Dubya & the ShoeChucker

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Dec 15, 2008.

  1. FFCinPCB

    FFCinPCB New Member

    Feb 28, 2006
    Santa Rosa Beach, FL
    But you can dodge the draft.

    Much a-shoe about nothing. Man are we as a society easily entertained. Can't believe this little incident has occupied so much of our time.
  2. Clevelandmo

    Clevelandmo Active Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    The score:

    Ridgerider 6,359,822, HatterDon 0

    Heard the author of Superman interviewed on NPR, he feels the American peoples' treatment of GW has been "insane". He is the voice of superman afterall . . . oops more points for RR.

    Jimmah, as Pettyfog likes to refer to him, messed things up but I dont recall the venom and hatred that you see with GW. People were mad at him but the general consesus was that he meant well but was wrong. GW is blamed for everything.

    However, if the history that I read is correct, things were pretty bad for Washington, Adams (especially), and Jefferson. I have to think we made some sort of correction in which it was generally believed that slandering the President for personal reasons, personal gain, entertainment, or imagined cleverness was ultimately not in any American's best interest. The pendulum has swung back again and hopefully a correction will be made for Obama and the country's sake.
  3. Jensers

    Jensers New Member

    Apr 18, 2007
    Royal City, Wa
    I have no idea what everyone is going on about...

    FFCinPCB where have you been? Have not seen many posts.

    Anyway - I watched the video. I thought it was funny, and I think Bush was pissed, but he did well to stay calm, and after a quick count to 10 - he seemed to think it was funny as well.

    I would have liked to see him go after the guy tho. Think about the fun we could have watching that video. The guy deserved a bitch slap, but I suppose the Secret Service will take care of that little detail.
  4. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Well, the point of the entire post was how the president is the world's #1 person to hate. I said that it had always been that way, that each president in my lifetime had been burned in effigy overseas almost constantly. I pointed out that it was ridiculous to (a) pretend that only the current president is hated around the world and (b) that we don't hate and disrepect foreign leaders.

    RR and others turned this into a rehashing of several arguments [and WSJ editorials] pointing out that we're very bad little children HERE AT HOME for disrespecting and hating the president that I never have hated nor have I ever called anything but the president or President Bush.

    I agree with you Mo. In the category of misreading a series of points and responding with refutation of points never made, RR is streets ahead of me. You, my dear, are coming a close second. Bradical, with his talk about "war crimes tribunal" is pushing you in third place.

    As for "Jimmah," I don't have to recall "the venom and hatred you see with GW." I saw his picture and puppets of him burned every day of the last year of his presidency overseas, and I have never seen any post about him from my friend Statler without seeing the huge amount of disdain and hatred the man still has for Carter some 28 years after he left office.

    Now, if you'd care to comment on what the thread is about, and what I said, go for it. Just don't come at me with this "critics of this president and administration suffer from a mental defect called Bush derangement." It was ANOTHER red state that used to put critics of their government in mental institutions.
  5. FFCinPCB

    FFCinPCB New Member

    Feb 28, 2006
    Santa Rosa Beach, FL
    3 week old baby girl = not many posts, hardly any playing, and lots of cleaning up teeny, little (but growing bigger) poops (which have stopped being cute). Oh, and includes a legitmately (growing more) irritable wife.

    My time to do anything is limited, if I care at all about seeing another sunrise. I still do what I can though....
  6. Jensers

    Jensers New Member

    Apr 18, 2007
    Royal City, Wa
    Cool - Congrats! A Christmas baby (sort of). Perfect size to fit in the manger for your reenactment - If that fits with your religious preference...
    Our kids and the cousins do the nativity on Christmas eve - I realize this is a fairly standard practice, but it is cute anyway.
  7. FFCinPCB

    FFCinPCB New Member

    Feb 28, 2006
    Santa Rosa Beach, FL
    Hadn't thought of that. Cate's first acting job....the baby (boy) Jesus.
  8. RidgeRider

    RidgeRider Member

    Jan 5, 2008
    Just so you can understand why I brought up the flag burning incidents of the 60's. Not meant to inflame per se but it is my contention, and for me only, that it is those values that 'that' group cared for, during that time, that has led to much of what Americans are dealing with today. Freedom without rules to do whatever, no restraint, free love, some even wanted no government. They didn't get it. I believe they were not a grounded generation in some respects.

