Trust Bowser!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Dec 13, 2008.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Time-Life is pushing another edition of Oldy but Goodies from the Fifties.
    Unlike past efforts, this time they got it right. There's -at most- a couple clinkers in there, IMO. I watched the infomercial and didnt groan once at what they included.

    Here's the comprehensive extended list. Good Price too.

    They actually had someone do the selection who knew their rock and didnt just pull from the top forty charts. And that COULD mean Bowser {of Sha-na-na} actually helped.

    Lots of great R&B {'Race music' ya know}, very little whitebread.
    Note that Elvis only has a couple on there.. {He Was NOT the King of Rock and Roll.. that was Chuck Berry, who has 5 on there.}
    A couple Ricky Nelson.. just ONE Tommy Sands.

    Note on the time life site reviews, some complain of the 'audio quality'. Well YES the quality SUCKED in the original releases too. They were recorded to play on AM radio and 1 tube, 4 inch speaker record player speakers.

    -Wurlitzer jukebox audio amplifier curve specs would be worth their weight in gold!

    Others complain that some songs dupe from earlier editions. Well Duh!

    These are the ones I really liked if not loved.
    By the way... ironic, huh When OBG term was coined, none of those included was over ten years old.
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