Everton v. FFC [R]

Discussion in 'Fulham FC News and Notes' started by HatterDon, Oct 30, 2008.

  1. nevzter

    nevzter Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2007
    A City by a Bay
    RE: today

    Hey, Gera, score a F#$@%$ goal!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. RidgeRider

    RidgeRider Member

    Jan 5, 2008
    RE: today

    Atlanta John, you have been a fan a lot longer than I so I can only imagine your frustration with this team. I respect your passion for the team.

    My observation is this, we were not supposed to win this game, nobody expected us to and most everyone was hoping for 1 point, we almost got it. Everton is a better side, almost to a man, than Fulham, they are a top 6 or 7 side, who had a rough start.

    We created more opportunities in this match than we did against Pompey, so that is progress. The midfield was still woeful in creating possibilities for the forwards and Bullard needs to be benched...period. 3 more 35 yard shots that were off the mark again. He seems to only make 1 good pass a match now.

    I think we have a shot at 2-4 points over the next two and if anyone thinks we will have anything other than the kind of season we are having, watch this again and listen to what he says, he is very realistic:

    http://www.fulhamfc.com/Club/News/NewsA ... eview.aspx
  3. andyns

    andyns New Member

    Jul 28, 2005
    Halifax, Canada
    RE: today

    Yes, it is only November, but Roy has no Plan A, and certainly no Plan B. He just puts the team out there, if they win, great, if they lose, too bad.

    I don't like the idea of playing the same players game in, game out, especially when you lose. Anytime you lose, I would change one player at least, just to keep the players on their toes.

    Right now, there is nothing to push them. Zamora, Bullard, Davies, GERA! etc. all know they can go out and play shite, and be back in the lineup next week. That is bad, very bad.
  4. ohio4fulham

    ohio4fulham New Member

    May 5, 2008
    Mason, Ohio
    RE: today

    I couldn't agree more that it's 100% RH's fault we didn't take a point from this match.
    Wait until 8 minutes from time to insert Dempsey? Wait 2 minutes from time for Nevland? Bullard out for Baird? WTF!
    Gera should have been gone with at least twenty minutes left and instead RH stubbornly leaves him in and his turnover leads directly to the cross that Saha scores from.
    If Roy was going to try and hold for the draw then why the heck would he stick with the same tired squad until it was too late to save it.
    This is my first time publically criticizing Roy, but when Moyes is slotting in 20 year olds systematically for the last 30min of the game and you have capable people like Dempsey and Nevland just rotting on the bench, it seemed like it was only a matter of time before Everton took the game (despite the fact that we'd had plenty of scoring chances).
    You can see every playing in midfield panting by the 60min mark ...
    I'm sure that i'll calm down later but right now i'm just sooooo frustrated ...
  5. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    RE: today

    Eh... I dont know what to say about it, really. But I do recall Sigi was criticized for the same thing last year.

    Not that the mindsets are necessarily the same. Just that it doesnt seem to be helping.. to use a manager merry-go-round.
  6. SteveM19

    SteveM19 New Member

    Sep 30, 2007
    Cleveland OH
    Re: RE: today

    Definitely -- the example is Man U. -- Fergie got some time to build the team that he probably would not receive now. They went three years without winning trophies and then never stopped. I would like to see some stability in the manager position rather than a one year and done rotation.

    That said, the starting lineup choices need some accountability. What did Clint do to apparently land so far in Woy's doghouse, insult his wife? Woy, what are you waiting for to start Nevland and Dempsey. Great ball of fire on a pogo stick, how hard is this to get right?

    I missed the game so I don't wish to cast aspersions on anyone's performance, but this team is last in the league in goals scored and we have too much talent to say that's OK.

    I'm not disgusted, just disappointed.

    Atlanta John, it's great to hear what you have to say. You've been a fan for longer than I have heard of Fulham and I probably would have pronounced it Full Ham, like it was two words.

    Also, in preparation for the game with Bad Soap Opera FC, Audrey will get the week off and I have brought back the avatar with Mike Ashley and the man with the ugly tattoo and tremendous man-boobs :D . After today, we'll need a laugh, or cringe.
  7. Hoppy

    Hoppy New Member

    Sep 17, 2007
    Adelaide, Australia
  8. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    We went to Goodison where we haven't won since Churchill's grandfather was in diapers. We created chances, we played aggressively, we threatened throughout. Everyone who thinks that scoring a goal against an EPL defense is easy and should happen every time is deluded. Everyone who thinks that it is our birthright to take three points off the richer, larger clubs in the league is deluded.

    I want a side that believes in itself and takes the fight to the opponent without playing hacking, negative football. I've got that and, after the crap that Sanchez put on the field, I'm glad to have it. I disagree with some of Roy's selections and his hesitancy to substitute, but I don't see the lads every day on the training grounds, I don't talk to them and see where their heads are at. Roy does.

    I'm gutted that we dropped a point in the last few minutes -- but it balances out what we saw at Pompey. That's the way of it. Until someone can convince me that Roy can go to the loo and crap out better footballers than we have in the squad, I'm going to plight my troth to the chubby, lisping dude.

