GOP Blowback

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HatterDon, Oct 15, 2008.

  1. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Down here deep in the heart of, we have a Congressional race between a Demo incumbent named Rodriguez and a Republican former Congressman named Larson. Rodriguez isn't all that and wouldn't even have his current gig, except for the Supreme Court making the Texas House [and by that I mean former Congressman Tom Delay] un-Gerrymand several districts. Ciro beat Henry Bonilla [a lovely man but a horrible Congressman, by the way] in a squeaker. This time he's facing an Anglo, so the seat isn't secure for him.

    The thing is that Larson is a devotee of the flat tax [or The Fair Tax if you prefer]. For the uninitiated, that's a 23% sales tax on everything to be exchanged for a repeal of the graduated income tax. Yes, even though you've heard it before, and it may or may not have some merit, it doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of being enacted. This makes it kind of a stupid thing to build your campain on. Especially ... .

    The thing about the flat tax is that it doesn't exist. In order for it TO exist, some one has to create it. That makes proposing it ... [wait for it] PROPOSING A NEW TAX!!!! :twisted:

    So, Ciro is running these TV ads saying, quite correctly, that the Republican wants to put a new tax on everything? "Everything?" asks an 'I am not an actor' lady. "Even gasoline?" :shock:

    "Yes," answers disembodied announcer. "Lyle Larson's answer to the current economic crisis and crippling high gasoline prices is to put a new tax of TWENTY-THREE percent on everything you buy." 8)

    It is CHERCE. Ciro may not know a lot about the nuances of governance, but he sure has been paying attention to Republican campaign practices.

    TEE friggin' HEE. :banana: :banana: :banana:

    Full disclosure; these guys ain't in my district. Just in my television range, so I don't really care which of them runs in 2010 as an incumbent and which runs as the incumbent's opponent.
  2. WhitesBhoy

    WhitesBhoy Active Member

    Jul 9, 2008
    The Beach, For Now
    That is a great story.
  3. RidgeRider

    RidgeRider Member

    Jan 5, 2008
    Don, that is a good story. Way to turn the tables by Mr. Ciro.

    Flat tax in theory is not a bad idea, however it'll never happen cause it will put too many CPA's and Tax Attorney's out of business and, as a very bright left of center friend of mine once pointed out (need to give him credit), it would create a black market for goods and services. I like the fairness piece of the tax, but never happen. Can't believe that guys thinks it would.

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