Sexuality: The ultimate gift

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, May 4, 2009.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Couples save first kiss for wedding day

    Good for them!!!!! There SHOULD be celebration of this.

    It seems the couple were not under some stereotypical puritanical parental influence but decided early on not to join the crowd based on 'if it feels good, do it' peer pressure.

    However, I would caution on anyone, including devout parents, putting too much emphasis on this.. or even on premarital sex.

    In my age group.. lo many decades ago.. I had a friend who married a girl who might have even had the same view on kiss chastity. This guy was -other than physical looks- everything a parent would want in a son-in-law. He had almost no character flaws and everyone liked him. He 'suffered' from his respect for women, though. He vowed he would wait for the right girl.. who was waiting for the right guy. And the girl he married claimed to love him for his inner beauty.

    But within 18 months they were divorced. Evidently -and I was a firsthand witness, though I didnt squeal- she liked 'marital bliss' so much she couldnt help wondering what it might be like with someone who had more worldly experience, and was great looking in the bargain.

    So.. while you'll never find me making fun of those who decide to wait, even for that first kiss, I wont endorse any program that places the teen under too much pressure in that regard. as one of the quotees in that article says:
    The idea, of course, is that sexuality should in no way be an all-important criteria. Whether you're okay with it.. or an abstention proponent.
  2. Jensers

    Jensers New Member

    Apr 18, 2007
    Royal City, Wa
    Hmmmmm.... Well - I am a teacher, and I can see how much the physical can cause some serious issues for a youth.

    On the flip side, intimacy is paramount in a loving relationship - and the reality is that you need some frame of reference. I am no saying that sex is necessary - but I would think that some intimacy beyond holding hands is important.

    It is interesting because being in Lust with someone can happen because there is only a physical connection, but it also seems that can be the case when there is no intimate outlet.

    Either extreme does not seem like a good idea.
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