Forget the military, send in the 'Freudians'!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Sep 12, 2006.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    It's all about sexual identity
    Wade through the moralizing history rewriting treacle and there's a fascinating gem!
    It is a fascinating take on the concept that Radical Islam is being fueled by the Sexual Identity crisis of the Islamic male displaced in western culture.

    Amis is an ass...
    In the snide pot-shot, On our side, extraordinary rendition, coercive psychological procedures, enhanced interrogation techniques, Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, Haditha, Mahmudiya, two wars, and tens of thousands of dead bodies. he acts as though those are FALLS from the higher norm... in fact they are objectified improvements in the matter of how such prisoners are treated... the pussification of the metropolitan male finds all those abhorrent though they are small potatoes in the previous scheme of things.

    The difference is it's the tweedy, safe in his study, academic that gets to judge morality.

    Which only serves to obfuscate the truth in the pudding:
    I will spell this out, because it has not been broadly assimilated. The most extreme Islamists want to kill everyone on earth except the most extreme Islamists; but every jihadi sees the need for eliminating all non-Muslims, either by conversion or by execution. And we now know what happens when Islamism gets its hands on an army (Algeria) or on something resembling a nation state (Sudan). In the first case, the result was fratricide, with 100,000 dead; in the second, following the Islamist coup in 1989, the result has been a kind of rolling genocide, and the figure is perhaps two million.


    In the end, though, with his anecdotal moral equivalency, Amis makes sure to note it's all our fault.... it's all evened out, psychological torture by us... to match the unintended psychological torture imposed on the innocent barbarian by our culture.

    Freud would'a had a great time with this!

    {Ostrich Watch prolly thought he was being smarmy when he posted a reference on the offal... but it backfired}
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