Graphite Gee-tars

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Mar 17, 2008.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    via LGF {with video}

    Like Rainsong says:

    It projects sound better, has higher treble response and a 'cleaner' sound...I dont really care for it.

    Waiting for Don, on this.
  2. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Well, first of all, if the dude wants to play keyboards, then ... .

    I love your excerptedquote, 'fog. It's absolutely right-on. I've actually played a graphite-composite guitar. It was kind of interesting, and it's something along the lines of what I really need. I'm a flat picker and I do a lot of "different" strumming patterns. If you've checked out the pictures on my website, you'll note that somewhere along the line my Tak grew a pick guard. That's because it has a cedar top, and I was turning it into a Willy Nelson wannabe with all the work it was getting.

    About the graphite-composite. It was okay, but most guitar idiots will tell you that it's really all about how it sounds, how it feels, and how it plays. When I bought my Tak, I played several other, more expensive and -- frankly -- higher quality guitars, but it "felt right" to me. Since then, I've played dozens of guitars and base everything on better or worse than my Tak. With the exception of some seriously fine Santa Cruz guitars [that are worth pretty much anything you get charged for them], I haven't found anything better than the Tak that wouldn't set me back about 2-3 grand more than I paid. The composite guitar is in that group. Not a bad axe, just not my cuppa.
  3. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    That's good... since I never had the digital dexterity to play ANYTHING, I'll just weigh in from the POV: 'I know what I DONT like'.

    And what I DONT like is 'fret-sweep' as the player changes chords. This would make it worse, IMO.

    Also the thing is, 'pure' is NOT always good; the carbon guitar would make 'unplugged' sessions redundant.

    If you prefer vinyl records over CD {which I dont}, seems to me you wouldnt like carbon music, either.

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