Convergence of Morons

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, May 1, 2009.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    It was only about a year ago that David Axelrod and/or Rahm Emanuel typed into a Teleprompter script that the next administration would be 'The most transparent, ever'

    Now we are beginning to see what they meant:

    WaPo: The Media Elite's Secret Dinners

    Exactly... you dont have to sell to those who are desperate to buy. But I dont think Emanuel would know 'honest' if it slapped him in the gut.

    There's others:
    Witness a purported File Photo 'refresh' involving Air Force One. Amazingly fact passed to NYC officials who were warned to keep it secret.
    Rich enough in 'nuance' to prompt a viral photoshop contest in NY Daily News with over 500 entries.

    The Amazing Biden Sound Bites. It seems every time he opens his mouth there's new standup and snark fodder. Even if he doesnt say anything!

    Ability to put people in charge of things who have shady dealings involving the same things. Or demonstrated TOTAL transparency.
    Latest case: HUD appointee William Sims, who cost King county WA $120,000 dollar fine for hiding evidence relating to a suit against his office, yet claimed he wasnt a participant.
    Counter that point: A SeattleTimes reporter in her blog;
    Imagine THAT! Kudos for doing your job, Guy!!!
    No mention of the court case.. but there's this:
    - well, yeah. But that was then and HUD is now.. what could possibly go wrong?

    Sure, there's about one example for each of -oh, say.. 100 days- but it's tiring to pull your head from under the rock to list them all. You just pick one of those 'fun facts' from here and there.

    Let's put it this way. A Chief Executive must depend on the team assembled by his staff to make his system work. I'm pretty sure President Obama has more important things to do than vet every appointee and review every PR proposal.

    So I would say he's right in what he said about 'transparency'. As much so as a teleprompter screen CAN be!
  2. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Dipping into another 'convergence of moron', the traveling teleprompter said:

    Is that inspiring, chastening, or what! Millions will remember that and determine to never let that happen again in our country.

    Course it isnt true as noted by any number of Churchill scholars, including this one
    The writer goes on to point out that the Teleprompter programmer probably got that from Andrew Sullivan.

    The same as who unaccountably took time out from his 6 month investigation into the suspicious circumstances of Trig Palin's birth to call for prosecution of Dick Cheney... and used that meme to 'prove' how barbaric torture is.
    Sullivan, resident lunatic and fem-o-phobe at Atlantic Monthly saw no reason to back up his claim... it just read good, especially considering how much esteem conservatives hold for Churchill.

    *And anyone know the definition of shortcut? Bueller?

    - - - -- - - - - - - - - -
    Let's head on over to ring three in the circus' big tent:

    AlGoreacle testifies.. and finally gets asked the question the media wont pose: What's your interest in this, Mr Gore?

    Note the congresshoney from Tennessee is just sweet as pie. The Goreacle aint fooled though.. he's freakin hostile.
    I'll post the background link, too... so you dont miss it. It's important because it shows how much things will change and unless you're pretty freaking rich, the War on Carbon will change your life ... and not for the better. OTOH, if you already got the bucks...
    How Gore got his 98 millions, since 2001

    On the same SMH link, Newt gives his view on it... not that that matters; he's a morally bankrupt conservative who abandoned his wife, so who cares.
  3. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Hmmm; it seems that he did read it in a Sullivan article. I would advise ANYONE to avoid reading Sullivan or watching him on television. Having said that, the president said, "I read an article the other day that said ... ." Your debunking source provided a quote from that article. It did exist, then. And so the president didn't lie or make it up -- you know, like yellow cake or something.

    The debunker didn't say anything about Sullivan "taking time off from ranting about Palin and Cheney" nor about Sullivan being a fag. Of course, the debunker is a travel writer -- and British -- so he probably doesn't feel the need to trash homosexuals, Rahm Emanual, Jimmy Carter, and Al Gore every time he takes a breath.

    Thanks for the links, by the way, and please tell anyone who cares about accuracy that Gingrich didn't "abandon his wife." What he did was serve her with divorce papers while she was recovering from cancer surgery. That's much more caring than abandoning her.
  4. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    All that to point out a misused comma. Let that be a lesson to the rest of you. Keep track of sentence subject and dont mix them.
    Sullivan being 'queer' is no secret... I was going to say something really snarky about carpet munching but that's hackneyed and a little demeaning so I decided on a more original and yet demonstrable description.
    I'd say fem-o-phobe fits based on his body of work, and it has nothing to do with his actual 'activities'. Or would that work better spelled Femiphobe?
    Added: In fact I just realized the most descriptive term has already been coined and I believe it was for Sullivan. It is 'Gynophobe'. It should of course not be used for Perez Hilton, he's a different fish.
    - - - -- - - - -- - - -
    And a little zing about yellow cake besides... what a straight man!

