Discussion in 'Prem talk, Those Other Leagues, and International' started by SoCalJoe, Sep 8, 2009.

  1. SoCalJoe

    SoCalJoe Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2006
    Walnut, CA
    The next "biggest match of the campaign". Should be a spirited encounter and a win puts us in a solid postion.

    Like the El Diveador match 3 points is what is required, style points on that pitch will be difficult so even it's 1-0, I'll take it.

    Mexico should handle Honduras (I wouldn't be shocked though if the Hondurans sneak out a draw). Costa Rica is reeling and I highly doubt they'll get 3 points in El Salvador (futbol wise they view the Ticos and El Tri w/more disdain than they do us), in fact don't be surprised if Costa Rica loses out right (which would be fantastic).
  2. stlouisbrad

    stlouisbrad Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2007
    I got a good feeling about this game, so I'm predicting a 3 goal win and of course a shoutout by Howard. Goals by Dempsey, Donovan, and Altidore.
  3. FulhamAg

    FulhamAg New Member

    Apr 5, 2008
    San Antonio, Texas
    T&T seem to play us cleaner than the rest of our CONCACAF heathen... er brethren, so I'll go 3-1 US.
  4. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    I think we'll do fine. I think Costa Rica peaked juuuuuuuuust a bit early.
  5. Jensers

    Jensers New Member

    Apr 18, 2007
    Royal City, Wa
    Top of the group and then a free fall!

    We need the table to open up a little bit and I am thinking we will see that happen. A win for us and a draw for Mexico and Honduras will go a long way. I like Honduras right now - they can be a handful if Palacios can break up and boss the midfield.
  6. EricD

    EricD New Member

    Sep 7, 2007
    Newport Beach, CA
    I hope Benny does not sit for Clark since he will back from a suspension. I thought I read that DeMerit is still nursing his injury, so maybe slide Boca and insert Gooch in the middle.

    I would have no problem giving Castillo a shot at LB here, but that is probably not even close to an option. Depending on what these guys have on the outsides, Spector can play on the left if they wanted to bring in Dolo on the right. That assumes you sit Marshall for Boca too. I thought Marshall had some nice passes out of the back.

    I like the Altidore Davies front line. This can actually put some worry into some teams. When have you ever heard that was possible for us (US)?

    I hope the midfield stays as it was for the El Salvador match. If Bob wants Jr to attack more, then I think it will be at the expense of Benny for Clark. I dread Clark's touches. I like Holden in the rotation. It was nice to see Torres get some time. He had a blistering header even though it was too close to the keeper, it was still an impressive power shot.
  7. omsdogg

    omsdogg New Member

    Aug 1, 2006
    Salt Lake City, Utah
    same line up as the El Salvador match with the exception of Bornstein. I would slide Spector over to the left, bring Dolo on on the right. Give Marshall a big pat on the back for a job well done, but partner Gooch with Boca. Everything else stays the same. If for some reason Davies can't go, move Demps up top and have him play off of Jozy and start Holden on the right wing. Holden's service is pinpoint. I do hope Davies can go though cuz this kid impresses me every time he's on the pitch.
  8. WhitesBhoy

    WhitesBhoy Active Member

    Jul 9, 2008
    The Beach, For Now
    Time to solidify the line-up.

    FFF had it right last night. Boca-DeMerit-Onyewu-Cherundolo along the back (left to right, and Spector filling in as needed).

    Midfield is some sort of mixture of Dempsey-Donovan-Bradley-Feilhaber-Holden.

    Forwards are clearly Davies and Altidore.
  9. nevzter

    nevzter Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2007
    A City by a Bay
    This match has me feelin' as if I just climbed the rope in gym class..
  10. bostoncottage

    bostoncottage New Member

    Jan 25, 2007
    New York, NY
    DeMerit didn't make the trip and is back with Watford.

  11. WhitesBhoy

    WhitesBhoy Active Member

    Jul 9, 2008
    The Beach, For Now
    Dude, put that thing away before you poke somebodies eye out.
  12. WhitesBhoy

    WhitesBhoy Active Member

    Jul 9, 2008
    The Beach, For Now
    I wonder why not put Spector next to Onyewu and Boca out left? He's big, strong, fast........oh fast, unlike Boca, maybe that is why. Still, Boca's going to have to learn how to play the angles for us (already does for Rennes at this position), so why not start (permanently)/continue now.
  13. nevzter

    nevzter Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2007
    A City by a Bay
    Bornstein again? Sometimes, I swear I want to punch Bob Bradley square in the mouth.

    I yearn to be proven wrong.
  14. Clevelandmo

    Clevelandmo Active Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    Nothing made me madder at Bob than when he brought in Beckerman v. El Salvador.

    What's lineup?

    Is Davies in?

    Oh wait, I gave up international soccer. I forgot. I'll have to go organize my sock drawer now.
  15. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    I hope you did, Mo. Otherwise, you'd have seen a TNT defender drag the ball out of play in his own penalty area with his arm -- and nothing was called. On the other hand, two matches in a row without a card is a good thing.

