state of the Union?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HatterDon, Apr 4, 2008.

  1. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Well, how's this for the administration's report card? ... pstoryview

    Hmmm; seems like every initiative the administration has taken has met with disapproval. How stunning. 81% of respondants believe the nation is on the wrong track, and that their proposed remedies to problems are making the problems worse.

    On the other hand, thanks to the gee-holy mess they've made of the economy, the huge deficit, and the ping-pong nature of the stock market, the administration has succeeded in knocking the Iraq war off the top of the list of their screw-ups.

    Very clever ploy, guys. You really are smart.
  2. quickdraw

    quickdraw New Member

    May 18, 2007
    I fear the next president may not be able to do enough to fix all this in 4 years. I think we are in for a long fight, and it worries me to no end. I am always reading stories about families coming upon hard times. Some are having to quit work just because they can't afford the gas to get to work.
  3. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    your fears are not ungrounded, but regardless of who sits in the White House, there'll be a change of philosophy which will, on its own, generate more faith and confidence in the people.

    The genius of this country is that it heals itself very well, and it does so by leaning on what is best about the country -- and this means doing away with divisive them-or-us policies. I think the system is sound. It's carried through disastrous periods before. It can do so again. You're right, however. It's going to take more than four years. It's probably going to take all of your generation to un-fuck what my generation has done to the country in the last 8 years. You're going to need to do it, though, if there's going to be anything left for the generation that follows you.

    The good news is that we'll be stronger and more united after we get through this.
  4. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    How cunning, Don! Let's lay it ALL on Dubya.

    I aint gonna make excuses for him. He's got plenty to answer for but I'll accept Don's view when he comes up with SOMETHING Dubya did right... apart from the disgusting Amnesty bill.

    You will all note that the poll does not ask the respondents WHY the nation is on the wrong track and WHY they think that 'lack of regulation' is the cause of much of the economic problem.

    Good thing or Don wouldnt have brought it up, because he couldnt lay it all on BushCo. As to Bush's approval ratings.. well, we now have a Democratic congress. What is ITS rating?

    And is there an indication of the conservative viewpoint on both Dubya and the Congress... Nope. If you believe the Dems... 75% of the good old USA is on THEIR side of the Issues.


    Our REAL problem is we have 3 people running for President.. a pathological liar, a situational liar, and a 'who knows what he'll do'.

    As to bailing out the financial houses.. I'm generally on the side of 'against'.
    Bear Stearns people think there was a plot to use their balance sheet to take them down, I'm not dismissing that. If that was the case, then there was just and good reason to keep them from shutting doors, which would have led to runs on the OTHER houses.

    BTW, Don.. do you have ANY criticism of Pelosi? At all?
  5. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Yes, I do have criticism of Pelosi. I think poorly of her for the same reason that the population as a whole has low-rated Congress: She and her buddy Harry have not the guts necessary to side with the American people and STOP BACKING DOWN to the president and Administration that has gotten us into this mess. That's why their ratings are down with the president's. The people don't low-rate their policies, just their unwillingness to stick by their guns.

    And, I'd lay some of the blame on the Clintons, but when they left office, we had consecutive budget surpluses, a seriously reduced national debt, a booming economy, and we weren't pouring billions every month into Iraq [not to mention Blackwater and Halliburton].

    So, on the one hand you have a crony-ridden administration that's gotten us into an elective war, destroyed our economic stability, and weakened our position in the world, or you can have a guy who gets a blowjob or two in the White House -- not to mention gasoline at #1.25 a gallon rather than #3.45 a gallon. Tough choice!
  6. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005

    What are you drinking? They've done nothing BUT obstruct where it matters. What is their postiion on colombia? On the side of FARC terrorists.

    'crony-ridden' - Clintons!

    Here's why Don is so angry. He looks at Hillary and Obama... and he's striking back at Dubya. You see Dubya actually DID something. He did some of the WRONG things, he did some RIGHT things the WRONG WAY.. Chelabi, Bremer Powell.
    And make no mistake, Don's NOT very optimistic... liberals never are.

    'that surplus' - largely from shuffled bucks, based on a bubble economy.

    WTF's a blow job got to do with anything? A guy could get off with a censure, but lies about it.

    For you young'uns... the impeachment was not about a BJ... but about lying about it.

    Watergate was not about a dirty-tricks burglary looking to see who the DNC was bribing with prostitutes but LYING about it.

    Oh, wait ... BAD example! Get my meaning?


