Economy hits home

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Clevelandmo, Jan 5, 2009.

  1. Clevelandmo

    Clevelandmo Active Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    My cable company raised my rates and dropped Fox Soccer Channel. Woe is me - Damn you Bush this is all your fault.

    Nevertheless, I told my cable company to hit the road. Had to voice my opinion in favor of FSC and soccer in these hard times.

    Direct TV is the only option for me now so I hope it's not too pricey.

    Anyway, the cable company blamed it on FSC. Said they were too expensive and made too many demands (didnt elaborate on that).
  2. SteveM19

    SteveM19 New Member

    Sep 30, 2007
    Cleveland OH
    As soon as I can, I am telling Time Warner adios. I have trees over my house, and Direct TV said that they couldn't get a clear reception as it stands now, but possibly in the spring, they are launching a new satellite. The price is reasonable.
  3. jimsig

    jimsig Active Member

    Jun 27, 2008
    About 10 years ago my cousin who lived next door had Direct TV in stalled in Jan. Pic was great etc, my dad saw it and liked it so much he signed up about 2 months later. Come June both he and my dad start having signal issues. They both realize the dishes are pointed into trees that now have leaves. My cousin calls up and tells them of the issue, they charged him $100 to re-adjust the dish. My dad calls up and they tell him it will be $100, my dad told them he refused to pay and they should do it for free as it was faulty installation. They insisted he must pay the $100 as that was company policy. He then told them to send a guy out to take everything down as he was going to cancel the service and got back to cable. He got the readjustment for free.
  4. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Recently WideOpenWest in Columbus dropped FSC as well.

    I'm wondering if this has something to do with selling local commercial time.. or inability to do so.

    We all know the big hitters like TNT, TBS, FSN have local ads inserted. And isnt there a reason why you have to buy tier 3 in Dish? Even though the programming has way too many infomercials?
    I think the thing MAY have something to do with that, how many suckers.. errr viewers.. switch to FSC to be sold something?

    {By the way... that 'NuWave' works -had prev version fifteen years ago- but you'll probably get tired of the cleanup job}

    This is a problem that can easily be fixed in the near future by means of the Hi-Def technology enabled by Sat and digital box makers.

    The sat and cable subscriber would see a lower res box on screen along with adverts. If subscriber opts PPV, the adverts go away and matches appear full screen ... all using the same transmission.

    Of course the network has to show they have the viewers.
  5. JP-STL

    JP-STL New Member

    Mar 17, 2008
    I've often wondered about the financial situation at FSC. With no commercials airing during matches, their revenue opportunities are limited. And when they do air commercials, they seem to have only about 4 advertisers. Pro-Active skin care products and Guinness (odd combination, that) make up about half of their commercials.
    ...I imagine that FSC has to charge the cable and sat companies a good deal more than ESPN does to make up for the lack of advertising dollars.

    I pay about $10 per month beyond the basic package to have an expanded sports package that includes FSC. To get Setanta would cost me another $15 per month in addition. So, I get FSC but not Setanta.
  6. Bradical

    Bradical Member

    Apr 22, 2008
    Denver, CO
    Don't forget the International calling card commercials (I think it's PennyTalk?), in which an entire restaurant of people, customers, employees, manager, are all nuts over how it only costs X # of pennies per minute to call country X. That one always scares me a bit.
  7. nevzter

    nevzter Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2007
    A City by a Bay
  8. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    in all seriousness, I just realized that this time last year and for a couple of years prior to that, one of FSC's #1 sponsors was the US Army. I wonder what those ads disappearing means? It's obvious from all their commercials -- game boyz/BOD men's spray/pimple crap -- that their main target is teenage/early 20 boys -- 1st or 2nd generation Americans especially. Isn't that still a good demographic for the US Army?
  9. Jensers

    Jensers New Member

    Apr 18, 2007
    Royal City, Wa
    "I call my Mutha 'n ongh kong for 'oly 2 cents a minute!"

  10. Bradical

    Bradical Member

    Apr 22, 2008
    Denver, CO
    That's the one. The older one was funny as well: "i call my best fren een sao paulo...we grew ap toogehdder!"

    Apparently, there is a small PennyTalk hating community:
  11. jimsig

    jimsig Active Member

    Jun 27, 2008
    I know when it comes to NHRA and NASCAR motorsports sponsorships the US Army deals are for year to year and that those sponsorships come from the advertising budget. They also reevaluate them at the end of each year. Included in those sponsorships are also track side displays/recruiting. Go to an NHRA drag race and those over 18 are able to climb a rock wall and participate in a few other activities, those under age are given dog tags also included are giveaways. I have a small flag on a stick that was given to me at the NHRA race in Chicago a few years back that says Army of One with on it, on my desk. Guess they figured they were not getting a big bang for their buck on FSC.
  12. jimsig

    jimsig Active Member

    Jun 27, 2008

    Ever watch daytime TV and really pay attention to the commercials? Their ad base of those who watch Law and Order seem to be unemployed depressed postmenopausal woman with erectile dysfunction and osteoporosis who have a structured settlement that they need JG Wentworth to help them with.

    disclaimer- I do have a more then full time a job with weird hours (split shift) that allows me to be able to watch TV during the day. I do not suffer/need help from any of the above. :D yet
  13. Jensers

    Jensers New Member

    Apr 18, 2007
    Royal City, Wa
    My daughter and her cousin were playing in the playroom at the grandparents house (They are 4), and all in the sudden they started yelling:

    'Its My Money - AND I WANT IT NOW!'

    It was a funny moment... Apparently the TV is on too much at my house.
  14. RidgeRider

    RidgeRider Member

    Jan 5, 2008
    My 6 year old loves, and stops everything he is doing, when he hears the jingle/song. It's amazing. I should keep it recorded and just play it when I need to get his attention. :)
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