Ives' Fulham Comments

Discussion in 'Fulham FC News and Notes' started by nevzter, Aug 25, 2008.

  1. WhitesBhoy

    WhitesBhoy Active Member

    Jul 9, 2008
    The Beach, For Now
    I go back every now and again in hopes some substantive posters have found their way there, or their way back there.

    More dissapointments, than not. But I feel a duty to raise my hand now and again.
  2. SamStej

    SamStej New Member

    Jan 14, 2008
    Palatine IL
    Like nearly everyone posting on this thread, I too was drawn to Fulham by the Americans on the team. My fandom was "cemented" I guess when I saw Fulham play at Charlton in the 05-06 season when Quedrue got us a 2-2 draw in the 94th minute (not sure if anyone can remember that, but hey). It was quite an ending to witness and i was very impressed by the Fulham faithful at the game. I guess what I am trying to say, is that through my experience at that game and through following the club ever since that night, I can not imagine myself supporting another english team, and barring some unforeseen turn for the worse at the club i dont think i ever will.
  3. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    good lads and lasses one and all. Don't expect this allegiance to make any sense. We talking love here, not logic.

  4. Team_of_McBrides

    Team_of_McBrides New Member

    May 28, 2007
    Not surprised by the polls results. Many American fans support players more than a certain club or team. We can all agree that the presence of Americans in the Fulham roster appealed to yank soccer fans, but my connection to the club runs much deeper than a few players from my homeland.

    As WhitesBhoy mentioned earlier, there is a buzz to the club now and exciting times for all Fulham supporters. I would have to say the club interests me more now than when it had all the yanks in the side.

    As always... COYW
  5. Optimizer

    Optimizer New Member

    Aug 22, 2006
    I still go up to NYC to watch Fulham regardless of how many Americans are on the field.

    I think a more interesting question is: who will support them if they go down and stay there? Part of the big reason why I think one can support a team abroad is if they can see/hear them regularly. I'm more concerned about that than if Fulham never signs an American again.
  6. nevzter

    nevzter Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2007
    A City by a Bay
    The USMNT brought me to Fulham a couple of years ago, as I'd followed the national team long before I followed a club...and that includes the early stages of my lukewarm support for the S.J. Clash / 'Quakes. If they go down, they go down (in fact I was resigned to this fate last year, yet miracles do happen), but as I've stated before, and for better or worse, I'll be here regardless of the # of Yanks in the squad. If they do go down, that's when I'll take full advantage of the internet(s) and Setanta, and of course, this site!

    COYW. FTID. 867-5309.

    It's funny that we've hashed this subject over a few times in the past couple of years...maybe Ives is raiding FulhamUSA's content for his own site? Hahahaha!
  7. ohio4fulham

    ohio4fulham New Member

    May 5, 2008
    Mason, Ohio
    To steal HatterDon's line ... I came for the Americans and stayed for the club.
    I followed Fulham casually when McBride and then Boca joined the club. I started following faithfully when Dempsey joined midway through the season before last.
    Having invested myself emotionally in the club and having harrowed the last two nail-biting relegation battle survivals with all of the other Fulham fans (English, American or otherwise) I feel far more connected to the club then the nationality of the players who sign to it.
    As I said in another post, I want Clint to play ... but only if it's what's best for the team, and Roy is who I trust completely to make that decision.
  8. bostoncottage

    bostoncottage New Member

    Jan 25, 2007
    New York, NY
    Definitely came because of the Americans, but at this point I'm hooked. I'd be very bummed if Deuce left, having followed him from the Revs to the USMNT to Fulham. But if he left I'd wish him well and still follow FFC. Though I'd need a new jersey. (not sure who. I play CB, but I'm not feeling Hughes or Hangman) At this point the only thing that would make it hard to follow the Whites as closely is if they were relegated. Never getting to see them play would make it pretty hard to get attached to the players and vibe at the Cottage - and to road crowds like we had at Pompey last season. But in Woy We Twust and I think we're staying up for quite a while! Aaah, optimism. Nice to see you again my fickle friend.
  9. LOBO

    LOBO New Member

    Apr 24, 2008
    Lost Angeles (The 562)
    It's a bit strange, but this thought occured to me the weekend before Ives blog post came out.
    While watching the Hull Match and seeing Dempsey get subbed in around the 80th minute, I thought to myself "Would I support this team if there were no Americans on the roster?"
    The thought struck me as such, because that is how Boca slowly made his exit. A few late substitution appearances here and there, no contract renewal, released and then he is off to France.
    Although he is not American, the same sort of thing happened to Healy. I feel Deuce is in that position now, but it's a bit more bothersome since Dempsey has proven he can get it done at this level.
    More to point, it would almost be impossible not support Fulham with or without Americans on the squad. If that time comes, I just hope it arrives later rather than sooner.
    I would imagine catching a match at the Cottage finalizes one's support vows. Which is something I desperately need to accomplish...
  10. Hard_Drinkin'_Lincoln

    Hard_Drinkin'_Lincoln New Member

    Oct 22, 2005
    Brooksville, Florida
    There are shifts in loyalties with any club in any country. The core remains steadfast, but you will always see some shift in or out depending on the circumstances of the club.

    It doesn't just happen with Americans, as witnessed by the fanbases of the Big Four within England and the allegiance to the Old Firm within Scotland. If any of those clubs were to see a downturn in fortune resulting in a Leeds-like drop, then you would see a mass exodus of fans away from that particular club.

    I started following Fulham in the late 90s. Couldn't call myself a fan. I just had plenty of time for a club with a good sense of humor and a great deal of pride in their history even though that history wasn't loaded with trophies or great fame. Over time, I came to realize Fulham fit me best--an underdog alternative to the easy way following this game represented by the ManUres and Chelskis of the world.

    Those outside the core will come and go as they do with all clubs. Those who truly get all things Fulhamish stay behind and will be there for this club if things, as the British say, go pear-shaped.
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