Bush Adm, Congress vie for biggest DUMASS geopolitical moves

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Oct 16, 2007.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    At the exact same time Turkey is pissed off at Iraq and US for failing to halt Kurd Terror activities from PKK havens in Iraq, Nancy Pelosi and a significant number of GOP stooges pass a resolution condemning Turkey for an atrocious event 90 some years ago.

    There is no doubt it happened. There is no doubt it was genocide, or the next thing to it. But WHY NOW?

    The Bush braintrust, not to be left out, has opened up the worm can on two fronts:

    1. At the SAME time he should be asking China what they are going to do about the multitude of defective manufacturing processes that's threatening market-based trade agreements, Bush invites the Dalai Lama into a private meeting.
    And what about pushing China to be more proactive in controlling China's own trade puppet, Myanmar?
    Giving China a diversion tactic... Or what?

    2. Condi Rice running around trying to get Arab Leaders into a conference about the Gaza and Palestinian State question. The MSM reports on this are as misleading as a Sanchez speech article however... the REAL pressure is being put on Israel to withdraw back to pre-67 borders. Abbas knows this and is hyping up his prenegotiation demands. Which Israel is not going to agree to. And State KNOWS this.

    Thus the question is not really about statehood. All concerned have agreed to that long ago. It's about control of East Jerusalem and Temple Mount in particular.

    How this conference will solve the REAL civil war now happening in Palestine is not clear. It wont end it... it would only expand it.

    So let's roll all this into one big burrito... how about dropping the Armenian thing, and instead pass a resolution for the Administration to get the Kurds to stop the PKK Turkish border incursions. And add a clause to condemn Myanmar for the actions against Buddhist monks and China for failing to exert theior influence.
  2. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    RE: Bush Adm, Congress vie for biggest DUMASS geopolitical m

    with the exception of leaving the "b" out of Dumbass, I can't find a thing to disagree with. What idiots we all are when we try to play "statesmen."
  3. Clevelandmo

    Clevelandmo Active Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    RE: Bush Adm, Congress vie for biggest DUMASS geopolitical m

    Perhaps now to give Turkey an opportunity to officially apologize, which they have never done and which some want before they are accepted into the EU. Many in the US and EU feel Turkey's inclusion in the EU will improve the West's ability to deal with the Muslim world and the ME.
  4. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Even the Guardian agrees.. kinda .. sorta.

    Of course THIS mush-brained idiot, turns it around on the US for the 'Most Effective Genocide of a Native Peoples' {See my opinion in another thread on the 'Bureau of Indian Affairs} and the premise that the y Hiroshima/Nagasaki bombs were unnecessary.. based on WHAT, we dont know, because there's enough evidence from the Japanese themselves that they would never surrender, otherwise.

    Oh... yeah HERE'S what it's based on.. note he implies how the Soviet battle over the Kuriles 'was the final defeat'. My ass! For those of you who forget your history, the USSR declared war on Japan specifically for the purpose of regaining the disputed islands. They had NO interest in actually invading Japan, proper.

    So.. while the numbskull is correct about 'Moral High Ground' being taken by idiots, he then illustates it perfectly by doing it himself.
  5. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Re: RE: Bush Adm, Congress vie for biggest DUMASS geopolitic

    They're fighting their OWN battles against Islamofascism, Mo! Aint Gonna happen!

    That's EXACTLY what I mean!

    UPDATE: Not the FIRST time.. but things were different then.

    Read Bill Clinton's letter... any reason to think it's not a WORSE time, now?
  6. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    Here was the WSJ's take yesterday

    http://online.wsj.com/public/article/SB ... 59974.html

    They really are clever you know!

    Interestingly enough in the editorial just above they congratulated Greenpeace for its honesty and practicality.

    http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1192135 ... lenews_wsj

    Eat more Roo rather than Beef and Australia can cut its carbon emissions by 15million metric tons by 2020 according to Greenpeace. I'm willing to try a Kangaroo Burger!
  7. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    interesting link the WSJ made between Polosi's Syrian overture and her Armenian efforts. I guess the Daily Fascist doesn't realize that Armenians are now, and were in 1915, overwhelmingly Christian.
  8. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    I don't see how Armenians being Christian has anything to do with anything in this case. The WSJ saw Pelosi's performance in Syria as ridiculous, it belives her latest move on this Armenian/Turkey front is equally ridiculous. That is why the connection was drawn.
  9. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    It was the "headscarf" reference that tripped my signal flares. However, as always, you've taken a more studied approach on this than me. So, in the immortal words of Emily Latella: "Oh ... that's very different [turn to the camera and smile] ... never mind."
  10. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    bill tabled

    Might as well follow up on this one. The bill has been pulled.....

    http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/26/washi ... 6cong.html

    Nothing wrong with the bill, just a terrible terrible time to put it forward. A row with Turkey is just another complication we don't need and can't handle at this point. Very lame of Pelosi, she is either very daft and has her head in the sand or these trouble making antics which harm the country's foreign policy are intentional. The democratic party has much better candidates for leadership than her.
  11. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Re: bill tabled

    Sure they do, many of them. In fact SHE was one of those 'better leaders' before she actually became one.

    And so, despite his land deal shenanigans and all those sons in the 'lobbyist biz', was Harry Reid . I mean he was EASILY elected in Nevada. But now Harry Reid's poll numbers in Nevada are lower than Dubya's, and he would NOW barely defeat a lampshade for his Senate spot.

    So, you say, WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM?!!!!

    It's simple... they both now believe they serve a larger constituency than just those who elected them. You know.. like Tom Daschle did.
    I know I hoot at those conspiracists who advance 'our leaders are puppets' charges when they are from the 'Left'... but consider that there's documented conference calls between the Congressional Dems and 'someone in New York' every Monday.

    Sidebar: California, speaking of Pelosi, has TWO women DEM senators... the senior of which, Diane Feinstein, would make a GREAT Senate Majority Leader.. one would THINK, anyway. {Never mind Boxer... she's stupider than Reid}

    You think she wasnt offered? If she wasnt offered .. why do you think she wasnt? NOW read about Tom Daschle.
    Diane Feinstein's seat is far more secure than Reid's or Daschle's ever was.. but, despite her having her own baggage in her husband getting some juicy federal contracts, I'm guessing she has some ethics.. and she is certainly not a DUmmie.

    Now that Nancy Pelosi has built up a great deal of Republican campaign fodder, she's going to wake up several months before her November polls and ask herself why she fell into the trap. And wonder if a K Street job was worth it.
  12. Smokin'

    Smokin' Administrator

    Jan 3, 2005
    Machu Picchu
    Re: bill tabled

    David Rockefeller? CFR?

    I'd get laughed off the board 3 years ago for mentioning this name or that organization.

    It all comes true tho in some form. Google him. Try to avoid Alex Jones as he often does thorough research only to sensationalize it just enough.

    If you can, read his memoirs, they will make you made as hell and give you a better angle to start judging present politics and a idea of where we are headed.

    Sorry, you said conspricy and I come a runnin'... : )
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