty much a perfect day.

    I don't want to go to sleep!

    COYW :banana: :banana: !!!
  14. Clevelandmo

    Clevelandmo Active Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    Re: ManU: heaven @ Nevada Smith

    Enjoyed every word. Thanks Frank the Yank

    I love Fulham!!
  15. sullytex

    sullytex Member

    Nov 15, 2008
    Houston, TX
    RE: Re: ManU: heaven @ Nevada Smith

    I am too hung over to post a match report. The only reason I am up is to watch match of the day. I was sitting just right of of the 6 yard box in the hammy end 2nd row (i could smell the grass), Gera's goal came right at me.

    I'll just say that was one of the most incredible sporting events I've been to (including the super bowl). Watching the Man utd fans get up and leave that were sitting right in front of me when Gera's goal went in was sweet.

    I took a bunch of pictures (well snapshots) that I will post later and a match report.

    Still on cloud 9. now where is the advil.
  16. sullytex

    sullytex Member

    Nov 15, 2008
    Houston, TX
    RE: Re: ManU: heaven @ Nevada Smith

    Just finished match of the day, worth the pain to get up to relive that match. United had a complete meltdown, a full on complete meltdown.

    Now more sleep.
  17. TheOldBugger

    TheOldBugger New Member

    Oct 29, 2008
    RE: Re: ManU: heaven @ Nevada Smith

    I think I've sobered up a bit not sure-never cryed at a football match before in my life,did yesterday!
    In the Lion before,there was just this feeling going about that something could happen,just a little buzz going on,Fulham had a punchers chance,anything is possible-that type of thing
    after that pen went in the place went nuts,you could see people counting the clock down from that point in ,then the second goal went in and all hell broke loose,tears hugging strangers and a strong feeling of pride in our players, our club,Uncle Woy all of it,a great day to be us,a great day to be Fulham,great day of our little club,for the way we play,with hounour,with honestly,with a love for the game-just stunning,truely stunning!!!!!!!

  18. TheOldBugger

    TheOldBugger New Member

    Oct 29, 2008
    RE: Re: ManU: heaven @ Nevada Smith

    fuuny footnote,10 minutes to go in the first half and the Hammy end singing to the Man u fans"You only live round the corner"-soooooo funny hahahaha
    In the lion afetrwards it seemed the whole pub was singing"We love you Fulham"
    strangers hugging in a sort of shock,"DID i REALLY JUST SEE US OUT PLAY MAN U?"-YES YOU DID!!!!
  19. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Chris swore? Chris as in PAYDAYC4 swore? Wow!
  20. terrinh73

    terrinh73 Member

    Feb 10, 2007
    To be fair...it was a minor expletive. Just an "H-E-double-hockey-sticks" YES!!!

    My t-shirt idea:
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