Say WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HatterDon, Jul 3, 2009.

  1. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
  2. FulhamAg

    FulhamAg New Member

    Apr 5, 2008
    San Antonio, Texas
    Odd. Sounds like she's leaving politics with comments like "...can effect change outside of government..." but the articles I've seen keep suggesting this is a move to facilitate a run for the White House.
  3. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    I don't see how resigning under pressure is going to be seen as a positive move, but I guess that anything is possible.
  4. Clevelandmo

    Clevelandmo Active Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    This is bizzare. While I did not think too highly of her intellect, I did not expect her to be a quitter. In fact, I thought she was anything but a quitter. How dumb do you have to be not to know that politics will get in the way of getting things accomplished, duh? Speacking of which, did anyone hear her point guard analogy. Using a sports analogy is suppose to simplify and clarify not confuse.

    I cant imagine her making it in politics at the national level after this. Someone as smart and wiley as Bill Clinton could get away with it, but not her. Anyway, I hope she leaves politics. She seems like a good person and I dont see why she would want to subject herself and her family to anymore political campaigns. They were brutal to her. I wish her well - as long as she doesnt run for office.
  5. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    As smart as she is and as tough as she is, she has the makings of a successful business uh person. If moving to the private sector is her aim, she could succeed beyond even her ambitions.
  6. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    This has nothing to do with your 'personal ideological "John-theBaptist"', Don.
    - and I'm sure you hope she moves to the private sector.. problem is, there may not BE one in which political mavericks are allowed.

    The unprecedented personal attacks no doubt play a part. But I join with the conservative bloggers in seeing no way this advances any political ambitions, in a conventional/traditional sense.
    I'm not certain of that, though. She had become a polarizing figure to the extent that it was problematical that she could get anything through that was not opposed by who she is.

    Certainly she made a lot of progress for Alaskans in a short period of time but I cant see any way she could continue serving Alaska under these circumstances.
    The main pro-Democrat, Anti-Palin website posting an image of her with Trig in which a grotesque gargoyle face is photoshopped onto Trig is the most valid indicator of that.

    It would not surprise me if she became an 'Independent Voice', uniting conservative/libertarian views of all stripes. There's no doubt she already has the sympathies and support of a great number of former Democrats, this is one reason for the recent great shift of those who identify themselves as 'Independent'.
    Whatever she does... I trust it will be a heartfelt, though obviously imperfect, effort to do what's right for her country. Liars and slanderers, notwithstanding.

    - Those who doubt that, Pay attention: the Clintons {speaking of 'imperfect'} are not long to be associated with this Administration.
    It would not surprise me if the Honduras fiasco, as well as being left out of recent 'diplomatic efforts', has set Hillary's blood boiling.
  7. Lyle

    Lyle New Member

    Jan 21, 2007
    What's funny is no one has a clue what she's doing. It's all speculation and it is all over the place. Everyone is confused... not a bad place to be from her perspective if that is what she wants.
  8. Lyle

    Lyle New Member

    Jan 21, 2007
    Barack Obama has used sports analogies before. He just gets respect for having gone to Columbia and Havard though. He has good signaling compared to Palin. His IQ is probably higher, but Palin is as good a politician as Obama. She communicates to people just as well, I think.
  9. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
  10. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas ... ews&rpc=69

    Senator McCain is not one of the group that thinks that the resignation is a step away from the center of the Republican stage.

    Alaska's Republican senator Murkowski takes the exact opposite tack:

    Of course, Palin had kicked Murkowski's papa's ass to get the Gubenatiorial nomination in the first place, so that's a little suspect.

    Until soon-to-be Mrs. Palin states what her intentions are, it's just going to be something else for the 24-hour news networks to yak about endlessly.
  11. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    I think I'm beginning to see where this is going...

    Start off with: like I said the noise around Palin is making it very difficult for her to perform as Governor. Just the effort required to get legislation requiring Dem legislators' buy-in would be almost impossible as they would be subject to backbiting from Dem HQ.

    THEN.. I think Palin has connected with someone who is willing to back her financially. As well, perhaps, some non-billing high powered legal counsel.
    That's important.
    While she can easily get income from speaking fees, she knows the smears arent going to stop as long as she's on the national stage and she just MAY be ready to jump into the pool of piranha and fight back, legally.

    I'm not so sure. Not mentioned is that little part about knowingly spreading false/ injurious innuendo. And the fact it would likely be on behalf of her family members who are private persons, though known to the public.

    This will be a chess game. Sarah would not likely receive a dime as this is most certainly a USSC case if carried that far. Even if she did the funds for defense will be there. My guess, laundered or not, Soros money.

