Freedom of Speech/Expression and Freedom of the Press

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by andypalmer, Jan 12, 2008.

  1. andypalmer

    andypalmer Active Member

    Jun 4, 2007
    Baltimore, MD
    My observation over my almost 40 years has been the following:

    Liberals tend to argue against limits to these two Freedoms.

    Conservatives tend to argue for limits to these two Freedoms.

    Topics include:
    - profanity
    - nudity
    - political expression (i.e., flag burning)
    - access of press to the military and other sensitive personnel/projects

    I actually think that we are better off BECAUSE we have this balance between the two sides as we USUALLY end up with common sense results.

    Yes, there are a few areas that go against the "norm", the most frequent of which is religious expression, which tends to be supported by Conservatives and limited by Liberals, but on the whole, I have observed the above.

    My whole reason for bringing this up was the some view the Press as being predominantly Liberal as a problem or surprise. I was merely pointing out that members of most industries support the "side" that supports and protects their industry. The same applies to the military, law enforcement, medicine, education, and any other field.
  2. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    good and thoughtful post. Much better than making the 'flat statement'.

    However, dealing with the last first:

    access of press to the military and other sensitive personnel/projects
    Anyone starting into boot camp is rudely apprised of the fact that SOME of their freedoms are abridged while they are in service. For the same reason, any competent military has to limit access to information by the press. It is NOT in the public interest to know everything having to do with the military.

    political expression (i.e., flag burning)
    This is indeed controversial. I think MOST conservatives not running for office, however, agree that flag-burning should NOT be 'outlawed' and it isnt. From my point of view, I agree, I want these idiots to show themselves for who they really are. The flag is a symbol of the country, and the people and principles it was founded on, not of any party or administration.
    There may be some time in the future when conservatives must burn the flag in solemn commemoration of an ideal that no longer is.

    From another perspective, if this administration was indeed as fascist as you let on, why hasnt the New York Times been cited for Treason and Sedition for publishing secret documents?
    Or the loonies in Washington State arrested for 'interfering with movement' when they blocked military vehicles returning to their bases?
    In prior times, these would have been prosecuted. They are 'rights' that never before existed.

    profanity, nudity

    We've been led down the garden path when these are equated with 'freedom of speech'. That cat has been let out of the cage and is unlikely to be put back.
    I think a good case can be made for the founders not even considering either when they referred to 'FoS'. Because they couldnt imagine a civil society being so blatantly coarse as to routinely express them in public.

    But now when someone complains about public sex, masturbation, and genital exposure, in the presence of children, in the SF 'gay pride' parade.. they are accused of being 'homophobic' and fascist.

    Well; what about Hetero-Rights? Dont WE have the right to screw in the streets?

    The REAL abridging of Freedom of Speech is most notable in state-funded academic institutions and those instances are so numerous as to be un-remarkable in this forum. If I had done so every time I came across them, I'd be branded far more 'reactionary' than I already am.

    But there are Government based abridgements currently in process in our motherland and our cousin to the north, under the premise of 'incitement'. Htese are NOT conservative in nature but brought about by 'Progressive Lawmakers'. And they take action not against those who defame Jews or Christians but those who criticize Islam.
    Canada at this moment is pursuing action against a Calgary publisher for printing the 'Mohammed Cartoons'.

    And you would THINK that a website supposedly dedicated to 'First Amendment Rights' would apply Freedom of Speech across the board wouldm't you?

    Uh... no. Freedom of and from Religion comes FIRST.
    In OTHER WORDS he supports Freedom of Speech AS LONG as it's politically correct. I'm sure some will see no problem, there.

    I accept his right to say what he says, but I dont accept that I have to pass them by as 'reasonable' and I will look for other writings from this bigoted weasel asshole {MY freedom, exercised} to see if he supports sanctions against those who defame Jews and Christians.

    {added} All I had to do was look down to 'related' posts by this lemming.

    Notice that in other posts, like this, he continues his jingoistic diatribe against Islamophobia, by actually pointing out that it's crap!

    From his OWN post I discern:

    22% of American Muslims believe that terror acts against civilians are sometimes justified.

    Attacks, based on other events, against innocent Muslims are rare.
    And generally limited to incidents that could typically e laid to 'bullying' syndrome. Actual physical attacks are the very rare exception. Events after 9/11 point out the truth.

    Hatred against other social and religious groups, spouted from the pulpit, is to be loathed.
    - I agree. And I wonder what he will say when that pulpit is Muslim. As has been documented numerous times, even in such seemingly non-affected locales as Columbus and Phoenix.

    - I wonder if he has compared documented vandalism incidents against Mosques and Synogogues. My guess: he doesnt dare.

    Like I say.. he has the right to say it. He doesnt have the right to criticize my views on his stinking pile of agit-prop as attributable to 'Islamophobia'
  3. andypalmer

    andypalmer Active Member

    Jun 4, 2007
    Baltimore, MD
    RE: Re: Freedom of Speech/Expression and Freedom of the Pres

    Dude. Where did I let on that I thought our current Administration was Fascist!?!? I was deliberately not inserting my personal views in my observations (and that's not one of them, even if I was).

    re: Military. I spent my first 24 years on or around military bases, so I understand why it is necessary.

    re: public nudity/profanity. Again, I'm not arguing with you, merely pointing out the current trends between Liberals and Conservatives

    re: Flag Burning. Perception is reality. There are certainly no Liberals calling for the outlawing of Flag Burning. So, while not all Conservatives are calling for it, some of them are.

    re: Hypocracy (the rest of your post). Yes, there are hypocrites on both sides of the "aisle", but the fact remains, Perception is Reality, and Conservatives are perceived as wanting to limit Freedom of Speech - as such, those in industries dependent upon that Freedom will tend to support the other side.

    Look, I'm not taking sides of any of these issues, just pointing out why more Liberals get into Journalism than Conservatives.
  4. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    RE: Re: Freedom of Speech/Expression and Freedom of the Pres

    Why not ASK? It's documented and believable that, when asked without warning, MOST respond "To make a difference". Not "to find the truth and write it".

    If you're making an observation on stereotypes and mean it as such, just say so, I totally agree it's the stereotype. Otherwise my chain rattles.
  5. andypalmer

    andypalmer Active Member

    Jun 4, 2007
    Baltimore, MD
    RE: Re: Freedom of Speech/Expression and Freedom of the Pres

    I thought it was pretty clear I was speaking in broad generalities.

    Just be careful on that hair-trigger there, Fog :D I'm a moderate so tend to avoid the sunspot topics 8)
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