Lower the Drinking Age

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Aug 22, 2008.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Well, since the proposal has now reached critical mass enough that it's starting to appear in some MSM, I guess it's time to post on it here.

    From Denver Post: 'Let's chuck the drinking age'

    Exactly! The MADD influenced ass-lickers have done enough damage and it's time for MADD to get solely into the 'education' biz, instead of the political influence biz that keeps their salaries coming in.

    The '21' mandate is a failure and a flop... and long term has done more damage than good.

    In fact all the raising of the age did was raise the age of social responsibility. Twenty year old now act like their grandpas did at fourteen. Or twelve, even.

    Carrie Nation herself would be proud of all the good people ruined who have no real anti-social sin other than the imbibing of alcohol.

    Like prohibition before it, the 'unintended results have been disastrous... not the same but have hurt society, nonetheless.
    Now in a traffic court, being drunk has actually been used as a defense, for the accident involved in the incident. If you're speeding, it's cause your drunk. If you run a stop sign and kill someone... 'welll yerhonner, I was drunk'.

    In the old days, it was two separate offenses. Even if you'd been drinking you were expected to obey all laws and drive safely. While it might be said that the punishment is more severe than it was then, well.. then why does it keep happening?

    I knew this call for revisiting youth drinking was inevitable, once I saw the Public Service ad on how allowing teens to drink in your own home.. WHETHER THEY THEN DROVE OR NOT.. could get you sent to prison and even confiscation of your property!

    Dear MADD... I used to support you, now I hope each and every one of you die with a red hot poker up your asses. When your time comes, of course. Not because of..
  2. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Well, I'm amazed. Pettyfog is enthusiastically endorsing
    Why? Well, of course, because there's something he hates more than higher education! It's sobriety. A little surprise there, but not a shock. I'm not quite sure why 'fog hates MADD. I know that the religious right in VA hated it when I was teaching high school there. They thought that the parent-student contract [you know: "I pledge that if I'm under the influence I'll call you for a ride home if you pledge not to beat me" or something like that] constituted tacit approval of underage drinking. They managed to completely derail the program that had significantly cut back on teen traffic fatalities for three years. The death toll went back up. Success?

    I personally don't care when your kids began drinking, nor do I care when other kids began drinking, although I grow weary of dodging them on the freeway each evening, but I'll ask you and 'fog these questions:

    1. How many times did you get into trouble as a teenager?
    2. How many times that you got into trouble was alcohol involved?

    Oh, and I'm sure that the Maryland lady whose child was permanently crippled by a drunken driver and who began MADD will be as thrilled to see that you want her to rot in hell with a hot poker up her ass, as the 9/11 widows were to be called greedy bitches. You may not be Anne Coulter, 'fog, but you're wearing the same uniform.
  3. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Thus spake the chief FUSA apologist of the Nanny State.

    I no longer have a dog in the hunt... unless you count more distant family. I've had in-laws killed by drunk drivers. But it had to do with the drivers being irresponsible, not their ages.
    But, I've driven drunk. Been caught by cops, ticketed for my inappropriate driving, while and told to drive STRAIGHT HOME... Wrecked a new car while*... Had drunks hit me while I was sober.

    * It was THAT -never be new again car- that caused me to change my ways.

    And BTW... thanks AGAIN for missing the point of the thread. I see it gave you an excuse to work in a rant against Ann coulter and the Religious Right, though.

    Maybe if I DO put the points in big letters.

  4. Bradical

    Bradical Member

    Apr 22, 2008
    Denver, CO
    The answer lies abroad... Make the drinking age 16, and the driving age 18... They will drink no matter what, and perhaps even get it out of their system first, before they even learn how to drive...
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