MLB = Hank's bitch

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HatterDon, Jul 31, 2008.

  1. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Well, the Yankees are in third place and might not make the playoffs. What does this mean?

    1. Locked in a life-and-death struggle with the Houston Astros for last place in the NL Central, the perpetually rebuilding Pirates trade their most effective pitcher and their most consistent hitter for three Class A players, one of those apparati they drag infields with, and the private phone number of A-Rod's divorce lawyer.

    2. After their starting catcher goes on the DL for the season, the Yankees bag probably the best catcher since Johnny Bench became a spray-paint salesman. In exchange, they give up a pitcher so good he couldn't hold a job for the Cubs when they were in last place.

    When I was a kid, the joke was that the Kansas City Athletics didn't realize that they were in the American League and thought that they were still the Yankee's top minor league club. Every time they developed a decent player, the Yankees would trade for him.

    Then, during the Bowie Kuhn era, the Commisioner actually voided trades that "altered the competitive balance of the league." He did this to stop the OAKLAND Atletics from cutting their payroll and getting rid of their star players to the Red Sox and Yankees.

    Now, with Fox and ESPN sharing the Commisioner's office, the key each year must be Yankees-Red Sox. Each team must vie for the AL East. Each must make the playoffs. One must make it to the World Series. And so, with the Yankees so improved after they got rid of Joe Torre that they can't even beat Baltimore in the Bronx, the checkbook is opening and Hank is getting everything he wants. AGAIN.

    Good for baseball? Well, maybe. But it was during the 1950s, when all the opening day speculation was about which NL team would lose to the Yankees in the World Series, that attendances began to drop, and fans started looking for other things to do. It was free agency that brought pennants to Oakland and Kansas City and Pittsburg and Cincinnati. It was free agency that raised AVERAGE attendances to over a million.

    The low point for MLB was when CBS bought the Yankees in 1960 [?] and broadcast their mediocre asses nationwide every Saturday and Sunday. With Fox's and ESPN's concentration on Boston and NY, we're heading that way again.
  2. SteveM19

    SteveM19 New Member

    Sep 30, 2007
    Cleveland OH
    Funny you should mention this. When I was growing up I was a huge baseball fan, and a fan of the Pirates in particular. I got so disgusted with the people running the game that I pay next to no attention to the game at all nowadays for reasons that, as much as anyone wants to hear them, are strike, players union, how expensive it is to see a game, & 'roids. I just don't care what they do now. Let the corporations slug it out. Who really wants to watch GM and Microsoft in a battle, apart from their shareholders. That is what MLB is to me now. If my son becomes a baseball fan, it won't be from any exposure his old man gives him.
  3. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    RE: MLB = Hank

    I take the truth from what you point out. But it's nothing new... I harken back to CBS interminable coverage of the 49'ers and Cowboys in the 60's and '70s.

    However it's also FOX (FSN) who provide regional coverage of hometown teams, at least in my area. Many more games {for the Reds - ALL} than when the OTA broadcasters decided which games might be important and which were not.

    More noteworthy than watching Atlanta's "America's Team", IMO.
  4. jmh

    jmh New Member

    Jul 2, 2006
    Brooklyn, NY
    RE: MLB = Hank

    Xavier Nady wasn't really the Pirates' best (I know you said "most consistent" but that's a difficult term to define) hitter. He's always been a guy who's had slow second halves, and in any case Jason Bay is really having a phenomenal year. I can't blame the Pirates for selling high on Nady, although I don't know much about the players they got in return.

    Ivan Rodriguez also isn't nearly the player (either as a hitter or as a catcher) he used to be. He's not really all that much of an upgrade over Molina at this point in his career, and the Yankees thinned an already thin bullpen to get him.

    That being said, I agree with you about the complete boredom with Yankees-Red Sox and I hope the Rays win the division and neither of those other teams make the playoffs.
  5. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Good point, 'fog. I very much appreciate Fox Sports SW, not to mention FSC of course. It's the big Fox.

    A couple of weeks ago we went to Houston to watch the Astros v. Cubs. I was concerned that the scheduled Saturday evening game might be moved to 3 o'clock for Fox coverage. Then I saw that the Red Sox were playing the Yankees, so ... .
  6. Bradical

    Bradical Member

    Apr 22, 2008
    Denver, CO
    When my (partycrashing) Rockies made the World Series last year, Fox went into cram-for-finals mode, having to actually learn the names of Rockies players, the story of their season, newsbites to talk about, etc. Of course they already had volumes to talk about on the Red Sox...
  7. Coog

    Coog New Member

    Jul 6, 2008
    The Yankees may have just messed up their pitching staff by relegating Molina to part time duty. Their better pitching of late, in my opinion, can be attributed to Posada not catching and Molina taking his place. IRod has seen his better days and may hit 30-40 points higher, but what will be the effect on the pitchers? Detroit is back in the pennant race, but they gave up on IRod - there must be a reason.

