CPAC fallout: Coulter and Giuliani

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Mar 5, 2007.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Conservative Political Action Caucus

    The first thing most of you know about it is Ann Coulter referring to John Edwards as a 'faggot'.. transcript read in context is reference was playground sense -effeminate, or should we use term 'metrosexual'-, rather than as 'queer'.
    She should have used Limbaugh's term: "Breck Girl": Anyone calling THAT 'Hate Speech' would have been pegging themselves moonbat.

    The other thing you might notice is that Rudi Giuliani came in second in Presidential Preference Straw poll

    Well, Ann wont be invited back. And Rudi's results show that we understand the difference between personal beliefs and expected outcomes in the executive actions. When Dems use term 'nuance' it's to explain why they expound based on polls.
    When Replicans do it, it is use to accuse them of waffling. I see the difference. Mainly because my views on abortion are exactly the same as Rudi's.

    And here's something ELSE that's notable for you in constant fear of the vast christian conspiracy

    where are the hate-mongering christo-fascist theocrats?
    I know what happened... Giuliani is understood. Even by Falwell and Robertson.

    And you'll note, Dubya wasnt there. Mainly because he's no conservative, and never really has been.
  2. FFCinPCB

    FFCinPCB New Member

    Feb 28, 2006
    Santa Rosa Beach, FL
    Defending the indefensible, our PettyFog.

    Every male, Republicans favorite wet-dream of an attack shrill is on the move again. It's all so transparent. Would be funny if it were not so desperate. That move may have bumped him up in many polls and increased his appeal to wider spectrum of voters.

    Told you John Edwards was the real deal.
  3. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    As long as what passes for "Conservatism" the last 10 years or so continues to embrace Sieg Heil Barbie, they are nowhere near the moral high ground.

    As for the Religious Right Establishment and Rudy, this is old news. In 1980, they trashed a bible-believing fundamentalist fellow Southern Baptist in favor of a divorced believer in astrology from Babylon, CA. Why? Because the RRE is also made up of rich people who (a) don't want to pay taxes AND (b) don't want the government helping citizens who are of a different color or whose parents speak a different language.

    Rudy's appeal to the RRE is that he has absolutely no qualifications for the office. The RRE, like the other power blocks who make up the power and funding sources of the Republican Party, want a "leader" who has no convictions, no experience, and NO AGENDA. Rudy is the man for them. He's much less dangerous that someone who actually has a plan. This is the reason why people like McCain will never be preferred to people like Quayle, GWB, or Rudy. During the last 6 years, there is one group who has benefitted from the inequities in society brought upon by this administration -- by the war, by the destruction of the surplus, by the wage gap. This group is the super-wealthy who make up the power structure of the Republican Party. They want more of this, not less. They want a candidate who, as president, won't have a clue. That's what they have now and while it's been a disaster for us, it's been fantastic for them.

    All the Republicans need is to have either Hillary or Obama on the Democratic ticket, and they can win with Daffy Duck as their front-runner. I'm an American; I believe in the system and I support it. If the Republicans do get what they want in the 2008 elections, I'll live with it. But any effort to explain to me that Rudy IS qualified or, god help us, the MOST QUALIFIED person for the office will be wasted, unless you're dressed like Carrot Top and you're trying to make me laugh.
  4. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    CNN got me wound up to see just what Coulter had said but once the clip was played, I thought it rather anti-climatic. Basically what she was joking around saying you know I'd like to call Edwards a fagot but were not supposed to do that anymore.

    Call me an uncultured barbarian but I don't really care about this. I'm for gay rights, civil unions, I don't have a problem with homosexuals, I accept it as reality and really could careless. That said refering to homosexuality as a negative thing dosen't really upset me. Honestly I use the word fagot from time to time and use the word "gay" in a negative context all the time and don't think much of it. Perhaps I should, but as of now I don't

    It seems the PC folks are trying to turn this into the new "N word". So it gets to the point where regardless of what the word actually means or what context its used in you can't use it. I would never dare say the N word, perhaps my kid will never dare say the F word the fagot F word that is. All part of the social evolution I suppose.
  5. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Spencer gets it, Don and PCB regurg the kool-aid.... and dont bother denying it's to justify yourselves.

