Fulham vs Arsenal [R]

Discussion in 'Fulham FC News and Notes' started by timmyg, Jan 17, 2008.

  1. timmyg

    timmyg Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2006
    Holy crap its Thursday and we're just now starting this post?? Mamma mia!

    Either everyone is dreading this match (check), too busy with transfer rumors (check), or depressed like ChiTom (check) to get up for it. Well, here it is.

    Omz and Booze are still injured, and as of yet we dont have another striker besides Healy, so Roy will probably put out the same lineup as the West Ham match. Yes, that means more Baird.

    Oh I'm sorry, in the middle of writing this Fulham just got the (future flop) King, so Fulham now have TWO strikers now! Yay!

    A draw would be ideal, but it will most likely be another depressing Saturday.

    [PS - What does the "[R]" signify?]
  2. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    The [R] warns people who're watching the match tape delayed NOT to read the post, since it may contain the final score and all the sobbing.

    I see speculation that Jimmy the Bull may start. If that's the case, I'm all for a midfield of Volz, Bullard, Davies, and Dempsey behind a strike pair of Healy and King.

    Then we put Christanval and Boca in the centre of the D [our best CB pairing in the last two seasons for my money], and away we go.

    Sorry, no place in the linup for Eddie Johnson, Brad Guzan, or that 9' 16" CB from Partizan Buenos Aires.

    Oh, and we're gonna win this fekker!
  3. bearzfan4lfe

    bearzfan4lfe New Member

    Jan 2, 2008
    DeKalb, IL
    We will see...so far this season everything you would have expected to happen hasn't. We did well until late at the Emirates...buuuuuut after that Arsenal proceeded to pound us and the rest of the Premier League like we were an MLS side.

    None-the-less I would be happy with a draw and might piss myself if we win. For some reason, and I know it might get me committed, I think we may pull it off this Saturday. Either way I will be upset with a loss, we need a win and why not start Saturday?...oh yeah I hate Fabregas and Adebayour and Eboue and especially Sagna with that hair...now I'm just ranting but I really hate Arsenal...

    Okay, well Saturday will be a good day of soccer regardless of what happens as our Whites play in the morning followed my me drinking all afternoon and watching the Red White and Blue take on Sveeeden.
  4. jmh

    jmh New Member

    Jul 2, 2006
    Brooklyn, NY
    Four naturally right-sided players in the midfield. Interesting.

    Don't suppose there's any chance Lee Cook is ready to go?
  5. SoCalJoe

    SoCalJoe Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2006
    Walnut, CA
    Trying to avoid predicting a 1-3 thrashing, but with Konch out (accumulation of cards), 2 other defenders hurt, PC not quite ready (yes he is still w/the team), kinda of hard to be optimistic (check).

    I say let's see the young Aussie (Leijer) in the back, what better way to see what the kid's got then in this one.

    The bright spots, its a London Derby, the Cottage will be a rocking, the lads will be up for it, and some of the best home matches the last view years have come v the Gooners.
  6. bearzfan4lfe

    bearzfan4lfe New Member

    Jan 2, 2008
    DeKalb, IL
    Oooookay so now that we have King we must be guaranteed three points!!! Okay that may be overly optomistic but why not??? We are saved from relegation and are going to prove it this week...

    I know I just posted but since then I have become over confident as I noticed the average for the 18th place prem team over the past four years was 34.75 points...meaning that in the next 16 games alls we need is 20 points...oh boy am I excited...

    We still have Arsenal, Man U, and Liverstool at the cottage so there is 9 guaranteed points...now alls we have to do is find 11 more points somwhere...I think King can find those for us...

    And I was here for it...WE are ALL here for it...and it starts Saturday!!!!!

    (I am completely serious)...mwah ha ha ha...mwAH HA HA HA....mmmmmmmmmmmmwahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
  7. jmh

    jmh New Member

    Jul 2, 2006
    Brooklyn, NY
    6 points out of those matches last year. You never know. 8)
  8. omsdogg

    omsdogg New Member

    Aug 1, 2006
    Salt Lake City, Utah
    i say we play a 0-0-10 formation...all out attack!!!!!
  9. bearzfan4lfe

    bearzfan4lfe New Member

    Jan 2, 2008
    DeKalb, IL
    YES!!!!!! See thats the kind of revolutionary thinking we need on this site!!!
  10. SoCalJoe

    SoCalJoe Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2006
    Walnut, CA
    Some may argue we've been playing w/zero players in the back for a more than few matches this season.
  11. andypalmer

    andypalmer Active Member

    Jun 4, 2007
    Baltimore, MD

    Bench: Leijer, [goalie], Bullard, King, Smertin

    I don't see RH Starting Bullard yet, wanting to ease him a bit more into things, nor do I see him starting King without sufficient team training sessions. However, I see both of them coming on as subs in the second half. Leijer and Smertin are there for injury coverage.

    (no, I don't like Davies on the left, either, but it will take another weak before we can pull Dempsey back there and a bit more time than that before Cook will be ready)
  12. omsdogg

    omsdogg New Member

    Aug 1, 2006
    Salt Lake City, Utah

  13. DCDare1

    DCDare1 New Member

    Jul 24, 2007
    I like this idea...especially if the result is increased midfield possession and increased quality runs at goal...(and a Fulham win, of course).
  14. DawgTheDon

    DawgTheDon New Member

    Mar 26, 2007
    Saint Joseph, Mi
    Hell I'm excited about Saturday. I think we can pick up a point, possibly even sneak a victory. I didn't have a good feeling versus West Ham last week but for whatever reason, I have renewed confidence this week.
  15. Jacob

    Jacob New Member

    Dec 3, 2005
    Dacula Ga/ Destin FL
    I laughed. :D
  16. nevzter

    nevzter Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2007
    A City by a Bay
    SoCalJoe wrote:
    Some may argue we've been playing w/zero players in the back for a more than few matches this season.

    I laughed.

    Brilliant. I laughed too.
  17. Fulhamburger

    Fulhamburger New Member

    May 11, 2007
    Simon Davies is officially my favorite player. He will score 6 times but we will still lose by 9.
  18. quickdraw

    quickdraw New Member

    May 18, 2007
    No clue on the line-up, so I am not even going to try to guess. I'm still not caught up on all the injuries and suspensions.

    But I think King SHOULD start. Nothing like fresh new blood up front to get things going.

    I'm going with my same prediction from the entire season. 2 - 1, us winning. I believe every damn game that we can win. We have the flippin' talent. They just have to gel together. The long ball crap under LS killed us. Let's hope our midfielders can still play the passing game and rack up some points.
  19. DawgTheDon

    DawgTheDon New Member

    Mar 26, 2007
    Saint Joseph, Mi
    Keep in mind though that King hasn't signed yet. The transfer fee has been agreed upon but I don't think he's actually signed with us yet. My hope is, we get him signed in time to play Bristol tuesday. That will be a great way to get him use to the players around him before the next premier match.
  20. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    Its like we haven't even been Fulhamish this year we've just been awful so I can't even go to that to justify any optimism I might have.

    I'll be 3-1 to the Arsenal.
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