Christmas Stories

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Clevelandmo, Dec 24, 2007.

  1. Clevelandmo

    Clevelandmo Active Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    Lets hear your best and true Christmas stories/memories ... here is mine

    One Christmas my father said that we could not get a Christmas tree. Well this was a severe blow, even more severe than getting no presents. One of my brothers decided that this was unacceptable. He stormed out of the house. About an hour later he came back with the most perfect Christmas tree. My dad was asleep so we brought it inside, set it up and decorated it. It was perfect.

    As it turned out my brother went to one of the nicest houses he knew of - the owner of the local newpaper - and chopped down a tree from their back lot. He dragged it over a mile in the snow to our house. A few days later this theft was reported in the vandalism section of the newspaper. My brother cut the report out of the paper and still carries it in his wallet today. A crime, yes, but to me he saved Christmas that year.
  2. SteveM19

    SteveM19 New Member

    Sep 30, 2007
    Cleveland OH
    The best gift I ever received was the Bruce Springsteen box set in 1986, 5 vinyl LPs (wow, that was a long time ago) of the finest music ever recorded. I was a big Springsteen fan and I still like him as much today in my late 30s as I did when I was 15.

    The best memory I ever had I posted in another thread -- coming back over the border from Iraq into Kuwait. My unit crossed the line 4 years ago today, Christmas Eve 2003. There was a Christmas tree in the mess tent and I went to a midnight mass with the chaplain who gave the service and a few other people in attendance.
  3. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    on another note, Christmas Eve 1976 was my last as a "single" man -- well, between marriages anyhow. The soon to be HatterMom was in Socal with her family, and I was in a house I was trying desperately to unload. Around 8 o'clock my across-the-street neighbor knocked on the door with a tool kit and a full bottle of Johnny Walker Red. What I didn't see behind him was several large boxes. Seems he was giving his four kids a bicycle each for the holidays and needed my help in assembling them. [The sound you hear is my two brothers laughing at the sight of me weilding a screwdriver or pair of pliers.]

    Anyhow, with each bike more of the whisky disappeared until finally the process became simpler and quicker. The last bike barely took 10 minutes to put together. Despite my neighbor's best efforts, I resisted the temptation to finish the bottle. He wished me Merry Christmas and left, and I decided that the living room floor was the perfect spot to wait for Santa to arrive.

    When I awoke there on Christmas morning, I heard a large commotion outside. To my relief, it was the sounds of happy children riding their brand new bikes, and NOT the sounds of an endless relay of EMS vehicles.

    Later that night, I picked up HM at SA airport. Boxing Day was quite nice, thank you very much.
  4. Clevelandmo

    Clevelandmo Active Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    That is a great Christmas memory rcl19, I cant even imagine what that was like.

    Liked yours too Don, but I'm glad you got married. Sounds like the single life was going to do you in.
  5. Martin-in-Nashville

    Martin-in-Nashville New Member

    Feb 2, 2005
    Smyrna TN
    Best Christmas Story I have is, I saw an advertisment by the local rotary club back in the UK to have Santa come visit your child at your house on Christmas day, well I made the arrangements and never told anyone what I had done, I left a couple of parcels on the doorstep for santa to knock and say that he had forgotten to leave them and was coming back around to drop them off, well by 2pm santa hadn't arrived and I was beginning to think that he wouldn't, shortly after 2pm a car pulled up down the street away from the house and out fell Santa, alone and very drunk, I guess visiting several houses before, he had, had a couple too many, well he knocked on the door and just about fell into the house where of course my 7 year old son was very excited, I didnt offer Santa another drink and several minutes later he left, everyone thought it was a great surprise but I was wondering if Santa ever did finish he's rounds that Christmas day?
  6. Clevelandmo

    Clevelandmo Active Member

    Sep 13, 2007

    LOL drunk santas are the best
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