Obama Space Hippies?...Or..

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Aug 8, 2008.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    This blog seems to think the new Obama salute relates to an evil college prof who invaded the Enterprise.

    As for me.. I hate to say it because I always hated HS numbnuts sexual entendre... but it seems more like "Hey girls, Look!"

    Whichever... it's absolutely amazing how infantile and clueless the Obama campaign is! Unless they're yanking our chains. Yeah, that's it. It's a joke on everyone else!
  2. sublicon

    sublicon New Member

    Oct 30, 2006
    Brooklyn, NY
    You do know that it wasn't the Obama campaign but an independent company that did that on their own accord, right? So, your assessment of the Obama campaign based on this little tidbit is wholly unfounded.

    Do some research.
  3. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    So.. the INDEPENDENT Obama supporters thought it was a good idea.

    Thanks for the info. BTW... got a link on that?

    Everybody sing!

    What do you think,
    when I dont show a link?
    Do you left-click and surf out on me?

    - apologies to 'Little Help from my friends'

    It's still funny, though... right? Or maybe not to you.

    BTW: I have a whole collection of 'Obamessiah' images that I haven't troubled you guys with. Usually with a sunburst, behind..or with a unicorn .. walking on water, etc. So live with this!
  4. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    perhaps it's from the same folks who brought us "The Terrorist Bump." You gotta admit, 'fog, right wing pundits and bloggers are as comically out of touch with reality -- if not more so -- as/than those on the left.

    Oh, and since you seem to be shape-deficient, the Star Trek "space hippie salute" is in the shape of a triangle, and the Obama "space hippie salute" is in the shape of a circle. A circle, as in O, as in the first letter and syllable of the candidate's name. [If you want a link, just click the one you posted to compare the two]. You can also see on that link that YOU provided, that it was independent supporters who came up with that one.

    And I agree that making a salute out of the first letter of a candidate's name is kind of silly and cheerleaderish ... sort of like the C to salue Cory Aquino. The W salute for our president in 2004 was much more appropriate, since he used to be a cheerleader himself. :3d funny:
  5. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Oh.. HERE it is, on a USNews Blog!

    Read the comments.

    Better quote this one before it's deleted:

    - obviously ANOTHER D.M.O.M, like me.
  6. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Don, let me point out to you my own words:

    "this blog seems to think...." Now WHERE did you get the idea I agreed with that, esp when I posted what I recalled ... and you probably do too ... that sign meant. Evidently a few others, geezers or not, think that as well.

    My eyes DO work! In fact, on the 'Space Hippie' images, I flashed on "This is the Church..."
    - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - -
    While I understand what the morons who came up with the sign WANTED to symbolize*, their BASIC symbolic 'O' would be BETTER served with THIS:

    *Interlaced fingers symbolizing 'Unity with Obama' yeah.. right! Aint NEVER, till he shows me the stuff.
    - - - - - - -- - - -
    But now it aint funny, anymore, is it? Unless they pick MY image.. which could signify, "After Dubya, comes 'O' .."

    Course THAT aint as funny as 'Dubya was a cheerleader". Hmm... which in our day meant he was either, at least, 'fey' {Merriam Webster #3a} OR he was, at least, a guy with an eye for the chicks.

    Barbara: 'Watch those fingers on that palm boost, Georgie!"

    Still not as funny.

  7. sublicon

    sublicon New Member

    Oct 30, 2006
    Brooklyn, NY
    Re: RE: Obama Space Hippies?...Or..


  8. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    RE: Re: RE: Obama Space Hippies?...Or..

    Guess you REALLY dont read well... as you can see -ABOVE-, I found it for myself.

    And as I said, above... read the comments.

    More irony and mirth lurks within
    ...famous Obama-Progress poster by artist Shepherd Fairey. Yeah... that juvenile humor is catching!
  9. sublicon

    sublicon New Member

    Oct 30, 2006
    Brooklyn, NY
    Re: RE: Re: RE: Obama Space Hippies?...Or..

    Actually, I read just fine. Do you always take the opportunity to make pathetic little jabs when they present themselves? Just curious.
  10. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Re: RE: Re: RE: Obama Space Hippies?...Or..

    Sometimes.. it's the crotchety old geezer bastid in me.

    But if one reads threads, what's the point in posting the same link I said I found an hour earlier?
  11. sublicon

    sublicon New Member

    Oct 30, 2006
    Brooklyn, NY
    Re: RE: Re: RE: Obama Space Hippies?...Or..

    Because I replied first and read later. Perhaps you should do all of your research up front, rather than making baseless assumptions. If you'd done that, there wouldn't have been a need to furnish you with any such link.

    Here, I have a better question: Why post thread after thread on a sports forum where the vast majority don't come here to debate or read about politics?