    Face it folks, the 60's generation runs everything right now. Washington, the media, US Corporations, Universities, local government etc.. Let's face it, the baby boomers and their value system has failed us as a nation and I think it stems from the 60's and that group. My opinion. I am somewhat interested to see how Obama does because, like I he was at the very tail end of the boomer generation and didn't really see the 60's because he was a child. Don't really consider him part of this group.

    They are not bad people, and I don't suggest everyone in that age group has those values, but look around you at who runs things. Not just the Presidency but everything that goes in this country.

    I used to live in a part of the country that is secular and liberal to a fault. For 20 years I worked, ate, vacationed, and went to events with these folks and know how they think. They went to top universities and had IQ's well above 130. Many were the worst kind of consumers, arrogant, pretentious and only cared about their wine cellars, their vacation homes, there $350,000 kitchen renovations and what their exit strategy was so they could cash out with 'generational wealth'........Generational Wealth! Are you kidding me?

    98% of them were baby-boomers and liberals. Lovely people really, I still stay in touch with some but, just have a warped value system. I moved two hours away, and it is very different, it is more real. I'm lucky.

    This is what I was really referring to in that comment.
  9. Jensers

    Jensers New Member

    Apr 18, 2007
    Royal City, Wa
    (Just for the record - I would say that my voting and personal views are to the right of center... Dang it - I told Petty I wasnt going to get pulled into these kinds of threads...)

    Interesting idea - this concept of former hippies and baby boomers being obsessed with material wealth and prestige. Seems contrary to the message of the 60's doesnt it?

    That being said - When I go to Seattle and I pick up the urban liberal paper I always find it odd that it is filled with plastic surgery, stripper, fetish, drug use, etc.. advertisements.

    I dont understand what liberalism has to do with all of that, and it bothers me that leftist ideas get associated with such things.

    (Meaning self-centeredness, exhibitionism, and self-destructive behavior)
  10. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    People who have ripped us boomers for the last 40 years for being leftist, flag-burning, troop-hating, self-centered rich kids who beat the draft and trash-mouthed their president, must have thought that those of us who were actually centrist, flag-saluting, Vietnam-serving, society-enriching middle-class and poor kids who beat the draft by enlisting at 17 must have all been shipped in from Antartica or something.

    Now I'm the first to tell everyone that my generation had the best start of any generation anywhere in the history of the world, promised the most, and achieved the least. I'm also the first to tell people that some of the greatest failures in my generation are those self-centered, self-destructive folks who still comprise the heart and soul of the conservative movement and who the Republican party still panders to.

    Funny thing about any generation of Americans -- it includes EVERYONE.
  11. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    What a load a'crap.

    Our generation had it easy... by the time we realized our parents had it rough, those days were long gone. Everyone made their own choices.
    The only achievements of note were those in civil rights. Due in large part to some Republicans.

    Those who cling to the old 'we made a difference' crap are still trying to.. just by a different route.
  12. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    For one friggin' time, before you call what I've posted a "load of crap," take the time to actually read it:

  13. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
  14. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Here's also what the 'boomer generation' wrought: THE ENTIRETY OF THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION'S FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC POLICY.
  15. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Yeah, as opposed to those who think you can talk forever until your enemy dies of boredom... or laughter.
  16. Jensers

    Jensers New Member

    Apr 18, 2007
    Royal City, Wa
    Puff Puff Pass.

    If that is true - its pretty funny actually. Some pot smoker must have hacked the voting system.
  17. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Fog, I know you pride yourself on your lack of education -- you wear it like some sort of cloak of all-wise knowledge. But, here's the thing about "generation:" it includes EVERYONE born during it. If left wingers born between 1946 and 1966 can be called "Baby Boomers" then right wingers born between 1946 and 1966 have to be called that too. If everyone of that age group who voted against Nixon and Ford and Reagan can be called baby boomers, then everyone of that age group who voted FOR Nixon and Ford and Reagan must be baby boomers too. If you want to look at only a portion of the cohort group, that's fine. Just call it something else. Otherwise, the label means nothing.

    I have two phrases for you: (1) reading comprehension (b) logical discourse. Try and see if you can add those two to your considerable intelligence. If you succeed, let me know

    I await with baited breath to discover what I "really" just typed.
  18. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    First off its an online survey. We all know those are impossible to manipulate, just ask all those Ron Paul fanboys! Also notice the tag line at the bottom of the post;
    So although I tend to be somewhat sympathetic to the view I'll have to see a somewhat more empirical form of evidence before completely accepting the notion that the boomer generation are douche bags. In any case its hard to see how my generation will end up much better.
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