Say What?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HatterDon, Feb 7, 2010.

  1. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    I know, I know. The "Tea Party Movement" is a spontaneous grass-roots movement that is "non-partisan" and is not orchestrated by FoxNews for the benefit of the Republican Party. They are upset at all federal malfeasance, not just that of Obama and the Democrats. It must be true; Pettyfog said so, and he has links.

    Here's a quote from a news story in today's San Antonio Express-News I couldn't find an on-line link for. The comment was in response to the national convention's decision to bar people carrying signs showing Obama with Hitler moustaches or dressed up like The Joker:

    Yep, sounds spontaneous, grass-roots and non-partisan to me.

    By the way, to show that it's still interested in "the little guy" that is the heart and soul of the movement, the for-profit Tea Party Nation charged each little guy $549 apiece to attend. If the grass-roots little guy was satisfied to travel all the way to Nashville just to hear Sarah Palin's speech [which she got all the way through without resigning -- well, DONE, Sarah], he only had to pay $349. Well, a for-profit group has to have some money left over after paying $100k to a FoxNews employee.

    Meanwhile, back in San Antonio, the organizer who brought us our own spontaneous tax-day non-partisan Tea Party starring non-partisan Glen Beck [and who is trying to bring us another non-partisan event starring equally non-partisan Sean Hannity] has upset his grassroots fellows by going the same direction as the national movement -- FOR PROFIT!!!! To do so, he's having his own little South Texas Stalin-like purge, y'all. ... in_SA.html

    I wonder how much they're going to pay Hannity!
  2. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    So... you got a better solution on how to do it?

    I dont agree with the 'For Profit' and neither do a lot of others. But I'm just a watcher.

    And by the way.. tell us about how 'non-partisan' Obama grassroots campaigns got started?

    What is it with you? Rather they featured elected Republicans?
    You're not making much sense here, Soros?

    Especially since I found this article onMysanantonio

    Reading that about the collapse of the original San Antonio TP group doesnt square at all with your meme. Which is becomingf exceedingly tiresome because you back your points with bullshit.

    Having Rick Perry involved is the only ammo you could find.
    - - -- - - -- -
    Here's an interesting point.. perhaps if Don watched last night, he can explain this:
    - Actually I can explain it. But some of you wouldnt like my take on it.
  3. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    a. I never mentioned Rick Parry's name nevermind used him as ammo; I can't think why you mentioned him.
    b. I don't care if they invite Republican candidates, elected officials, or the head of the RNC -- who, in typical fashion, accepted and then immediately sent his regrets. I just wish they'd label it as a fundraising for the Republican Party and stop trying to pretend that it isn't partisan.

    Perhaps the Tea Party Movement was co-opted by professional politicos, but it didn't happen this week or this month or even in the last six months. It was created by people who are frightened to death that the Republican Party would look at the election debacles of 2006 and 2008 and decide to moderate their message and approach. The Tea Party organizers have finally come out of the closet and said that their aim is to keep the Republican party as doctrinaire conservative as they possibly can. This is very much FoxNew's agenda -- hence their orchestration and sponsorship -- and it provides a lot of good paid gigs for their employees as well. Good for them.

    Just stop pretending that it is an unorchestrated grassroots non-partisan movement.

    Ah, the final argument. "No it isn't. NO IT ISN'T .... He did it first!" Right up there with "I wasn't there and, besides, it was self defense." :roll: You're a riot, 'fog! :lol:

    And just what is "my meme?" Have you been living in the blogosphere so long you don't speak English anymore?
  4. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    How about you address the points you liked to make during Dubya's administration. That's what the 'Tea Parties' are about.

    That's what you have in common with them. And YET, we havent heard or read ONE peep out of you on the fed deficit since.

    So now, there's a vehicle to try to stop the hemorrage before it's too late and you attack it.
    And the funny thing is that Brown was just elected with Tea Party support.

    And Brown is a social centrist... and yet you rail on as if the TP is dragging the GOP to the right.

    I got news for you.. it was GOP centrists like David Frum who actually got Dubya to go along with that 'bi-partisan' spending and now Frum is mewling for the GOP to go to the middle.

    I'm gonna tell you what I told Spencer... quit worry about what the GOP does and fix your own freakin party.
  5. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    I don't have a party -- "freakin'" or otherwise.
  6. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Well, I'm a registered Republican. I say bitch aout the dems, on which you are strangely silent, before you bitch about my party.
    Let me ask again about Frum... who seems to have the same view as you. He supposedly IS a nominal centrist repub and yet he's one of those who pushed the bi-partisan debt spending.

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