Writing a New OS

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by IanHux, Mar 3, 2008.

  1. IanHux

    IanHux New Member

    Jan 27, 2008
    Seattle, WA
    During my many hours of boredom in the absence of homework I have decided to try my hand at the gargantuan task of writing an operating system. I doubt I'll finish it but I have some ideas and have just recently started organizing the structure (hypothetically......) on paper. It should be a fine experience letting my inner geek come out........... until a few months from now sitting under the sweltering sun I wonder what happened to this project that held so much potential.

    If worse comes to worse I guess I'll develop my own version of Linux but I want to write one from scratch. I have found a plethora of resources on the web via google. I even have a hypothetical virus killing method..... The GUI I want to develop will also hopefully be very intuitive and easy to navigate (not to mention beautiful). Yes, I'm psyched about this but will likely lack the attention span to finish this. Anywho..... wish me luck! :banana:
  2. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    I know! you could put it in a self contained molded cabinet, and call it "LISA"!
    ummm BTW.. "project that held so much potential. "
    what potential is that?

    It's a good mind exercise, though. But if you want an 'EXPRESS YOUR GEEK" exercise that actually has some product market value - would enrich the lives of maybe a million people, and no one else seems to care about, I've got one for you.
  3. americanmike

    americanmike Administrator

    Dec 30, 2004
    Best of luck Ian...a monster of a task that is!
  4. IanHux

    IanHux New Member

    Jan 27, 2008
    Seattle, WA
    The potential to give me an archetype for finishing projects, to improve and build upon my own creativity, to finally see what I can achieve. This isn't about revolutionizing anything it is more of a test of mind and commitment. Any other success is a welcome but unneeded prize.
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