    You REALLY dont want me to point out Blog research on 'hate-speech' ... You'd just have to come up with some other excuse for using the 7 forbidden words.
  6. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    The american voter, Don, realizes INSTINCTIVELY, that politicians with no executive experience HAVE NO QUALIFICATIONS AS PRESIDENT.

    That's why obscure governors get elected over famous senators.

    When ALL you have to do is make under the table politcal deals and speeches, you're NOT qualified.

  7. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    I don't give a rat's ass about Sieg Heil Barbie calling Edwards a faggot. I don't give a shit about whether or not that's PC. I DO give a damn about her calling ME a traitor. She remains the only woman I've ever wanted to punch in the mouth.

    and 'fog. The last "obscure governor" to get elected president was, according to my favorite wingnut "a farce to be reconed with." Our current president was nowhere near obscure, nor was the most recent governor to be elected prior to that -- Reagan -- or to that -- FDR.

    If you think that the American voters will believe that a former mayor with no other executive experience, as well as no legilative experience to speak of is the best candidate, then you haven't been paying attention. If Rudy gets the nomination, he'll get elected ONLY because the voters will be browbeaten into believeing that if they vote for his opponent they'll be voting for homosexuality, hatred of the flag, and cowardice in the face of the enemy.

    That worked in 2000 and 2004. If Rudy or someone else equally unqualified wins for the Republicans in 2008, it'll be that same reasoned, intellectual argument that'll sway them again.

    Grow up, 'fog. The list of people more qualified to be president than either Rudy or GWB is long and deep. If you can't see that, then there's a kool-aid problem in your fridge also.
  8. FFCinPCB

    FFCinPCB New Member

    Feb 28, 2006
    Santa Rosa Beach, FL
    Oh I get it. It's called a smear campaign, and it shows to me that the Repubs are concerned about Edwards being too electable. Of course, The Repubs are old pros at this, so it may have more of desired effect than I would like.

    You must be so proud of your party.

    Monsieur Petit, once again you've injected your own fears into the more enlightened crowd. Keep trying though. Someday you may yet grasp the complexities.
  9. FFCinPCB

    FFCinPCB New Member

    Feb 28, 2006
    Santa Rosa Beach, FL
    It may be taking Dempsey longer than expected to get fit and find his form, but looks like Don's back in the saddle and finding his stride.

    What he said x 2.
  10. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Let's see some famous names here. currently:

    Edwards. 1 term as senator, and wasnt going to be relected if he'd run for senate again

    Clinton. Senator... no trouble getting elected from NY but doesnt even have the moonbat vote: Exec experience... Whitewater? sorry, that was below the belt. But...

    .... uhh... the guy from Iowa... but he's a governor, right? The ONLY one who is qualified executive from the Dems is Bill Richardson. And I'm truthful when I say I'd REALLY be in a quandary if it was him running against McCain. But, right now, I dont trust Senator John... he's going to have to admit he screwed up on McCain-Feingold.

    You guys arer going to have to put up some REASONING other than just your kneejerk opinions.

    Don... WHY do we keep coming back to that 'Patriot' thing, if it doesnt apply to you, let it go!

    Here's something to chew on, though... do you REALLY think George Soros has the best interests of the Unitied States at heart?

    If you do, I'd be thinking about the company you keep, ideologically.
  11. FFCinPCB

    FFCinPCB New Member

    Feb 28, 2006
    Santa Rosa Beach, FL
    He sounds terrible. What he did to spyware, he should be ashamed.

    Senate term

    Senator John EdwardsBoth the success of the Lakey case and his son's death (Edwards had hoped his son would eventually join him in private law practice) prompted Edwards to leave the legal profession and seek public office. A Democrat, Edwards won election to the U.S. Senate in 1998 against incumbent Republican Senator Lauch Faircloth. Despite originally being the underdog, Edwards beat Faircloth by 51.2% to 47.0% - a margin of some 83,000 votes.

    During President Bill Clinton's 1999 impeachment trial in the Senate, Edwards was responsible for the deposition of witnesses Monica Lewinsky and fellow Democrat Vernon Jordan.

