Dem Campaign Strategies

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Dec 9, 2007.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    I originally appended this on the Hillary/Obama thread but reconsidered. It stands on its own. Should NOT be confused with perception I think the GOP's strategy is better. It isnt. They dont have a strategy. Or, near as I can tell, even a campaign.

    To illustrate the mindnumbing positions of the Democrat party, you need look no further than an Email I just got from the Democratic Senate CC:

    Uh.. WAIT a minute! This is for the '08 election cycle .. right? Dubya aint gonna be there with his veto pen and PRESUMABLY we're going to have a Dem president.

    Umm... talk about living in the past... Would that be the SAME 'stem cell research' that hasnt provided ANY notable results {Anyone know of ANY Lives saved by ESCR? ...Bueller?} to this date, while one of the initial researchers and proponents {Dolly the Sheep} has abandoned it, in favor of adult Stem Cell Research that HAS produced results?

    And reverse WHICH course in Iraq? The one that has 50,000 troops withdrawn by Election time?


    Or is it you expect Iraqi Parliament to produce more results, quicker than Congress?

    Dubya is NOT running, And he isnt endorsing ANY of the GOP candidates, Pres or Senate. and none of those is running on Dubya's record.
    GOP old timers are quitting in droves... so where's the beef?
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