AIG arson

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Mar 21, 2009.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Expletive filled? Hmmm Which ones? You guys notice again, Don doesnt really read for content, he only reads for meme...then he makes up the rest to suit his view. Well, we all do that sometimes. dont believe that Don's not smart enough to know what I mean.. he knows. It just cant be that way for him.

    Once AGAIN, deflecting the cause: WHO MADE THOSE LEGAL?
    People YOU admire and or vote for!!! Who want to form vigilante groups... people you advocate.
    Waaahhh ... cries the 'politico with a heart who just wants all those poor darkies to get their just due.' And doesnt want them blamed in any way.

    I'm not blaming them, I'm blaming the Queer and the Family Corruption Pol.. and Bill Clinton and a certain ex-Senator from Texas if you want balance. We talked about all this before.

    Tell me everything good about ACORN, DON or shut your yob. You're NOT intersted in helping anyone find the truth you're just interested in protecting your life-view.

    Tell me again Obama is not heavily influenced by Alinsky! He and Congress are sure's hell following the handbook aint they?

    PRetend AGAIN you dont understand how it works... how you can be anarcho/marxist. Why several Dems would say this 'crisis would be a terrible thing to waste'.
  2. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas

    re-expletive filled ... for a start, there's this from the post that began the thread.

    As for my supporting pending legislation to tax AIG bonuses, there's this

    And I'll tell you everything good about ACORN as soon as you explain in this thread how they are responsible for the economic crisis. You seem to want to keep bringing them up in a thread about the results of the economic crisis. So, fess up and tell me how they caused it.

    And how is Saul Alinsky, dead a good 20 or 30 years, influencing the president?

    While you're at it, which handbook is that? Title please.

    Oh, and if "my life view" includes my being offended by your serial trashing of black organizations and referring to people in terms of:

    you're right.

    You have nothing good to say about anything. You need to foment anger, you need to finger-point, you need not only to disagree but to make those you disagree with less than human. You do this because you don't have a clue how to talk constructively about policy or governance. You don't even have the ability to say what conservatism is without railing on about other people's "meme's." This is the result of immersing yourself for more than a quarter century in the belief that conservatism is good not for what it is and what it believes in, but because those who disagree and believe something even slightly different are stupid and venal and corrupt and easily led. You believe that conservatism is not a political/economic philosophy of governance, but a righteous club with which to bash homosexuals, Muslims, college professors, members of unions, and immigrants. And you believe that calling yourself a conservative guarantees that everyone who doesn't bow down to Rush Limbaugh is a treasonous "anarcho/marxist" [not a "feminazi" or "Islamofascist" anymore, I guess].

    There's a whole group of you out there who deal in bad manners and bullying and relish in preceived power of your own ignorance. Your high priest and priestess have molded you well.

    The result is, my friend, that you're intellecutally bankrupt and dishonest, and you have no capability of constructively discussing any serious issue. I've waited for a few years now to see if there was something thoughtful in your politics and that you might actually be interested in teaching and learning, but I've given up.

    It's my hope that there will be soon be a huge resurgence of conservatism in this country -- libertarian, small-government, budget-balancing conservatism -- that is grounded in a positive philosophy of how society can be improved by the input of new ideals and fresh ideas. It's never going to occur, however, as long folks like you still have the whip hand in the Republican Party. I continue to live in hope, however, because without dispassionate concern from all sides, we're not going to recover anything.

    Meanwhile, I'm going to continue to read every thread on FUSA in hopes that someday I'll see a few posts from a SERIOUS conservative. When that happens, I will -- once again -- engage in political discussion on this site. Until that time, my friend, the sandbox is all yours.
  3. Clevelandmo

    Clevelandmo Active Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    And funny too. Makes me laugh instead of banging my head against the wall.

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