    But I suspect that isnt the REAL Palin group agenda. That is to prove she is NOT in the mold of of Dubya. That she will fight back. Already we note that 'cant stand the heat' charge against Palin {see my 2nd para this post} while, at the same time, the President gets all huffy at the slightest questioning from the press.

    What we're seeing is stake in the ground / line in the sand differentiation.

    And, by the way, I wouldnt be surprised if one of the first targets is Andrew Sullivan and the Atlantic.
  12. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Reporter confesses Palin Smears

    If she needs campaign ammo, from the lonely subculture of Journo Integrity in the MSM, comes a mea culpa.

    Sarah 'Barracuda' Palin and the Piranhas of the Press
    While the article concentrates on MSM bias and the results thereof, in why the public doesnt trust the media, the author illustrates it by comparing the close scrutiny given everythiing Palin said and did, while giving Biden a pass on the biggest string of whoppers ever told in a campaign.
    Here's a link to the Joe v Sarah distillation
    Added - In the interest of fairness, though, here's some gaffes Joe B didnt make:
    - He didnt say he could see Russia from his state
    - When he spoke of the 'Bush Doctrine' it was clear WHICH Bush Doctrine he meant - 'The Bad One' or "All of Them".
    - He didnt parade his Pregnant Daughter and her Trailer Trash Boyfriend in front of the convention.
    - He didnt claim to have instigated a deal for a petroleum pipeline with some private oil and gas companies.
    - He didnt push through funding for 'Teenage Unwed Mothers at Risk' program, which if he had would'a raised eyebrows for sure.
    I'm sure there's many more..

    BTW, Sally Quinn. We already established what you are, now we're haggling price...
  13. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Well, Spencer... that took some time for me to digest.

    I have to assume your post is your personal biased opinion and not as a Poli Sci student. Because if it was, and I was your prof, you'd flunk on that little treatise. To make it clear, unless assigned the role, you have to graduate before you can 'Be Rahm Emanuel'.

    If you tried just a little bit, you coulld easily find other governors hounded out or made into lame ducks because of political application of 'noise'.

    Try New York and Ohio as examples.

    If you did just a little research and adopted a forced view of impartiality, you would have to accept the premise that she no longer could be effective in governance.

    "It's the seriousness of the charge!" Ever hear that?
  14. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    'fog, your riposte to Spencer was extremely weak. I think you're beginning to lose heart in your attempts to paint Palin as either a victim or a person of substance.

    What amazes most viewers of the political scene is how there is still a significant portion of the Republican Party base who believe that she is THE BEST hope for the future of the party. It stuns me, I can tell you. Sarah Palin is tough and intelligent, that's for sure. But she has demonstrated no understanding of national or international problems, strategies, or issues. Further, she hasn't shown any interest in learning anything about the problems that the nation is beset with -- something that would come in handy if you're trying to sell the voters on the idea that you can solve them.

    There are still plenty of strong conservative Republicans out there, who could help remake the image of the party in time for 2012. What needs to happen first, though, is for those people who believe that the future of the party lies in lightweights like Palin, Guiliani, and Fred Thompson to be relegated to the fringe, where they most certainly belong. Both the Republican Party and the nation face serious problems. Both require serious leadership.

    Just my opinion, but I think that there'd be some folks who'd agree with it.

    Attack away, Jim.
  15. Aztattooedsean77

    Aztattooedsean77 New Member

    Jul 13, 2009
    Chandler, Arizona
    I am somewhere in the middle politically but I agree with your comment here.
  16. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Jeez, Spencer! You didnt answer the question and, though you included a fair size-up take from the campaign, you didnt address her effectivity as a sitting governor in the here and now.

    Look at the stuff she got through before she became a target. She did it with help from the state assembly with many Dems signing on. Once she became a lightning rod, just HOW is she supposed to go back to getting action on what needs done for Alaska?

    That was my point about 'PoliSci' and you, and it really doesnt matter whether or not your career aim is Rahm Emanuel or simply working with the movers and shakers in whatever 'public service' role you aspire to.

    It being your personal opinion is fair enough, you're allowed. That makes this a rhetorical debate. But please address the reference from elsewhere about 'lightweights'. In re Giuliani, for example. He wasnt a lightweight in NYC. But he made himself one by distancing himself from the campaign.

    We dont know for certain if the aim is for Palin to be in the party background and promoting a new platform or to be upfront for office. Either way is fine, but if Palin, Giuliani and Thompson are 'lightweights, who's a heavy weight.. Powell? Dont be ridiculous.

    If not Palin as a viable choice.. Pawlenty? That will only work till the smear machine comes down on him. Tell me Pawlenty could have done as much if he were being dragged through every rumor mill imaginable and spent his time defending himself.
  17. FFCinLIB

    FFCinLIB New Member

    Jul 12, 2009
    I'm new here and I'll I'm going to say is WOW.

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