And 'Not-News to me' about Jimmy Carter...

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Apr 28, 2007.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    For many years I counted Alan Dershowitz among the contemptible 'bleeding heart libs' whose logic conservatives love to dissect. Right along with Jimmy Carter.

    But as in any 'group' there are those who have integrity and those who dont.

    It's become quite apparent in his recent speeches, and his book which resulted in many of his foundation advisors resigning that Jimmy Carter is one of those without.

    Alan Dershowitz, however, is one of those WITH integrity. Himself a former advisor to Carter and the Carter Foundation, he has found that Carter has been bought and paid for by Arab Wahabists.
    The Real Jimmy Carter
    Jimmy Carter, alas, has been proven to be a despicable little man. He deludes himself into thinking he is a force in geo-politics but with each passing year shows his true colors.. out of his league.

    Like many actors and singers he had one gigantic hit.. the Camp David Accords, which were significant enough to make his reputation for life... yet he clings to the idea that he somehow is a righteous advocate of all that is fair and balanced. He probably still thinks he did the right thing in undermining US - North Korea nuclear negotiations... which for some reason official Clinton operatives continue to smooth over.

    But his recent pronouncements on Israel v Palestinians is beyond the pale.

    For them to come from a former Southern Baptist Sunday School teacher, as he often points out, it seems FAR beyond understanding.

    Until you read the story of Judas Iscariot.

    For, you see, it wasnt just a matter of getting 12 pieces of silver in return for betrayal, it was a matter of ego.
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