    If you're looking for points off everyone in every match, you're supporting the wrong club. This here is Roy Hodgson's Black and White Army.
  9. timmyg

    timmyg Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2006
    Don, I read your post 5 minutes ago and am still applauding it.

    Take a look at the table everyone (and its only just November!). Here's a list of clubs within +/- 2(!!!) points of us: Man City (who's winning tomorrow) West Ham, Stoke, Blackburn, Sunderland, Wigan, West Brom, Tottenham, Newcastle.

    Do we honestly think that in the long run we're not better than West Ham who's going broke come January, Stoke City who's a Delap-in-the-pan, Blackburn who has the worst manager in the prem, and Newcastle who are still a circus.

    Take a deep breath.
  10. nevzter

    nevzter Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2007
    A City by a Bay
    Not scoring or converting chances is nothing new. Gera has been shite at finishing. Plain and simple, the club, in general, has been shite at finishing. Maybe FFC's aim will Fulhamishly improve in the latter half of the schedule and balance it out.

    While I agree that it's not doomsday and FFC are better off than last year, the "normal," first XI's performance in the past 6 or 7 matches is not satisfactory and rightly criticized in my opinion. Aside from Johnson's 2 goals against Wigan, the "normal" starters have managed 0 goals in roughly 6 of the past 7 matches, and although FFC's play is attractive, points are dropped nonetheless.

    Despite my grumblings, and whether I am delusional or not is debatable, however, I still believe the club remains only a slight wrinkle (simply putting away their chances may suffice (ha!!!)), from FFC's improved football producing consistent points.

  11. RidgeRider

    RidgeRider Member

    Jan 5, 2008
    Don, I couldn't agree more with your post. Perfectly stated.

    If anyone is not convinced that this last game was not the end of the world, I would suggest anyone who thinks we are in for anything less than a roller coaster ride should listen to Roy's interview after the Wigan win. It is on the offal. Very good interview by a man who, I think anyway, knows the league.

    This squad will not get relegated and Timmy is right, there are about a handful of teams that are not as good as Fulham and several who are no better. I still think we'll finish 11-13th. I am happy with that.
  12. WhitesBhoy

    WhitesBhoy Active Member

    Jul 9, 2008
    The Beach, For Now
    Alex Ferguson is a tad over weight, but chubby??

    Someone mentioned a coaching carousel, and I agree we want to get away from that. RH can keep us up, and hopefully better.

    But another thing we want to avoid is a Player merry-go-round, as well. I am only guessing that RH wants to appeal to some consistency in the ranks, with as limited changes as possible. We are not exactly needing a Revolution at FFC, just some inspiration near the end of matches.
  13. Jensers

    Jensers New Member

    Apr 18, 2007
    Royal City, Wa
    Should have had a point - had great chances for all 3 points...

    Should have taken on a more attacking look to give the squad a spark late...

    But - didnt go Roy's way.

    I would agree that the loss of the point was mostly his doing. The loss of the full 3 points would be the responsibility of the players - because - as has been said, their finishing... Yikes.

    If Roy is going to put a defensive team on the field, they have to be able to take their chances when they come... Hopefully they will settle in and we will see that happen.

    They are not out of it just yet.
  14. Bocacrumbs

    Bocacrumbs New Member

    Jun 25, 2006
    I thought, plain and simple, our midfield let us down, not supplying AJ or Bobby with the right service. I mean, why is bobby being put out on the wings when he should be the one in the box?

    We were unlucky...again, sadly.

    If it wasn't for the FFC fans at the match, who were heard loud and clear, the match would've been a total loss.
  15. americanmike

    americanmike Administrator

    Dec 30, 2004
    I hate losing. I hate losing 1-0 even more and I hate that, even though I expected it, I didn't take this loss well. A point would've been great and FAIR. Unlucky again, though there is a definitive trend going on during our away travels.

    I was very disappointed with Gera the most. Not going in for tackles, not tracking back and overall not doing much aside from a nice header and a few good passes.

    Pantsil didn't have the best game and, as James said, it just seems our midfield isn't giving the right service to the boys up front.

    What is Woy to do?

    Still had a great trip up there. Fletch and I almost died a few times due to some interesting driving on the highway but we made it there safe.

    Our fans were up for a singsong...too bad it wasn't enough to inspire a win.
  16. richardhkirkando

    richardhkirkando New Member

    Aug 21, 2006
    Madison, WI
    I can't say much blame should go to Roy for this. 0-0 at Everton would have been a very good result, and going with a defensive sub made sense. Had he gone with Dempsey & Nevland earlier, and Everton still scored, we would be screaming for Andreasen or Baird. Hindsight goggles are a wonderful invention.

    The goal itself could have been prevented had it not been for Hangeland's momentary lapse, or if Gera (or anybody, credit to F5 who tried to get over there) had been in position to prevent that cross.

    Good to see Bullard back on track too, at least for one game.
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