Has a certain someone never had banana daiquiris? Then, there are those of us who DO need a banana a day to keep the doctor away (leg cramps). The Beatles may not have recorded for Banana, but the Rutles did! :banana: :banana: :banana: Personally, I prefer the Big Apple, but that's just me . . .
I have formally suggested to my fellow band members that we change our name from "The Tim and Bob Show" to "Dancing Banana Referendum." This suggestion has not been received gracefully. Don [of The Tim and Bob Show]
@ jmh- That's the best banana yet! Although I am partial to Peanut Butter Jelly Time... I had to look up the "Badger Dance"- dearie me: http://www.badgerbadgerbadger.com/ HatterDon- if you go to that link, make sure you are alone or with folks who appreciate random bits of funny! @GBFC- Those dancing apples are HOT!
Re: RE: The dancing banana referendum Look at the little guy go...thats the kind of stamina we needed at Bristol last Tuesday...I just don't wanna be near that banana when he's finsihed. I think we all know what the next poll question is going to be...... :banana: