Found Money.. idiocy

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Dec 13, 2007.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
  2. Clevelandmo

    Clevelandmo Active Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    What are you doing reading the Plain Dealer. Dont you have much more intellectual periodicals in that university town of yours.

    Agree with you.

    Our contractor, also from Lakewood, found some old baseball cards and a whiskey bottle in our walls - I let him keep them.
  3. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    Speaking of found money, if you find some cash on the ground do you keep it? How bout if your at work?

    Tonight at work as I was about to take over a register I found a very worn and folded $30 on the floor, I asked the guy in line, the guy currently paying, the guy who had just paid, and the cashier who's aisle it was in. They all said it wasn't theirs. I thought about pocketing it but ended up handing it to the manager whom put it in the safe (unless she pocketed it once out of view,possible). Anyhow it seemed the right thing at the time, but hell no one claimed it, finders keepers, and wheres it going to end up now? I'm kinda satisfied with the choice to turn it in kinda regretting it. Anyway I hoping for some good karma out of it, so if Fulham come out with three points tomorrow I'm putting it down to this!

    I just saw American Gangster(great film) too which deals with a similar issue, be it a half mil rather than $30.
  4. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Oh, you're smart. Especially if that's a 'box store' you work with. Cashiers are watched, as you know, very closely.
    If you are working when you find money..and anyway involved with handling of it... Nope!
    Not at work?
    Most important are wallets and credt cards, in that regards. In the last 5 years, I've dropped mine twice, in store and store lot.
    Both times turned in.
    And IIRC, I've also turned in two.

    Dont forget.. Karma exists
  5. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    This is being discussed on Fox & Friends and some have emailed that the money belongs to neither; as the original 'depositor's' name is known, it belongs to him.

    I am not a lawyer, do not play one on TV, NOR have I recently spent the night at a Holiday Inn Express...BUT!

    Common {sense} law, as well as deed law, applies. Though the hoarder wrote his name on the bills, he made the decision to secrete them in the house structure. Residential Bills of conveyance usually specify 'and contents, thereof'*.

    Whether the hoarder died and the money abandoned or he moved away and forgot it makes no difference.
    If he died while occupying, the facts point to him making no mention in his will or by word of mouth. Or it wouldnt be there.

    If he moved away, the fact is he 'abandoned it', thus the money becomes 'and contents, thereof'.

    The legal aspects are a little murky, as the contractor's lawyer** said... but IMO, the same common law he cited as giving finder the ownership will be mooted by that. If it WASNT, then the heirs of the hoarder's estate have first claim, since 'prior ownership' is clearly established.

    So he is out, either way. He BETTER settle for the 10%... though I would give him nothing after he raised such a stink.

    *Which is so incontrovertable that my brother stopped an argument with his new house's previous owner who had left appliances and misc stuff in the garage when he moved out. All needed to be done was to point out the previous owner had sufficient time {six months} between his leaving and the closing of the loan.
    - The argument arose because my brother threw all the crap away and donated the appliances. AFTER giving the previous owner two days notice.
    "Well, I couldnt get a truck" whine-whine.. tough shit!

    **What do you want to bet the lawyer is of the 'ambulance chaser' ilk?
    {Ha-a-a-a-awk, Ptuuiy!}
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