    Well, that story was just as straight up as the post subject. You'll probably not be hearing from the erstwhile couple again.

    Valerie Plame lied about who picked Joe Wilson
    Joe Wilson lied about what happened... or was apparently really incompetent in his fact finding.
    - -- -
    Now to return to critical analysis.
    The point is not that the teleprompter programmer really didnt read the article.. or even that the President didnt. {The rumor is he does read Sullivan regularly. course that may be a damned RW lie to discredit him.}

    'Course since Don caught the comma displacement he knows that already.
    So don's right: The teleprompter content is not technically a lie. But it's untrue.

    Just as he was right in the core impetus of that foofraw when he said the President didnt lie in those sixteen little words in his state of the union, right, Don?
    - - - - - - - -
  5. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    - Washington Examiner

    Stupid Moron C***t! "This is about healing... Let's move on!"
    Yeah... until the NEXT liberal scumsucker {no.. scum is on top of pond.. what do you call fish poop?} tries to make politically correct points. Of course it doesnt matter that this sort of meaningless slobbering drivel fuels the fire in those yokels in the new klan and Aryan nations.. way to go, clueless bitch!
    - The demeaning expletives are used purposely. If it's good enough for theleftist media in prime time, it's good enough for me. I get fired up too... but I'm not gunning for approval by using them.

    Mike Wallace: When will this divide on race end?
    Morgan Freeman: When we stop talking about it!
    Actually I think he meant when politicians stop trying to get votes from it.
    - Link
  6. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    CoM: Gynephobe Back at Important Stuf

    First the backstory:
    You know the comic bits about how it's a federal offense to remove that tag from bedding and how it is used as a prop to illustrate silly paranoids.. a person might live in fear of a knock on the door by some fed agency if they cut it off?

    Well, there's a good reason FOR that tag... it's supposed to ensure that Premium bedding is made from properly processed VIRGIN materials.. they had in mind feather down.. and not from materials that might have been polluted by organic parasites.

    To the Present:
    Well, after making up a lot of shit about Churchill's views on 'Torture' which somehow made it to the highest teleprompters of the land..
    Andrew Sullivan, darling of the Teleprompter programmers, is back on the Trig Palin case!

    And from all indications he'll remain at it until the MSM give it the proper attention.

    Evidently SOMEONE had removed some tag off a pillow - or it never had one- and Sullivan munched contents of that pillow, ingesting fluffy-feather-loving parasites, which then migrated to his skull cavity.

    * and yes, I finally determined it's gynephobe.
  7. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Justice Blows Another one

    First it was the circle jerk that let Ted Stevens off.. then we saw the intentional 'Torture Memo' Oooops! 'Missed Deadline'..
    And now, DOJ has come up empty prosecuting WR Grace.

    There were evidently a lot of problems with this case, on both sides. But what sort of moron lays charges that would patently be thrown out on appeal?

    Hmmm.. Maybe I'll take a short course in law, on-line, and take the Ohio Bar.

    'If you can, DO it
    If you cant DO it, Teach it.
    If you cant teach it, Write about it
    If you cant write.. apply for a federal job in the field'
  8. Clevelandmo

    Clevelandmo Active Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    I saw much of Gore's testimony on CSPAN. The best part was when he responded to congressman Radonovich's statements about how this cap and trade/climate change legislation is wrong and is going to ruin the economy because there is currently no viable replacement for fossil fuel. Gore, of course, could not address the issue. He just listed wind, fuel cells, photovotaics, etc and said something like "we almost sort of have an excellent idea about replacements" and "engineers and scientists are making great strides". He is an opportunistic baffoon - as demonstrated by the billions he stands to make when this is all done.

    Meanwhile W's ranch house is already green, and is less than half the size of Gore's mansion. Then there were also those mines that Gore used to own, given to him by an oilman with a criminal record; the EPA found that they were polluting the local river.
  9. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Of course he doesnt respond, EVER. He doesnt have the mental facilities needed to argue on the merits. Thus he will never debate the topic.
    This has nothing to do with his IQ or lack of it. some of the best con men are low IQ with street smarts.

    I'm watching those 'great strides', Al! and I'm almost as excited about them as you are.

    But unlike Al and the rest of the fraudsters and their useful idiots, I have a PRACTICAL UNDERSTANDING of elementary physics PLUS Project management and Engineering.

    Did you know 'Cold Fusion' is real.. and has been proved? unfortunately it's decades away because just the concept, a flash of more energy out than energy in, has been proven.. the "How, Why Where and When" are still a mystery.

    Considering thin film photovoltaics are STILL not in mass production yet and they've actually been produced in low quantity for almost five years I'd say we're wishing on stars.
    Again... we saw this before in the 1990's Silicon Valley. And the Real Estate boom.

