Well, that certainly makes for a better picture on FSC SD. But my T-W lineup doesnt have 'SoccerHD' yet. Prolly being pissy to Rupert Rooney's on freakin fire, aint he!
I understand that this match was available in 3D to subscribing pubs in England. Just what you want, Shrek running straight at you.
Re: RE: FSC is in HD Or opening up bandwidth. In SA we're getting 10 or so new hd channels on 2/5. Don't think FSC is one of them though. But that went out back when the negotiations with Fox were unresolved, so hopefully it'll be in there.
RE: FSC is in HD, Dish Well.. the good thing is I know what channel it will be on T-W 1318 Good to know I can watch E!, Spike and Comedy in HD.. right? The car builder stuff on Spike is good.. the rest.. umm blah!