    I really wanted to find myself a shotgun and shove it up Harkes's ass about 10 minutes in. He is driving me nuts with his non-stop diatribes against Deuce. Granted, Clint did not play that brilliantly, but he was not the stupidest, laziest player ever to wear the colors and -- if you judged him only by Harkes's commentary since the Confederation Cup -- you'd be justified in thinking that. I've just finished watching, but here's what I think:

    Howard had a nice match. He had the goal covered the entire night with the exception of the ONE time the defense fell asleep and he wasn't able to adjust. 8

    Spector had a very good match. He was the only player on the pitch who had an answer for Carlos Edwards. I think he's solidified his place on the pitch. But where was 'dolo? 8

    Gooch is short of match fitness and was uncharacteristically tentative in our penalty area. It's been a long time since he was the weakest of our back four, but he was tonight. If he doesn't get some pitch time with AC Mafia, he'll be sitting and watching the Cheesehead in South Africa. 5.5

    Boca had a good game. I thought he should have started at LB [or that Spector should have with 'dolo at RB], but he did a great job out there. 7.5

    Bornstein had as many good plays as bad plays, which makes him streets ahead of the El Sal match, but still only worth a 6.

    If Clark plays as good as he can in a USMNT shirt, he'll earn a 6.5. 6.5

    Bradley had a good solid match, again. This position is his for 2010 AND 2014. 7.5

    Dempsey had a fairly lackluster match, but still had a good crack on goal, made some nice passes, and tackled back nicely. Up yours, Harkes. 7

    Donovan had the worst match I've seen from him in a long while. He had 7 or 8 dead ball situations near the TNT goal and gave up possession on every one of them. We depend so much on him for corners or free kicks near the box. Gooch and Boca and Dempsey and Jozy were just standing there while Landon delivered the ball to some defender's kneecaps over and over. His vision and assist would earn a 7 for anybody else, but for the best outfield player this country has ever produced, I give him only 6.

    Altidore had one of his best matches in a while. He was quick and strong and dangerous throughout. 8

    I don't know what Harkes's problem was with Davies tonight, either. I thought he was equal to any TNT defender tonight, and earned us a penalty that never got called. 7.5

    Subs: Feilhaber, Holden, and Ching all came in strong and played well. I'm penciling them all in for South Africa.

    Bradley: It's amazing how much better a game coach h is when he's got a full contingent of players. 8

    We deserved to win and we won. We should have gotten a penalty in the first 10 minutes or so, but that's nothing usual.

    Man of the match: Carlos Edwards. If he's on our side we win 5-0. If Altidore and Davies swap with Glen and Jones, we lose 3-0.
  16. FFC24

    FFC24 New Member

    Jan 6, 2005
    Harkes was right tonight, Dempsey was complete crap. He looked like he was extremely sick or something as many times he was just walking back and forth. Don't know what that was about, but Bradley should've taken him out 20 minutes before he did.

    Really the US was pretty meh tonight. T&T had quality chances and should've taken the lead when Boca got turned by Glen. Really it was a boring game.
  17. stlouisbrad

    stlouisbrad Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2007
    That was a painful game to watch, but a win is a win. I thought we should have run over them, but we were lucky to not leave there tied. Not too many positives from the US team in my mind.
  18. SCFulhamFan

    SCFulhamFan Active Member

    Aug 5, 2006
    And now we are top of the group!
  19. andypalmer

    andypalmer Active Member

    Jun 4, 2007
    Baltimore, MD
    I'm going to come right out and say it: Bornstein had a good game, probably our strongest by a left back since the Confederation Cup. He wasn't perfect, but when he was beat, he recovered well, and did well going forward.

    I thought Spector was good defensively, but his distribution was horrible. Did any of his crosses even come close to finding an American head?

    I've gotta say I thought Dempsey was a bit lazy with his passing. I thought his movement and defense were fine, but far too many of his passes were either not strong enough to reach the target or behind the player he was aiming at.

    Donovan had a bad day with set pieces, but was otherwise his Mandon self.

    Timmy saved the day with his save on the free kick. Top drawer stuff that.
  20. jmh

    jmh New Member

    Jul 2, 2006
    Brooklyn, NY
    I agree with Andy, I thought Bornstein played pretty well. On the other hand, I thought Boca looked shaky. (Remember the play to Howard's right in the first half, when his poor header came up and down a few feet in front of the goal line, and Harkes said something like "don't ever let the ball bounce in your own box", and then Spector got away with hip checking the T&T attacker, Jones I think? Which was, by the way, a better penalty shout than the one at the other end.) Spector's crossing was unimpressive, but other than the few really nice ones he launched in the Confed Cup that's generally the way it is with him.

    I think Don was too harsh on Landon too, the set pieces weren't great but Harkes was right to compliment his great work rate and he also generated the best scoring opportunity from open play on his give-and-go with Davies.

    Dempsey looked better after he was moved up top, as seems to be the pattern when he plays with the Nats.
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