    And, BTW, Cap and Trade wont ruin Gore's personal economy, or that of his sub-rosa mentor; Soros. Both will make millions or billions. So maybe that's the point. Then they can both donate part of the proceeds to help out the 'little guys'.. especially to 'Educate and inform them'.
  10. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    In fact as well as ironic meaning..
    Genius entertains with revelation of VP bunker

    Sure is a good thing we have intellectuals running the country.
  11. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Obama < Biden < Pelosi

    Only to point out to all the line of succession, again. We should all pray for the President's health. I mean that seriously.

    So the latest is that Eleanor Clift, who used to be a reporter, now is apparently passing the time as a gossip scribbler until Helen Thomas, Grand Hag Poobah of Progressives, cant make her way to that front and center chair in the WH Press Room and Clift gets it.
    Anyway Clift wrote in a Newsweek blog that Joe the Mouth told an interesting anecdote at some dinner about what he found at the VP residence: Dick Cheney's secret bunker. This of course would be, more or less, disclosure of secret information, if true.

    Hey, what the hell... a good anecdote is freakin priceless. More so if it conveys Cheney cowering in some under rat hole. I could see Sen Joe, on the contrary climbing to the cupola of the Naval Observatory and waving the stars and stripes defiantly.

    So this gets all sort of comment back and forth and most of it derisively pointed at 'The Mouth'.
    Obviously the best thing to do would be to let this die out on its own, but some intellectual in Biden's office decided to set things straight and released a statement that Biden wasnt talking about a bunker at all. In fact the room in question was upstairs, a sort of utility room, and was now converted into a spare bedroom. Leading us to wonder if they removed the thick steel door and passage lined with communications equipment during the Reno.

    Maybe we COULD understand that Biden was actually going upstairs when he thought he was going down, but the issue is really why make a statement at all?

    1) To confuse any subversive element that might use that information?


    2) To reassure voters.

    I'm thinking that every additional idiocy that comes out only points to the REAL morons as US.

    That is, the ones who vote for this schmuck and guys like him, and those of us who voted for the other guy but resign themselves by saying: "Oh well.. how bad could it be!"
  12. Martin-in-Nashville

    Martin-in-Nashville New Member

    Feb 2, 2005
    Smyrna TN
    I got a suggestion for you too Petty and Don, take a trip over the pond every sunday at Hyde Park Corner there's a part of the park called Speakers Corner it's there right next to Marble arch, there you can rant and rave and say anything other than insight treason against the queen (Elton John doesnt qualify) as I understand it and anyone or anything can be spoken about, I think you would both draw quite a crowd.

    One last thing? Dont forget your soapbox

    :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
  13. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    I'm well aware of speaker's corner. I'm sure our founders had it in mind when they wrote the 1st Amendment [since not everyone who wants to speak freely can fit in one portion of one park].

    And I've quit arguing with Petty about politics. It's like talking football to a mynah bird and expecting something thoughtful and coherent in return.
  14. nevzter

    nevzter Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2007
    A City by a Bay
    I have to give it to 'fog for his thread title - it's brilliant.
  15. Clevelandmo

    Clevelandmo Active Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    Do I hear "uncle"?
  16. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    You bet. I depart the field shattered by the force of his intellect and yours. Fog is free to continue to spout whatever paranoid partisan weirdness he can find on the net, and you're free to continue to pretend that you're not embarrassed by it.

    Have fun kids! :3d footy:
  17. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Moron Central Does its Thing!

    This one takes the 'Center of Moron Universe' grand prize for the week*:

    Sobbing Kindergarteners Snubbed for Steelers?

    Obama Snubs Kids for Steelers?

    Hell, no he didnt. The President had nothing to do with it. And neither did the Steelers.

    The F#$$$@g morons Rahm Emanuel hired as gatekeepers did it.

    Way to think on your feet, idiots! Why dont you show us your resumes and degrees, intellectuals?

    - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - -
    * Beating out: Pelosi, Gingrich and Colin Powell
  18. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    What If...

    .. the Dealerships Chrysler has notified of Divorcement turn out to be those whose owners were not Obama contributors and those who stay were?
    Why would Chrysler dump a profitable dealer then search for another in the same area?

    Stay tuned. That is researchable, - an 'Army of Davids' is on it - and the resulting charges verifiable.
  19. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    CoM: Let's Tax Email!

    More idiotic leftist garbage. Never mind actually THINKING about how it would work, it's the idea that counts.
    NY Times: The Case for Taxing Email

    - ' What could possibly go wrong!'
  20. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    RE: CoM: Let

    Glad I read the link to discover that it wasn't a NYT editorial, it was an article about an article printed in a British magazine I've never heard of. I guess you tracked back enough to discover that it was a leftist magazine.

    Having said all that, this "the government is going to tax email" has been popping up since the Clinton administration -- usually in the form of mass emails begging us to (mass) email our congressional reps asking them to stop it.

    Ah, the Internet: where NOTHING goes to die.
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