Sunday Serming

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Jan 31, 2010.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    "identify.. isolate..ridicule"
    - Great Thinker and Activist

    It's been a great week for the common guy.

    The Main Stream Media continues to show why it's irrelevant by its reaction to a SCOTUS decision* and its support of the ridiculous statement "..opening the door to Foreigner Campaign Influence" {paraphrased}. Do we REALLY believe that those paid to know don't know how stupid that is? Or how ridiculous in terms of past campaign scandals on the subject?

    Not mentioned and probably unnoticed by MOST on here, the odious Howard Zinn transitioned from adding to the CO2 problem to emitting methane. I hope. Either that or he went out in a big burst of carbon.

    Speaking of Transitions: MSDNC has almost completed its revamp into the "Leftist Only News Network". Only remaining problem is Morning Joe.. but it cant be long before he just throws up his hands, especially since he got spanked by the *Commissar of GE News for pointing out Olby's idiocies.
    And then we have Mr Leg Tingle: "For an hour, I forgot he was black!"
    - {See my sig line}

    For the Global Warmening tools:
    Not only was the melting glacier crap exposed and debunked, but also the 'Warming destroys the Amazon Rain forest' meme. Sadly, the issue is only being covered by the Brit press. No matter how much influence peddling and corruption is exposed, some still sing the party line because there's tax-payer money to be made somewhere by those in the know**.

    Tea Party interests continue to resist 'Central Organization' {See the convention bru-ha-ha} and Republican attempts to co-opt and absorb - yay. Instead, Tea Partiers are bent on reforming the GOP from the ground up by becoming Precinct Captains.

    Predictably those who are 'paid to be much better informed than you and I' say that is silly, it will take too long to influence the party. Keep thinking that way, PUKE! Give you something to write about later on this year.
    Good: Newt now says he was wrong, Tea Party right on the NY-23 endorsement of RINO-Leftist Dede.
    - does that mean I can trust him now? Not Really, but that's part of politics.

    Bad: Some GOP still dont get it, the Repub version of Silky Pony, **Lindsay Graham sez Congress needs to pass some Carbon Tax Legislation so Congress can have a win.
    - buh-bye, you idiot; the line of scrimmage just shifted a whole bunch.

    All tied up neatly by Scott Brown:
    "The voters are not stupid!"

    Still, those paid to understand US, ask:
    Why do people often vote against their own interests?

    That is a damn good question. Certainly, at my age, I'm almost totally beholden to the mercy and largesse of the government. What the hell do I care what happens to my kids after I'm gone!

    -Maybe it's something like you read now and then. The family dog awakes sleeping people when the house catches on fire and wont leave until the whole family is out of the house. Sometimes against his own survival instinct.
  2. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    ..oh, and I forgot to 'predict' what's coming up shortly on the AGW theme: I can find it but, since posting authoritative links annoys a few on here, instead will just paraphrase the public fund feeding shoat:
    "The Himalayan glaciers no longer display the isotope markers from above ground nuclear tests in the late forties through the early sixties. In 20 years of core testing this is the first time that's happened!"

    - look for it.

    Never mind ANYTHING.. The Guardian says the glaciers are melting at an alarming rate:
    - not mentioned is how that greatly increased glacier melt is actually getting from the mountains to the ocean to make it rise. Guess that's another of those 'Complicated Scientific Details'. maybe it's so hot it just comes off as vapor?

    "identify.. isolate..ridicule"
    - Great Thinker and Activist
  3. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Glaciers Keep Falling on my Head

    Which they also can't really prove.
    Well, now we know.. that MUST be the answer!
    All that glacier sublimation is now falling DIRECTLY on the Newnited States of H'Americer.

    Indeed it's sublime.. too 'complicated for all you yokels to understand'.

    Uh.. except.. that happens like in your kitchen frig freezer section.
    You can do the experiment for yourself, chill a four cup container for half hour. load it with ice cubes, weigh it if you have a kitchen scale or just note the size of cubes and how much they occupy.
    Check back in a month.

    So it would explain it, right? Bet you see that in some Warmist opinion.
    Well.. except that the freezer temp was zero all along.
    And the Warming cause Atmosphere drying would counter the 'forcing' theories that increased cloud cover.. oh, well...


    Now for the serious climate junkies:
    Here, a guy named Lacis lays groundwork that links AGW to Ozone depletion... the alarmist pet for the 80's and early 90's.. somehow I got the 'CYA' feeling going on. Like say, CO2 alarmism is 'fake but accurate'.
  4. Clevelandmo

    Clevelandmo Active Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    How is a healthcare reform plan that covers millions of more people while doing almost nothing to address escalating healthcare costs in our best interests? Maybe they should answer that question before they write their arrogant article.

    As far as global warming, I say once again any honest scientist will tell you they dont understand what's going on. ... 124956.htm

  5. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    I can give you a hint:

    1. Divert attention from NHS 'anomalies'

    2. Fact: 51% of all union members work in the public sector.
    Fact: SEIU {which probably WONT have the gov plan Health Insurance} is the obvious benefitted group for single payer. But as the Pres said a few years ago, that wont happen overnight .. gotta take it in baby steps. Control first, Card Check Second, Single payer in maybe fifteen years, then everyone in Health Care will be a de facto union member.

    And have a double vote-allegiance.
  6. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    As I said above.. there's plenty happening, ongoing and every day..

    The latest chuckle inducer: "There has been no appreciable warming since 1995. "
    Authority: Phil Jones, the honcho of UEA CRU whose desperate attempts to prove otherwise started all this bru-ha and inspired the leak!

    Related.. and this in the 'point and horse-laugh' category:


    What a numbskull! It's only a SHORT matter of time until fledging interns at Comedy Store open mic walk out and gravely survey the crowd... wait several seconds and say:
    "Al Gore."
    {Audience laughter}
    - - - - - -- - - - - - - -
    And Gordon Brown is still 'saying the warming science is settled' and hanging on by his fingernails in desperate hope of the carbon-tax cash trough coming around...
    - - -- - - - - - - -- - - -

    Something that's disturbing to me.. and others are starting to notice:
    If The Tree of Global Warming Fell In The Living Rooms of The American Press.. would they notice?
    - dont bother clicking the link doesnt say much.

    The only American press links here are to NYT's 'dot earth' blog. That means it's not really relevant enough for the print edition... right?

    Yet every Brit paper is on it... even the Guardian and it was on it early. This is NOT a 'British' issue. This issue is a GLOBAL issue, and global on BOTH sides. When a Brit living in Scotland is conversant with Penn State's science dept and the funding mechanism and knows to refer to it as a Commonwealth.. seems to me we're all in this together.
    Except for our MSM. Including Fox. Even BBC has a debate/interview it seems like every other day.
  7. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Her Majesty's COWHN

    Immediately flashed on the old Flip Wilson skit {look it up, newbies}
    'The Church of What's Happenin' Now!'

    British Bishops Urge 'Carbon Fast' for Lent

    Enough to make even Christopher Hitchens puke!

    They had to do something relevant to top:
    Vatican newspaper releases list of top ten albums: Fleetwood Mac! Pink Floyd! ... Oasis?
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