    During the 2000 presidential campaign, Edwards was reported to be on Democratic nominee Al Gore's vice presidential nominee "short list" (along with John Kerry and Joe Lieberman, Gore's eventual pick). In November 2000, People magazine named Edwards as its choice for the "sexiest politician alive."

    Edwards served on the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and U.S. Senate Committee on Judiciary.

    During his Senate term Edwards co-sponsored 203 bills. He co-sponsored Lieberman's S.J.RES.46, the Iraq War Resolution, and also later voted for it in the full Senate to authorize the use of military force against Iraq. Edwards also supported and voted for the Patriot Act. Among other positions, Edwards generally supported abortion rights, affirmative action, and the death penalty. Among his first sponsored bills was the Fragile X Research Breakthrough Act of 1999.[7] He was also the first person to introduce comprehensive anti-spyware legislation with the Spyware Control and Privacy Protection Act.[8] He also advocated rolling back the Bush administration's tax cuts and ending mandatory minimum sentencing for non-violent offenders.[9]

    Edwards supported the expansion of the H-1B visa program to increase the number of work visas for immigrant workers.[10] Edwards generally supported expanding legal immigration to the United States while working with Mexico to provide better border security and stop illegal trafficking.[9][11]

    Before the 2004 Senate election, Edwards announced his retirement from the Senate and supported Erskine Bowles, former White House Chief of Staff, as the successor to his seat; Bowles, however, was defeated by Republican Richard Burr in the election.
  12. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    1. I never said governors were unqualified. I said former federal prosecutor/NYC mayor Rudy was unqualified.

    2. You're awfully cute in your list, but you're missing about 20-30 more Democrats and about 40 more Republicans more fit to be President than either GWB or Rudy.

    3. How did I wind up a supporter of George Soros when I've never heard of him? [Younger readers of this and other fora to which 'fog contributes should be advised that the real inspiration of Neo-Conservatism is Senator Joseph McCarthy. He's the guy who started all this "fellow-traveler" nonsense -- linking your opinion with someone else who agreed with you and then making the case that this meant you agreed with everything else the guy did. It was a way of stifling dissent and closing minds. Ultimately, it still might work. It's a lot less arduous than thinking.].

    Off to Wikipedia to find out who this George Soros dude is.

    Just got back from Wikipedia. Interesting dude. I can see why he sticks in 'fog's craw.

    1. He was a REAL anti-communist.
    2. He doesn't like GWB.
    3. He didn't like being called a drug dealer by the former Speaker of the House.
    4. He promotes higher education.
    5. He follows a "minority religion."

    And the answer to 'fog's question is, "if what I've just read about him is true, then -- yes, if the United States is still the last, best hope of mankind, I believe George Soros has its best interests in mind much more than does the President or the vice-President."
  13. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Oh.. fucrineoutloud!

    Why didnt you just link This..

    One more time... I tried to find a link between McCarthy and Neo-Cons... but the only link I can find is they are anti-communist.
    If you're going to toss names around, prove McCarthy was wrong.

    Soros was Anti-Commmunist, too... but the MAIN thing he seems to do is point out problems in monetarist policies of the West by making a killing betting against them. If HE was a 'neo-con', oh what names we'd have for him!

    Again... you all have the blinders on,... and you're blaming US for starting wars, when the real enemy, proclaims we are weak when we DONT respond directly.

    An inconvenient fact.
  14. FFCinPCB

    FFCinPCB New Member

    Feb 28, 2006
    Santa Rosa Beach, FL
    Hmmmmmmm, It's good to have you guys back...????

    (sure didn't take long to jump from Aun Coultured to McCarthy)
  15. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Don should try out for the olympics, they'd have to lengthen the pit.

    Who's calling who 'black'!

    I dont like Coulter because of what she did, that's not the first time... her 'humor' is too much like the HuffPoster who said it was 'too bad the Afghan bomber didnt get Cheney, but maybe his heart will keep trying to do him in'.

    I like some of the political points she makes... and they are right. But she is {like Hannity} like an old record, gets tiresome. As I said.. she wont be back to CPAC.
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