    Don you're gonna step in it whichever way you turn because Dems have shat everywhere you can walk. And they've given the power, influence, and glory sickness to the rest of the bunch.. that means most Republicans.

    Name ONE principled influential Dem leader since Tip O'Neil. There probably is one... but it's a dim memory aint it. And to be sure we had one Newt Gingrich .. but he was hounded out because of his own shortcomings, which had nothing to do with his political skills but was a good excuse to get things back to graft and corrupt politics as usual.
  7. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    help us obi wan spindoctori; you're our only hope.

    1. The surplus was real
    2. Tax cuts for the wealthy basically wiped the surplus out and replaced it with a deficit as large.
    3. The Iraq war continues to bankrupt us every day.
    4. The admistration's profligate spending extends the tax burden on to the next two generations and piles it on every day.

    Bring up Watergate; try to justify Clinton's impeachment. You do that hoo-doo that you do so well, but -- in the 7 years of the Bush Administrations:
    a. we've replaced a budget surplus with an ENORMOUS deficit
    b. we've invaded a country for no reason
    c. we're bleeding money through graft and incompetence
    d. our military is overcommitted, exhausted, and abused
    e. our wounded veterans are shamefully mistreated
    f. in the meantime, cronies like Blackwater, Halliburton, and the entire oil industry is getting fatter.

    Yeah, all in all; much better than the previous 8 years.
  8. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    I get it... this is about Iraq, and set off by the insurgents' failure and the Iraqi governments' success in Basra and Sadr City.. you're setting the stage for Pelosi's spin.

    The budget surplus wasnt going to last. the 'net bubble ate up a lot of investor money.
    Then the Trillion{s} dollars lost in 9/11 hit a LOT of businesses hard.

    The tax cut 'for the wealthy' encouraged them to try again and shortened the 2000 recession.

    But as Don shows, once a Keynesian, always a Keynesian.

    YOU brought up Clinton's BJ... and I supported Clinton more than I suspect YOU ever supported a Republican.
    I merely pointed out that what Nixon's gang was looking for was evidence of the DNC extorting and rewarding folks with hookers. They KNEW it was happening, they wanted proof.

    Nixon lied about what he knew of the caper, ergo....
  9. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    so you admit that there was a surplus.

    The tax cuts were on the books long before 9/11 and the impact of any .com losses.

    To sum up: Nixon lied
    a. about settiing up slush fund accounts to pay criminals to do criminal acts.
    b. about planning to coverup the expenditure of funds to sponsor criminal acts by criminals.
    c. about using the justice department to cover up the criminal activity.
    He then fired several key administration personnel because they wouldn't follow him in serially breaking the law.

    Clinton, on the other hand:
    a. lied about getting a blow job.

    Yeah; Just like when I was a kid I stole a 5 cent water pistol, and Michael Milken stole millions. No basic difference.

    Yuk yuk yuk; GOP morality. What a larf
  10. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    How 'moral' are the Dems, Don? Sex harassment. lying at will. Corruption abounding. But it's okay.

    That seems to be a recurring theme lately. The Lib/Dems point to 'Family Values'.. and point out they have none, so they cant be blamed.
    Fuckin Hypocrites!

    It's YOUR side that gave a congressman a standing O for packing a Page's Fudge!
  11. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    okay, jerk-wad enough of this crap. Either post the video of whoever "my side" is giving a standing ovation to a congressman BECAUSE he had anal sex with a page as your next post on this thread, or admit that you resort to this unending lying crap because you have no facts on your side.

    and then, once you've done that, explain how all this crap you've posted makes any of what I said about this administration incorrect.

    Your move.
  12. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Well, much as it looks like I couldnt answer that last and simply skulked away... I just now read it.

    In fact the statement on the congressman stands, though the actual facts HAVE been misrepresented elsewhere, near as I can tell:

    Gerry Studds was censured by Congress in the eighties, for an affair with a 17 year old male page. A GOP congressman, Crane, was also censured for the same offense {with a different page}, at the same time {which I did know}.

    Contrary to lore, however, Congress did NOT give him a standing O.... As anyone who knew Tip O'Neill's influence ahould have known.
    It was his constituents, in his next two home appearances. Nor did he turn his back on the Speaker, as the finding was read.

    The one who did that was the GOP Rep, Crane. Though I suppose a case should be made that Crane felt he was facing his 'jury'.
  13. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    * "lore" = serial lying, slander, and libel by right wing TV/radio/blogs

    *** or perhaps he was soliciting them by showing his best side.
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