    Nady is a decent player, but he spends alot of time on the DL and as JMH said, he is a first half hitter. Marte may turn out to be the more important player in the trade.

    And here's hoping that Manny is out and Bay is in for the Red Sox. :banana:
  8. jmh

    jmh New Member

    Jul 2, 2006
    Brooklyn, NY
    I saw that rumor and I have no idea why either of the other teams involved would make that trade. Besides I thought you guys loved Manny. Oh wait, you hate Manny. Oh wait, you love Manny again. Oh wait, you hate Manny again.
  9. timmyg

    timmyg Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2006
    No, no, no.

    Its more like: "Manny loves us. Oh wait, he hates us. Oh wait, he loves us again. Oh wait, he hates us...again."

    To which us fans simply say "Hey, just hit home runs. Thank You."
  10. nevzter

    nevzter Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2007
    A City by a Bay
    And possibly, "get a haircut, you hippie!!"
  11. Coog

    Coog New Member

    Jul 6, 2008
    In the past Manny has hated the fans. Now he loves them, but he hates John Henry, Youlikis, and the traveling secretary who got slugged because he wasn't sure if he could get the dredlocked dip spit 20 tickets at the last minute.

    In the spring he wanted the Sox to pick up his option (thanks Dan Duquette) and to finish his career in Boston. In August, he wants to go to Florida because they have no income tax and get a 4 year $100 million extension.

    The other night John Lackey was throwing a no hitter late in the game when Ramirez hit a ground ball that would have been beaten out by a 70 year old grandma, but he jogged to first and was out easily.

    He is just tiring to watch. Get him outta here! Here's to you, Manny. :3d tongue:
  12. RidgeRider

    RidgeRider Member

    Jan 5, 2008

    I'm with you on this. I was until this year a season ticket holder for the Giants. I have become so disenchanted by the same that I sold them after many years of having them. I'm finding my new passion English Football is not much different though. 4 teams own the league rather than 2, but what's the difference. I feel like an A's fan now. Probably not going to win the Series but it should be exciting anway.

    Hatter, the Athletics history of selling their best players, which continues today, was started back before any of us were born, when Connie Mack ran the team. They have a history of doing this which is why, IMHO, they are so a good at staying competitive with this strategy. I have always believed it is in their organizational 'DNA'. :)
  13. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    well, the Manny haters in Old Town must be thrilled.;_ylt=A ... &type=lgns

    In place of a guy who'll wind up with a .300 batting average and 600 home runs -- and who is probably the best clutch hitter in the game -- you get the 3rd best Canadian player in history [after Larry Walker and Terry Puhl]. Just to prove once again, that no matter how good a player is, the Boston management [with the collusion of the press and the fans] will contrive to run him out of town.

    This should be enough for LA to make the playoffs. After all, all they need in their division is to play .500 to be in first place.

  14. WhitesBhoy

    WhitesBhoy Active Member

    Jul 9, 2008
    The Beach, For Now
    I thought this thread was about Hank Aaron. One of the few real American sports heroes.

    Baseball?? They still play that here?
  15. nevzter

    nevzter Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2007
    A City by a Bay
    Sir, it's clear from your post that you are a terror-sponsoring, apple pie-hating, puppy killing, anti-freedomite.
  16. dcheather

    dcheather Administrator

    Jul 29, 2005

    Don, you are very wrong about Boston management in this case. Manny and Scott Boras forced this move. I was willing to see him play out this season, but it was obvious he wasn't going to be a professional and play out his contract. It was what timmyg said earlier, Boston tolerate/love him because he could hit the ball. Manny could care less about the team and the city. So long Manny, I'm trying my hardest right now to remember the good things you did after these last few days.
  17. Coog

    Coog New Member

    Jul 6, 2008
    Yes, the Manny haters of the Olde Towne Team are happy. He is a constant distraction who most of the other players are sick of. If all you look at is numbers, then you would love the guy. If you look at him as a person, you may not have the same opinion. Scuffles with 2 teammates and a traveling secretary in the last couple weeks, laughing at his own fielding ineptitude, refusing to swing the bat or run out ground balls in important situations, staying in the dugout alone when his team is involved in an on-field brawl, saying who cares if we win or lose because there is always next year are all irrelevant if you just want numbers without regard to the type of person behind the numbers.

    He'll be happy in la la land at least until the end of the season when Boros can put him on the open market and get a nice commission that he wouldn't have gotten for 2 more years if the a-wipe had stayed in Boston.

  18. timmyg

    timmyg Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2006
    After missing out on the post-season, the Yankees off season dealings are beginning to look like an Onion article ("Yankees to purchase entire MLB roster").

    With Teixeira for $180million, CC for $161million, and Burnett for $82.5, it seems NY is trying to break the billion-dollar payroll mark. And after all that government assistance (almost half a billion dollars) they're getting for the new stadium, why not?

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