Global 'Kool-ing'

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Feb 28, 2008.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    It couldnt happen to a more deserving guy.. Al Gore! And a 'runner up middle finger salute' to the idiots on the Nobel Committee.

    Despite previous claims that solar had less influence than greenhouse gas, guess what. The sun is not cooperating.. and is in a sulk, refusing to start it's scheduled up-cycle. Thus CO2 is still rising, but the last 100 year's global temp climb is wiped out in one year in the greatest annual fall of global temps ever recorded.

    What's that line from the Margarine ad, again... Al? Anyone?

    Heh.. dont start dancing on the AGW graves yet. More evidence is coming in that there's some strange climatics going on.

    Spikes are spikes, statistically, and dont mean a whole lot.. see us in 24 months. Though if it had gone the other way, Gore would be out thumping his drum.

    Antarctic glacier movement is accelerating at an alarming rate.. that means sliding toward the sea. While I REALLY want Gore to claim that relates to AGW, I doubt he will. Because the skids are several kilometers below the surface.

    So... let's take stock.

    1. Atmospheric CO2 is increasing.
    - bet methane is too!

    2. Ocean Currents are changing causing unusual arctic ice melts, and snow in places where no one has seen it before.

    3. Antarctic glacier slide - there's a survey team out there now doing drilling to find out what's going on deep down there.
    My Bet on what they find: Increasing temp at earth's mantle. Now refer to (1) and (2)

    Think deep ocean magma venting
  2. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    according to whom? You forgot to put in the link.
  3. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
  4. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    thanks, I'll check them out.
  5. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    and BTW... According to ME!

    Recall all those many months ago, I told you that Temp leading CO2 didnt make sense? Gore tried to convince you...he said it 'was complicated'.

    You CANNOT hook a chain to a wagon to PUSH IT!

    {And there's a special place in hell, I hope, for those syphilitic cretins who put up bogus graphs to show CO2 leading.}
  6. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Two points.

    1. In 1993 we had a record rainfall for the month of May. That was nice, but it didn't end the drought we'd been suffering through for about 15 years. So one year with reduced temperatures doesn't mean that the 100+year cycle of global warming has ended.

    [speaking of which]

    2. Isn't it a little intellectually dishonest to challenge those charts and then use them to prove a point? Just asking.
  7. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Look, sorry I am evidently NOT crystal clear, I dont have a 'meme' to throw out here:

    My point: I SAID That downward spike DOES NOT counter 'global warming' as such. It DOES however go a long way to counter the 'greenhouse effect' as a significant cause. If AGW- Greenhouse was a major factor, that spike could not have been anywhere near as steep... now go look at what I said about ocean current and the possible cause of them changing.. which may be occurring in the ocean trenches.

    As you say, one year does not make a trend.. note I said watch for two years more.

    SUMMARY: This in my opinion shows that Solar has greater and greenhousing LESSER effect than Gore and his chimps say.

    Couple that with change of Arctic currents (which BTW pass over the Mariannas Trench, where there seem to be some deep seismic activity going on) AND what happened to the Nino/nina cycles we had been having so much trouble with?

    Intellectually dishonest?
    The chart I was referring to, the same as Gore had said looked funny because 'positive feedback is complicated' on CO2 and Global temps in other threads had been recently changed and obfuscated by, I suspect, an AGW advocate because it showed CO2 leading the temps.

    Which is in effect lying for your cause and I want the guy to 'burn in hell.' Well, maybe his willy to rot off.
  8. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    not for nothing, but what usually passes for passion in your posts is getting kind of hysterical and nasty. I've spent my whole life holding positions that 90% of the people I know disagree with and I hardly ever make it personal. You, on the other hand, have the majority of white male America on your side on just about everything you hold dear, but stamp your little foot and squawk anytime anyone disagrees with you on anything.

    Time to go decaf, dude.
  9. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    Guy wrote a letter to the editor in the Pioneer Press a couple weeks ago, called it "Gorebal Warming". Thought that was pretty good. Global Warming is one of the major issues I fimrly side with Republicans on. Though it looks like there is no difference between McCain and Obama on it.

    I'm slowly picking my way through Cool It by Bjorn Lomborg aka the guy who wrote The Skeptical Environmentalist. I'm not on board with all the connections he's making but he does make some damning points. Best one so far about the Polar Bear extinction claims.

    Hate to go all Paulite here but I think anytime there’s a mass effort to scare the living shit out of you the individual decision maker you best be skeptical. Whether they are trying to start a war or force Kyoto down your throat it’s always worth taking a second look.
  10. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    I dont FREAKIN KNOW how I could take any more solid MIDDLE GROUND, Don!

    Everyone says you cant be a passionate 'Middle Grounder', but I always thought you could, though you would end up being attacked by both ends of the political circle.
    What I'm SICK of is so-called Science Professionals lining up on the gravy-train as if they never had a course in whole-state analytics.

    Skepticism is a god-given right! Ie; 'Free Will'
    But it works both ways, you aint allowed to pick and choose what you call 'alarmist'.

    Anecdotal evidence MEANS SOMETHING over time. Can we agree on that?

    * You know whose qualified statements I'm going to believe? Those who stand to LOSE by making them. In the Climate Sciences, That's academics and NGO grant holders.

    Anyone who wanted grants a few years ago could line up and show their grant apps for 'research to prove'. Good thing that is going away, maybe we'll get some REAL science.
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