    Why not find a political forum where people who care can reply, rather than spend thread after thread on the FulhamUSA.com message board opining to yourself on a myriad of news bits that most of us don't care about, or at least don't care to discuss with the likes of you.

    Could it be because there's not much competition for you here? Could it be because you can say what you want and rest assured in your "rightness" (no pun intended) since the handful of people that reply don't really give you much of a fight?

    It wouldn't be much of a big deal if you didn't post here with this false sense of superiority and speak to others with such a consistent level of condescension, but since we're here I might as well call you out on it. There's a way to talk about politics with people whose views differ from yours without being such a cock.

    Just a thought.
  12. Clevelandmo

    Clevelandmo Active Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    Re: RE: Re: RE: Obama Space Hippies?...Or..

    whoa, easy boy.

    Petty is the moderator - in my view he's just keeping the conversation going, taking care of things on the site, if you dont like it then maybe you should do the job yourself.

    Come on we're all friends.
  13. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    sub, I have shared and demonstrated your frustration more than once about this, but I have never lost sight of the fact that Petty brings more benefit to this site than he brings discord.

    You ask:

    ... and I say tht the reverse is true. Fog is easy to counter and easier to score off than a Derby County side down to 9 men. What's maddening is that he never cares when each point he makes has been refuted and his argument is leaking earth, fire, and water, never mind air.

    You say:

    ... and I respond: It's because the man has never learned to DISCUSS. He has been taught that the object of discussion is to insult and demean your opponent until the opponent loses his temper. Then you can declare victory. Discussion is an exchange of ideas, and the only idea that Pettyfog has to exchange is that anyone who disagrees with him is either (a) ignorant, (b) duped, (c) lying, (d) in league with the forces of evil, or probably all four at the same time. He just doesn't know how to do this properly, and, when so many of his points are so obviously NOT grounded in logic, this is the method that he must use. It can drive you nuts if you let it.

    But here's the thing: what he brings to FUSA is many times greater than the dyspepsia he gives the rest of us. Petty's like an eccentric uncle who can befuddle us with unabashed affection one second and then embarrass the life out of us the next. After a while you realize that you can't have one without the other, and so you learn [when he's at full roar] to just make your comments, shake your head, smile, and move on to another thread.

    Let Petty be Petty. He's never gonna change.
  14. SteveM19

    SteveM19 New Member

    Sep 30, 2007
    Cleveland OH
    I agree -- there's no sense getting too mad about the political rants that go one here.

    I look at Fog and Don like they are married -- they don't sleep together and they argue all of the time.

    There is someone who posts on here who occasionally rankles me too, but I just tell myself that I am seeing a side of that person who does not know as much as he thinks he does, and that was me once in my younger years. Having someone that you think is nuts in your group is just part and parcel of any organization that is larger than a few members.
  15. jmh

    jmh New Member

    Jul 2, 2006
    Brooklyn, NY
    Wow, that salute thing really is a new high in "making something out of nothing".
  16. RidgeRider

    RidgeRider Member

    Jan 5, 2008
    Personally, I find Petty's posts entertaining and sometimes interesting and I want him to continue unabashed. You left fielders on the site are no better or worse than he is with regard to making political points and also lack the ability to undertand what is being said as well. Petty just does it with more creativeness than the rest of you.

    Don, your post, while an attempt to be balanced is not so much from my perspective. You seem to be attempting to marginalize his political views by saying his is the crazy old uncle, while cute and all, may be interpreted the wrong way (or the right way by you if that was your intent) I took as a bit on an insult towards Petty.

    Sublicon, if you don't like the political threads, don't read them or don't comment on them. Pretty easy. :)
  17. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Mod Note: Dont say that about Sublicon... he's hooked now. Right Don?

    BTW, Sub... 'false sense of...'?

    Research my handle {using 'i', instead of 'y'} and my avatar.

  18. RidgeRider

    RidgeRider Member

    Jan 5, 2008
    My point about Sublicon is while I appreciate his posts, and agree with him some of the time, especially about the Edwards deal, and he adds to this board, rather than question why you post these items; either don't respond if it bothers him or just ignore, laugh about it, or respond and try not get too side-ways over your responses. I actually enjoy reading the banter, just starts to get less enjoyable when folks start to get personal or question intelligence, marginalize point of view, just because they don't agree. :)

    Having a difference of opinion is good thing and part of what makes this country a great place. :)
  19. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    RR, I can't believe you can't see Pettyfog as the cute uncle on this site. I thought I summed him up pretty well, and very affectionately also.
  20. RidgeRider

    RidgeRider Member

    Jan 5, 2008
    well, now that you have put 'cute' and uncle' together, I forgive you. ;-)

    Initially I sort of got that but..........I am not very bright. Carry on. :)
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