Biden on Swine Flu

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Apr 30, 2009.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    .. wherein Joe applies his usual 'transparency' to the security and travel aspects.
    "Oh, that Joe!"
    Spiro Agnew, Gerry Ford and Dan Quayle all rolled up in one. And Trumps 'em all.

    I gotta explain, maybe the Today show invited him on as the VP. ... Not Joe Biden, family man.

    This is a time and place for political double-speak, under current conditions.
  2. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Google forecasted flu

    ..if you knew where to look and what to ask. A little early, but hey!

    Also.. strain not all that deadly

    Remind you all that the virus that starts the flu season and the one around at the end are often different due to mutation to spread.
    But the vaccine selected for the season inhibits a lot of the strain.

    There's none for this one and the mutation path might take a direction toward less or more malignant ones.

    Dumb moves such as killing pig herds wont help much though... other than eliminate that particular country as a point of origin for a new jump-strain.
  3. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    On a more serious note:
    Heard a viral epidemiologist on radio say that this sort of maps the 1918 pandemic. mild strain in spring, mutated to much more deadly in early fall.

    So, I'd say if you get it NOW, you're probably not gonna die as much. {sic}
    "I know.. we can have a Swine Flu party. We can use my dad's barn!"

    And it's interesting that the deaths still seem to be associated with Mexicans {plus one Bangladeshi IN Mexico}. Wonder if there is some relation to ancestry.. Are the most susceptible, right now, post-Aztec? Or maybe further back to ancient Asian wanderers?

    Of course you'd have to tread lightly with any such suppositions.

    Also it MIGHT have actually originated in SoCal.
    -eh. I doubt it. Maybe several coincident mutations but it doesnt seem too logical. And feeds the nutjob theorists.
  4. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    I think the factor that most messes up the demographics in this case -- the Mexico deaths are in the age group least affected by this stuff -- is the air and water quality in Mexico City. I'd have to think that a geezer your age living in Salt Lake City might be high risk in Utah, but exceedingly low risk when compared to a 30 year-old who spent every day of his life in Mexico's capital.

    Oh, and I heard that the vice-president tells his children and grandchildren to wear their seatbelts at all times in a commercial airliner. This is incontrovertable proof that he believes that FAA guidelines [only required during takeoff/landing/rough air] are criminally insufficient. That Joe; he's so cute. This should be worth about 850 more hours on Fox, huh?
  5. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    So much for critical thinking. One who read it dispassionately would have gathered the original post was about the 'politick', NOT meaning 'politically correct', thing to say... at a time it might be needed.

    As usual, you jump off context to follow your own meme. No doubt to try to annoy me as much as my little burrs in your hip pocket seem to annoy you. It doesnt work. Since I know you're intelligent as hell it just makes me wonder and shake my head.
    It's like you're my straight man or sump'n.
    go figger! While you're readin this:
    HillBuzz: We really miss Dick Cheney

    Oh... and your Fox blasts dont bother me at all. I quit watching them about the time of the inauguration. I gradjiyated grade skool!
    So you're wasting your keyboard F, O and X keys.

    But I can understand your enmity, as Fox' ratings are higher than the other three combined... whatever happened to Ed Schultz, btw

    On your point about local water and immune system.. dunno. Except Mexican residents can drink our water just fine. Have to see some studies on Immuno-suppression and acquired resistances. COULD be a factor I guess. But that's why it would be a good thing to see the ancestral makeup of the victims, esp that museum director... he sure looked all-euro to me though.
    But AIR, meaning cumulative effect of smog exposure.. might figure in. Doubt it's the Air pressure.
  6. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    FORGOT to mention the other similarity to earlier spring/fall pandemics.

    Affecting 20-40 age demographic in much greater distribution than seasonal flu. That's important, I'm thinking.
  7. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Now back to our regular scheduled 'WTF is he thinking..."

    Oh, that Joe!

    Actually he said he wouldnt advise his family to ride the closed tubes, I think.
  8. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
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