Different Times

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Nov 10, 2006.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    From The London Times: Troops fear Rumsfeld's exit will end their Iraq mission

    NY Times:
    Marines Get the News From an Iraqi Host: Rumsfeld’s Out. ‘Who’s Rumsfeld?’

    At least the NY Times explains, furhter down, the fairly unique world view of a Marine fighting unit.
    But wait... most dont really READ further down, do they!!!

    Just like most of you seem to tire of my links... It's only my subject matter or tone that you want to see about.

    When I was in boot camp, back in the sixties, they spent about as much time on the USN chain of command, up through SecDef, as they did the Code of Conduct. To be sure, most probably took a mental nap.

    But the world view of the Marines, once we were on station, became a weapon of barbed verbal jousting: "Stupid Jarheads!" Whether the speaker knew anymore than they did or not.

    To those Marines it doesnt matter anyway.

    But referring to the former article, it will be interesting to see if the media will go back and ask those upper level Officers what they think of the upcoming 'Bug-Out' shift.

    Dont bet on them doing that.
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