Cows, not cars = Planetkillers!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Dec 12, 2006.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Cow 'emissions' more damaging to planet than CO2 from cars

    Of course, the Independent immediately suggests doing away with the source. It's a lefty rag, after all.. and most of those cows are OWNED BY THE RICH!

    {What politician was it was laughed at a few years ago when he pointed that fact out, BTW?}

    Whatever... instead of killing all the cows, and sheep, and pigs and goats... and growing soybeans everywhere.. mmmmm tasty tofu!

    Why not rely on technology?

    Now here's the point: We all, society I mean, need Liberals and nutcases around to seize the least danger and run around crying 'sky is falling' for us to focus on fixing problems.

    It's not only a germ to start new ideas, but a great source of amusement.. nothing funnier than Al {He played on our fears!} Gore on a rant!

    But if we EVER let these folks DECIDE for us what the ultimate solution to any environmental problem is, we are toast!
    Because imagine what would have happened if fuel costs were kept artificially low by price restrictions, and supply restricted so as to limit use; rather than a combination of appeal to the 'conservative', along with entrepreneurial genius.
  2. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Petty, the fact that cows belching and farting creates mega methane doesn't mean that cars don't pollute, any more than somebody being shot in Iraq means that road-side bombs are nothing to fear anymore.

    I continue to scratch my head over your contexts, but I also continue to enjoy watching the leap.

    Go gettem, my brother.
  3. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Well, in fact ol' bud... you seem to have a REAL problem with context.

    In that, you CONTINUALLY put YOUR take of what you want me to say in my words..

    Does the word 'MORE' mean anything? Did you read the article? I t was about COWS.

    I'll break you of that yet.

    1. I dont believe all the hype about global warming... too many contradictions, too little REAL global scientific input. Apart from those who arent IN the field for one.. and those who ARE and hope to get grant money out of it. Same as taking BP's word for it.

    2. Even IF... then the answer is not in stopping everything but in overcoming it on all levels. Already been said that if the median models are true would require the total shutdown of economies.. UNLESS.. and that 'unless' is what I'm addressing.

    3. The most agregious sin of all the chicken littles... many of them probably have terrariums! And dont seem to have the slightest idea how they really work.
    - - - - -- - - - - - - -
    By the way... I didnt put this in 'World News' because it isnt news.

    These facts and figures have been around a LONG time... and I suspect the 'UN REPORT' is nothing more than a rehash of what's already been known.

    Approved by committee

    I dont suppose I have to put any more comment on THAT, do I.
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