Another chance missed!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HatterDon, Apr 25, 2008.

  1. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    I don't know which genius in in charge of each of the three remaining campaigns, but each is apparently only talking to the person in the miirror.

    Just finished watching John McCain being interviewed by Meredith Viera on the Today Show. After acquitting himself nicely on the North Carolina Republican Party's attack video -- he condemned it again; he said that they run it because they're out of touch with the Republican Party; he reiterated that the Party is the party of Lincoln, TR, and RR -- he was asked to respond to comments by Obama that if he really was upset by the add, he had the power to stop the NCRP from running it.

    At this point is where I began shaking my head. What a godsend of an opportunity to respond to what Obama said. Certainly he's had this comment 20-30 times already. Certainly, he knew that Obama threw up a weak lob that he could put away easily. Here's what he could have said: "Well, first of all, I'm not the party nominee yet. And if I was, in this country the party nominee doesn't boss around the national party apparatus, never mind the individual state parties. If Senator Obama had more experience in national politics, he'd know that there are 51 Republican Parties and 51 Democratic Parties, and he'd know the limitations of presidential candidates. But perhaps he doesn't understand that neither presidential candidates nor presidents are all-powerful."

    Instead of doing this, McCain responded. "Well, I'll apologize when he apologizes for being an elitist and calling middle Americans bitter ... blah blah blah." Mommie, Mommie, he hit me first!!!!!

    So, instead of using the opportunity to gently point out the lack of experience of [what will most assuredly be] his November opponent, and give a hint or two to the fact that only the ill-informed believe that a president is all powerful, McCain instead chose to be even more childish and off-the-point than Obama. I know all the candidates are tired, but doesn't McCain have anybody in the campaign whose job it is to recognize these completely obvious things. I mean, I haven't even shaved yet, and I figured it out as it was happening.


    Oh, and by the way, three US Senators who are all very wealthy and connected, all of whom spend most of their "leisure time" with other multi-millionaires accusing each other of being "elitist" [as if the accusors aren't] is like Madonna, Shakira, and Brittany all calling each other sluts, while simultaneously protesting that they aren't.
  2. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    I generally agree... but I would like to point out that 'Elitist' really is income independent.

    Just so happens that when you amass enough, a certain amount of guilt sets in. Inversely proportional to how hard you actually worked to get that rich.

    Of course, see my thread on 'McCain panders'. Our takes point out that two of the three seem lately to zig when they should zag. McCain ALMOST had won over the conservatives that even Bush lost.. but his nonsense on Katrina and the NCRC will turn them off again. He doesnt seem to get that this campaign has morphed into 'character examination'.

    While we KNOW about Hillary's character, already, -she'll lie, cheat, steal.. anything for power- but the more she is exposed on camera lately, the more sympatico she seems to those of us who derided her for decades.
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