Uvver F'ings...

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Mar 18, 2009.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Where the current congress and administration DONT seem so incompetent, depending of course on your POV:

    We all lost someone or know someone made deathly ill in the recent peanut scandal, right? {Well I didnt but what do I know, I'm just a fascist Right Winger!}
    Help's on the way!
    summary: food's gonna cost more due to the additional oversight - record keeping, but hey... gotta keep everyone SAFE! funny... I thought the system worked pretty damn well in the peanut thing. The guy's out of bidness and going to jail and it certainly sent a message but, hell I'm just a fascist.
    Oh... All you lefties buying from 'Farmer's Markets' to get that good old fashun organic stuff... sorry bout that. It's progress ya know.
    OBTW: Note The Rep's husband works for Monsanto, I''m SURE that didnt enter in at all.
    - - -- - - -- - -- -
    Obama looks to our safety by taking guns back out of airline cockpits.
    Well, not REALLY banning them, but... it takes small steps to reach some end games
    I'm sure that pilot-carry certification funding will be the first thing put back!
    Where's the money going to now?
    Of course, that's just a hysterical response from a scandalous right wing rag.

    Perhaps Obama will make us sleep better by finding a way to tax them
    out of existence.

    * And how did the TSA find out the pilot asked that?** Who the fuck cares about that, It's for the good of the masses!

    ** Note: I had to insert THAT line to point out the obvious to you idiot kool-aid drinkers. Now YOU DISCUSS it if you have time feeling your way to the edge of the lemming cliff, whilst your heads are up your asses.

    Yes, I love mixed metaphors and am in active search of image of what a cross between a lemming and ostrich drinking koolaid looks like.
  2. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Dodd finally remembers killing AIG bonus penalty
    - Go figger! Of course, that's not the whole story... he's the designated fall guy, 'cause of his other little financial 'irregularities' will probably sink him anyway.

    Obama falls on rubber sword: accepts blame, sorta

    - For you that listen to NPR, the ONLY Republican involved was Sen Snowe, who wrote the exception that Dodd took out.

    Someone soon to admit ACORN is a protection/extortion racket
    - Doubt that will cause Obama to renege on the big payoff.

    He MIGHT be able to pull it off, though since all their fraud didnt really get him elected. He would have won anyway. You cant fool all the people all the time but you can fool enough of 'em.

    And AFTER the election.. why is that?.. Murtha is getting perilously close to getting found out for his shady practice kickbacks to 'insider firms from academic grants he arranged.

    If any of you think that the Dems are any way shape or form 'coming to jesus', nah!
  3. JP-STL

    JP-STL New Member

    Mar 17, 2008
    From the article about the "whistleblower" at ACORN:

    An ex-employee who was fired for stealing from the organization is hardly a credible witness.
  4. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Well, we know Ms. Moncrief must be a Democrat; no Republican would steal a piddling $2,000 when there's billions available.
  5. Clevelandmo

    Clevelandmo Active Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    Didnt have a chance to read this thread, but does anyone enjoy 'Fog's phonetic slang spellings (for lack of a better description) as much as I do.
  6. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    You're not alone, Mo. I'm a huge fan. The boy has some style about him.

    'fog would be the first to tell you, however, that when he does it, it's an homage to Walter Winchell.

    Look him up in Wiki, kiddies.
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