In Hoc Signo Vinces

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Jun 6, 2009.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    While MSM says things are looking up, because new jobless numbers are down, truth is Unemployment numbers are now higher than forecast WITHOUT stimulus money.
    See Scary Chart
    No real surprise. This would have happened no matter who was elected or even if Dubya was in charge. Junk Mortgage instruments had very deep effects and the stimulus was always 'academic' in nature and the application of it didnt stimulate anything. Anyone know of a single project undertaken, shovel-ready or not? TOO SOON! Trouble is stimulus is often used for stuff that doesnt stimulate, but just moves money and companies around.
    NCR Cashes Out of Dayton
    - Georgia claims no stimulus money involved. Bullshit. Stimulus allows paying for services, otherwise from revenue. Like saying "I wont use inheritance money to buy a big screen tv. Naw, I'll use that to make my car payment."

    Anyone reading or hearing that IRS receipts are down 34%? Have to kinda LOOK for it, dontcha? Meanwhile, states are raising fees in lieu of outright raising taxes. Of course, previously governors, like Ohio's own, have said fees ARE taxes.
    That will have the same result. Lucky to break even. Which wont happen, because fees are contingent on payer choice. e.g; If auto registration fees go up, you always have the choice of not driving the car or junking it.
    -Who's hit hardest? Yep.. low income folks.

    Notice Oil prices {thus gas prices} going up a lot? Not because of demand, kiddies. Because the dollar is falling. How could that be reversed? By drilling of course. It's sorta like the US was on the gold standard and prohibited opening new gold mines, while printing more money.
    - Likely outcome: nationalizing oil companies and claiming all oil reserves as supporting the dollar. Which might work... Hell, WOULD work.

    Meanwhile Congress is rushing new Governmental Health Program through. Obama has said that will help the economy. How?
    - It WILL help the various 'DoctorPreneurs' who are pushing national single payer. Follow the money!
    - financed partly by taxing private/corporate health care benefits! How's that work in the real world? What you want less of, tax it more! That's bipartisan, though... McCain is an economic idiot, he said so himself.

    - Likely outcome: More companies, and all new ones, find a way to avoid offering medical benefits. Health care rationing, right at the git-go. Particularly for seniors.
  2. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Okay, I see the usual rant, but I'm foxed by the title.

    I know that it translates to "in this sign, shall you conquer." It's how the Church got a warlord to convert his entire tribe to Christianity [he saw a cross and won the battle.] It's also the slogan of Pall Mall cigarettes. How it relates to the stimulus, taxation, and IRS receipts I don't know.

    But I'm eager to learn. Tell me, oh Yoda on the Ohio. :D

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