Obama - Clarence Thomas foof

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Aug 18, 2008.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    He wasnt 'experienced' enough!

    While Clarence Thomas was without a doubt an 'Equal Opportunity' nominee for the USSC, for Obama to take that position considering HIS background?!!!!

    Note this:
    - emphasis from pf
    {I would suggest that those who might take issue with the view here review and compare Thomas' 'modest background' against Obama's}

    Yep... you can bet his campaign wont allow that to happen again. Everything from now on is gonna be fully scripted and telepromptered.
  2. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    I note that the unsigned editorial did not quote or paraphrase the portion of Obama's reply that the WSJ later interpreted as "he assured the audience that at least [the white justices] were smart enough for the job." If you're going to talk about how Obama said what he shouldn't have said, it would be nice to tell us WHAT HE SAID. With the exception of self-deluding ideologues, it is the general consensus that, at best, Thomas is a silent passanger on the Court and, at worst, a bitter, ill-equipped jurist.

    Despite the world of difference between George HW Bush and his son, the most striking similarity is their assessments of prospective SC candidates. 41 characterized Clarence Thomas as "the best qualified candidate regardless of race" -- an absolute howler -- and Poppy's least intelligent and laziest son saw Harriet Myers in a similar light. Those who disagreed with the former were, of course, racists. Those who disagreed with the latter were, of course, sexists. The latter lasted a day or so until the right wing of the party were unable to stop themselves from laughing in public, and complained themselves.

    New question: if there's anyone on this site who (a) was going to vote for Obama in November but, (b) as a result of Pettyfog's never-ending supply of links to right-wing "thinkers" has decided to instead vote for McCain, could you please identify yourself?

    You won't get any arguments from me if you do -- I've already said several times who I think is the more qualified of the two candidates -- I'd just like to find out if 'fog is preaching to the right-wing choir or if he's actually changing any minds.
  3. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Here's the entire Obama Q-A
    Now you tell me how you would draw another inference?

    As to how I might influence the vote, I'm only here because of the crap I see on some major media.... not to mention the 'Comedy' news.

    I'm not doing anything more than subverting know-nothing liberalism. And asking people to think about what they are doing.

    If I voiced my 'worst-case' view on the result of electing Obama, I would clearly be on the far fringe; but unlike some, I'm an optimist until people prove me wrong.
    As Pelosi and Reid have done, BTW.
  4. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    What I saw from the direct quote, was that Obama said that at the time of his nomination, Thomas had no record as a legal thinker or as a jurist strong enough to merit that nomination. By contrast, Scalia did have that record. I didn't see anything close to "but at least the white guys are smart." And neither did the WSJ, I'm a thinking.

    Oh, in case you didn't get the point, the "new question" I asked in my post was specifically not directed to you.
  5. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    It doesnt matter if it was directed at me. I'll take the focus as an example.

    I put the emphasis on the WSJ quote but the writer wrote the words
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