DTV transition review

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Sep 9, 2008.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005

    Summary: If you only watch through cable, you're already covered. Whether or not you have a digital Cable box. And the converter DOES NOT work with cable.

    Cable co's do the conversion to analog for you, until further notice. Station lineup will probably change to avoid interference in urban areas. - Some or most of the 'ADDITIONAL' channels will not be converted by cable cos. {My area - Dayton- has mostly done all the work. I can now get 15 distinct-program local channels off an antenna, compared to 6 before}. You have to go digital cable to get those add'l ch's.

    So if your local channel is '25' you probably will not get ch 25.1 as that is usually HD in the current # scheme, instead you'll watch 25.2 which is 480P, converted by the box to 480i. Still usually a better picture than you get now.

    Note some cable co's using this to get their contractors house wire jobs for the occasional-use tv. You CAN do it yourself, just fine. Depending on house structure and access.

    - You may want to get a converter box anyway, to use in cable outage with rabbit ears or existing outside antenna.
    - you CAN get some 'free after gov cert rebate'

    There is NO SUCH THING as a 'special DTV' or HDTV antenna, they cover the upper VHF and lower UHF bands same as for the last fifty years. If you have one that already does a good job on ch 7-13 and UHF 14-60, you're all set. You MIGHT want to make sure the feed wire is RG 6. Doesnt lose as much signal as RG 59 or 'twin lead'.

    BEWARE of gimmick antennas espec those flooding ebay. Many dont work any better than old UHF/VHF rabbit ears. Terms to Know: yagi and 'reflector', {bowtie} DB2 DB4 and DB8
    Google 'em.

    Also.. if you go HD, you might want to get an outside ant anyway. Most areas the picture is notably better off the air than thru cable. Cable compresses the digital pic even more.
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