New Top Scientist

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Jul 11, 2009.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Evidently Josef Mengele and Margaret Sanger were not available...No need to ask where this guy stands on the Global Warming hoax..

    Paranoid, Don? No, this aint some 'conspiracy', this is the action of a true believer. One who considered putting late term abortion survivors on life support 'too expensive'.

    - The LEFT is claiming smear conspiracy... unfortunately there's copies of his book out there and right now it's too expensive to 'sequester' them.
  2. Clevelandmo

    Clevelandmo Active Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    He's an alarmist and has been most of his career. ... ailey.html

    I'd like to know what about his degree in plasma physics makes him think he is qualified as an expert on the environment, overpopulation, and natural resource depletion.
  3. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    And I'd like to know what it is about his degree in plasma physics that makes him a modern day Josef Mengele. I didn't know American physicists contributed to ethnic genocide by performing medical experiments on subjucated peoples, but if Pettyfog said it, it must be true.

    triple sigh.
  4. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    I know you guys hate context, but Ehrlich was one of a group of scientists who believed, in a Malthusian way, that population was increasing geometrically and the food supply -- at best -- was increasing arithmetically. In the 60s and 70s there was a significant group of scientists who took the extreme position that overpopulation was the greatest impending threat on the United States -- even greater than world communism. Now I know that this is as stupid as someone saying today that Muslim terrorist groups are more dangerous to the western democracies than were Hitler, but a lot of people bought this, and believed that there would be global starvation and anarchy by the late 1980s.

    The problem was, that while some scientists were wringing their hands, other scientists -- like Norman Borlaug -- were busily working on solutions that would feed burgeoning populations like India and China, revolutionize food production, and accomodate increased population.

    All that is prologue. What Spencer, Mo, and many others are missing is that Holdren, in his co-authored book was not RECOMMENDING these Draconian measures. What he was doing, was saying that if the "population bomb" explodes [from his viewpoint in the 1970s], that the American government of the time could take all these steps without reverting to a dictatorship. After all, a government which can tell women they CANNOT have an abortion is fully capable of telling women they MUST have an abortion. In other words, Holdren was trying to scare people into agreeing with him that overpopulation was the greatest upcoming crisis. He was NOT "recommending solutions."

    For anyone to believe that he WAS recommending these actions instead of trying to scare us into believing his point of view, they'd also have to believe that former VP Cheney's constant drumbeat that the current administration has made us more vulnerable to terrorist attack is actually recommending that terrorists attack us. And that's just plain silly, right?

    I'm fairly comfortable in the fact that Holdren's current duties will not include Eugenics, or even forced sterilization to avert a crisis that was averted 25 years ago, even if the president who nominated him is a fascist socialist Muslim terrorist lover. I'm also fairly certain that Holdren would be happy to say, "Hey, it turned out that we were wrong in our alarmism about over-population. And thank goodness for the scientific research, unfettered by government restrictions, that kept our darkest fears from coming true."

    Would anyone on the right believe him? Of course not. If they did, they'd believe he'd also admit his mistakes by publicly paying off a bet he made about the evolving price of strategic metals, and he'd NEVER do that. Of course he just might wave everything away by grinning boyishly and saying "When I was young and foolish, I was young and foolish."

    Context and common sense. Getting scarcer every day in public discourse, but still not extinct.
  5. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Well, just a couple points, Don.

    The lead paragraph:
    Nice taking the bait when I just tossed in Mengele as a hook. But, you see, it's about the guy's attitude as 'Science Advisor'.

    OF FREAKING COURSE, the book was a reflection of doomsday/worst case.

    But maybe I'll just quote you on the guy's CV:

    - yeah, NO DIFFERENCE I could see.. 'without it being a dictatorship'{?}. Nice Reach! Or did I miss the 'Will of the Masses', reflected by popular polling?

    The nutcracker, though... oh, hell.. I'll just quote Mo:
    Same as the thousands of 'scientists' on the Global Warming Alarmist Lists.

    - Not to mention issues on Constitutional law.

    And will he have input on Healthcare? Hmmmm? I assume, from his bent on statistics and probabilities, that he'll apply 'Long View' opinions. e.g. 'Full Choice' for seniors is negative ROI from a limited resource viewpoint.
    - Hell, everyone admits that's a problem, even Conservatives. The QUESTION is, then, will there be an edict overriding the Hippocratic Oath?

    -cogita ergo sum

    Though to see you try to drown out the real issue in a whole bunch'a words WAS entertaining. Better than just posting a bunch of 'Rofl Smilies' in avoidance.
  6. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Your use of 'in context' is interesting, too. Eugenics was the natural result of intellectual musing on future of the global society. It produced Sanger, it even produced Mengele. The 'Population Bomb' was a natural adjunct.
    Now, what is Obama's main global theme? He has the same basic world view as Erlich and the Eugenicists.
    He sees Healthcare as imperfect and broken and becoming increasingly expensive.
    He sees resource depletion as a national and global threat to society itself.
    He sees monetarist/market force policies as destructive in the long term. He sees the answer to that as 'focussed regulation' of industry and the markets.

    All those are NOT 'cynical views'. He really believes in them and will use anyone as an ally who helps him work toward solutions.

    What he doesnt recognize, in toto {he does in the micro-sense}, is that the PROVEN key to population control is in individual - leading to 'communal'- prosperity, not in central planning. When you have prosperity, you have education. When you have education, you become more 'compassionate' in your world view and you naturally support some things that counter how you achieved the access to education in the first place.
    To be perfectly clear: Education and enlightenment is produced by prosperity, Education does NOT produce global - let alone local- prosperity.

    As I say, there's no need to point to conspiracies, as some do. It's interpretation and knowledge of human nature that is key.
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